Who’s struggling?

Thank you lovely GPF folk. Pleased to report that my PCR was negative so it's full steam ahead with the surgery. My husband has had full training on how to look after the piggies...let's see if he can live up to their demanding standards 😂
Thank you lovely GPF folk. Pleased to report that my PCR was negative so it's full steam ahead with the surgery. My husband has had full training on how to look after the piggies...let's see if he can live up to their demanding standards 😂
That’s great news. I’m sure your husband will do a grand job looking after the piggies and you. 😃
A little bit of nice news. I took mum to the hairdressers for the first time. She has been refusing to let my dad wash her hair recently (dementia). She didn’t really like it and couldn’t lay back on the chair to get it washed so had to stand over the sink. But we got there in the end. She looked lovely afterwards and it took the pressure off dad. 😃
Thank you lovely GPF folk. Pleased to report that my PCR was negative so it's full steam ahead with the surgery. My husband has had full training on how to look after the piggies...let's see if he can live up to their demanding standards 😂
Good luck with the surgery!hope you feel better soon! I'm sure tye pigs will be well looked after xx
Will admit I’ve been struggling a bit the last week or so, why I’ve been hiding with the beasts. Jasper and me both have another lump, so in six months 5 lumps between me, him and Luigi! 🤦‍♀️ My breast again, the other one this time 🙄
Cleo on and off poorly, dealing with all this water leak rubbish for months (but been leaking since 2016 going by my bills!), stuff in family and then washing machine flooded my kitchen on Thursday so that fun all day and put my back out! Been a fun week! :xd:
But feeling a bit better today, trying to snap myself out of it and deal with stuff so lots of phone calls today and feel like I can talk to people to sort stuff. Silly to hide and stress but got a bit overloaded.
Thanks for this thread so I can get it out a bit! :)
@alpacasqueak Sorry to hear you've been having a tough week. Sometimes it does feel like it all happens at once doesn't it? Glad you've been able to get to a better place today though and I hope things turn themselves around for you.
@alpacasqueak Sorry to hear you've been having a tough week. Sometimes it does feel like it all happens at once doesn't it? Glad you've been able to get to a better place today though and I hope things turn themselves around for you.
Thanks so much, yes definitely felt like one of those ‘test your sanity’ weeks, not sure I handle it great sometimes though! But I know I need to sort things so I can’t hide and hope they’ll go away forever!
It’s good I’ve got the pigs, they’re good at snapping me out of it with someone needing a vet trip! Or two! :))
Will admit I’ve been struggling a bit the last week or so, why I’ve been hiding with the beasts. Jasper and me both have another lump, so in six months 5 lumps between me, him and Luigi! 🤦‍♀️ My breast again, the other one this time 🙄
Cleo on and off poorly, dealing with all this water leak rubbish for months (but been leaking since 2016 going by my bills!), stuff in family and then washing machine flooded my kitchen on Thursday so that fun all day and put my back out! Been a fun week! :xd:
But feeling a bit better today, trying to snap myself out of it and deal with stuff so lots of phone calls today and feel like I can talk to people to sort stuff. Silly to hide and stress but got a bit overloaded.
Thanks for this thread so I can get it out a bit! :)

That’s a lot to be dealing with all at once. I don’t blame you for trying to hide for a bit. I’m pleased you have gotten some of it sorted. Good luck with the lumps. I had to have a lump removed a few years ago as the biopsy was inconclusive. The most awful time. But was all ok in the end. Phew. Well done for getting it checked out. Take care. ❤️
That’s a lot to be dealing with all at once. I don’t blame you for trying to hide for a bit. I’m pleased you have gotten some of it sorted. Good luck with the lumps. I had to have a lump removed a few years ago as the biopsy was inconclusive. The most awful time. But was all ok in the end. Phew. Well done for getting it checked out. Take care. ❤️
My family and friends must think I’m mad that I disappear and don’t answer calls and only send the odd text but just need to sort my wonky head out sometimes so I’d rather just be with my bubs! 🙈
So glad your lump was nothing to worry about in the end, not nice with the stress before though I’m sure. The one I had in August was a 5cm cyst but this is different, will sort that when I’ve sorted the piggies vet appts! And hopefully find out very soon when I’ll be getting my leak sorted to be able to squeeze everything in, as it’s going to be a nightmare with where they need to dig up!
Thanks a lot 😊
My family and friends must think I’m mad that I disappear and don’t answer calls and only send the odd text but just need to sort my wonky head out sometimes so I’d rather just be with my bubs! 🙈
So glad your lump was nothing to worry about in the end, not nice with the stress before though I’m sure. The one I had in August was a 5cm cyst but this is different, will sort that when I’ve sorted the piggies vet appts! And hopefully find out very soon when I’ll be getting my leak sorted to be able to squeeze everything in, as it’s going to be a nightmare with where they need to dig up!
Thanks a lot 😊

Yeah I had cysts too. But this one was “different”. We always think the worst but there’s lots of other things it can be. Get it checked soon. 🤞
Thank you lovely GPF folk. Pleased to report that my PCR was negative so it's full steam ahead with the surgery. My husband has had full training on how to look after the piggies...let's see if he can live up to their demanding standards 😂
Hope all goes well with the surgery.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Will admit I’ve been struggling a bit the last week or so, why I’ve been hiding with the beasts. Jasper and me both have another lump, so in six months 5 lumps between me, him and Luigi! 🤦‍♀️ My breast again, the other one this time 🙄
Cleo on and off poorly, dealing with all this water leak rubbish for months (but been leaking since 2016 going by my bills!), stuff in family and then washing machine flooded my kitchen on Thursday so that fun all day and put my back out! Been a fun week! :xd:
But feeling a bit better today, trying to snap myself out of it and deal with stuff so lots of phone calls today and feel like I can talk to people to sort stuff. Silly to hide and stress but got a bit overloaded.
Thanks for this thread so I can get it out a bit! :)
Hugs 🤗 and more hugs 🤗
@weepweeps I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I can't imagine how hard that is for you and your family. Sending so much love.

I come to this thread as I'm unbearably sad. Me and my family found our yesterday that my lovely Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer and is going to be on palliative care. He'd been poorly the last few weeks but none of us expected this and I'm just absolutely devasted.

Sorry to bring the heavy to this forum but everyone is always so lovely on here.
@weepweeps I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I can't imagine how hard that is for you and your family. Sending so much love.

I come to this thread as I'm unbearably sad. Me and my family found our yesterday that my lovely Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer and is going to be on palliative care. He'd been poorly the last few weeks but none of us expected this and I'm just absolutely devasted.

Sorry to bring the heavy to this forum but everyone is always so lovely on here.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad :( What a nasty shock for you and your family x
@weepweeps I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I can't imagine how hard that is for you and your family. Sending so much love.

I come to this thread as I'm unbearably sad. Me and my family found our yesterday that my lovely Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer and is going to be on palliative care. He'd been poorly the last few weeks but none of us expected this and I'm just absolutely devasted.

Sorry to bring the heavy to this forum but everyone is always so lovely on here.
I know how you feel, my Dad told us 16 years ago that he had bowel cancer and I was in shock for a few days. He was always positive and thought he was going to beat it, unfortunately he lost his battle not long after he told us. Its just completely awful and devastating news. Make lots of memories with your Dad and have lots of cuddles and tell him how much you love him.
@weepweeps I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I can't imagine how hard that is for you and your family. Sending so much love.

I come to this thread as I'm unbearably sad. Me and my family found our yesterday that my lovely Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer and is going to be on palliative care. He'd been poorly the last few weeks but none of us expected this and I'm just absolutely devasted.

Sorry to bring the heavy to this forum but everyone is always so lovely on here.

Oh I’m so sorry. I can’t image how you, your lovely dad and your family must be feeling. Such an awful shock. Palliative care doesn’t always mean the end is near does it? I really hope your dad has lots more time with you all. Take care. ❤️
I’m so sorry @CinnamonSmokey121, what sad news for you all. I really hope you’ve got lots more time with your dad ❤️
I lost my very close uncle a few years ago to terminal prostate cancer, his had spread to his bowel and lungs too by the time he was diagnosed so palliative too. He only went to the doctors for ongoing back pain, so a big shock to us too!
We still had nearly 18months with him, in that time he got married and spent lots of time doing things he always wanted to, he amazed me with how positive he was ❤️
Sending massive hugs and really hope you and your family are ok x
Will admit I’ve been struggling a bit the last week or so, why I’ve been hiding with the beasts. Jasper and me both have another lump, so in six months 5 lumps between me, him and Luigi! 🤦‍♀️ My breast again, the other one this time 🙄
Cleo on and off poorly, dealing with all this water leak rubbish for months (but been leaking since 2016 going by my bills!), stuff in family and then washing machine flooded my kitchen on Thursday so that fun all day and put my back out! Been a fun week! :xd:
But feeling a bit better today, trying to snap myself out of it and deal with stuff so lots of phone calls today and feel like I can talk to people to sort stuff. Silly to hide and stress but got a bit overloaded.
Thanks for this thread so I can get it out a bit! :)
Lots of hugs! That is a lot to deal with at once and I don’t blame you one bit for you hiding with the beasts :) hope this week is a better one for you xx
@weepweeps I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I can't imagine how hard that is for you and your family. Sending so much love.

I come to this thread as I'm unbearably sad. Me and my family found our yesterday that my lovely Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer and is going to be on palliative care. He'd been poorly the last few weeks but none of us expected this and I'm just absolutely devasted.

Sorry to bring the heavy to this forum but everyone is always so lovely on here.
I’m so sorry :( such awful news, big big hugs xx
Thank you lovely GPF folk. Pleased to report that my PCR was negative so it's full steam ahead with the surgery. My husband has had full training on how to look after the piggies...let's see if he can live up to their demanding standards 😂
Sending you all good wishes and positive vibes for your surgery.
Will admit I’ve been struggling a bit the last week or so, why I’ve been hiding with the beasts. Jasper and me both have another lump, so in six months 5 lumps between me, him and Luigi! 🤦‍♀️ My breast again, the other one this time 🙄
Cleo on and off poorly, dealing with all this water leak rubbish for months (but been leaking since 2016 going by my bills!), stuff in family and then washing machine flooded my kitchen on Thursday so that fun all day and put my back out! Been a fun week! :xd:
But feeling a bit better today, trying to snap myself out of it and deal with stuff so lots of phone calls today and feel like I can talk to people to sort stuff. Silly to hide and stress but got a bit overloaded.
Thanks for this thread so I can get it out a bit! :)
Sorry that you are having such a tough time recently. Big hugs x