Who’s struggling?

I have struggled with anxiety for months and months this year. Hoping I would snap out of it if I just tried that little bit harder. It’s so exhausting. Finally in October I found the courage to call the doctors for help. She put me on some medication and I’m feeling much better. It’s not shameful to admit you need help.
I'm glad you found the courage to ask for help. I'm on medication for my depression and anxiety and it doesn't seem to be working. But I am finally losing the weight that I gained thanks to my meds so am reluctant to change them plus I can't deal with the side effects from changing meds
I'm feeling fed up with my mental health and funny turns / non epileptic seizures. I feel ill most days and just can't seem to shift it. I am feeling myself spiralling downwards again.

My husband is embarrassed by me and feels that I spend too much time worrying about having a funny turn / seizure which is true but I can't help it.

We had friends staying for New Year (a huge thank you to those who have supported me on the rant thread these last couple of days) and my husband said I have embarrassed him with my actions. I generally don't know what I have done wrong but he says I barely spoke to them. I did speak to them but I found it hard having them here and I didn't feel my best. I feel so ashamed :(

Oh Claire I feel for you. It must be so hard to have an illness which isn’t widely talked about and your loved ones aren’t that supportive. Which then I imagine makes you more stressed. I’m assuming you are on medication for it? Is it the right strength. Do you think a frank, honest chat with a doctor would help. Or a counsellor. You’ve probably tried all of this already. Maybe a frank chat with your husband too. But I imagine that would be a very hard conversation. You haven’t embarrassed yourself and you should not feel ashamed. Take care. ❤️
Agree with your idea.

It’s difficult wishing for a HNY knowing that my mum (currently is hospital) is very unlikely to still be with us by the end of the year. Couldn’t visit at Christmas as eldest son had covid. Hoping to go with the teenagers tomorrow for a couple of nights before school restsrts but worried about Crumble’s bloat and leaving my wife without a car if there’s an emergency. On the other hand there are other things to look forward to but rather overshadowed.
Agree with your idea.

It’s difficult wishing for a HNY knowing that my mum (currently is hospital) is very unlikely to still be with us by the end of the year. Couldn’t visit at Christmas as eldest son had covid. Hoping to go with the teenagers tomorrow for a couple of nights before school restsrts but worried about Crumble’s bloat and leaving my wife without a car if there’s an emergency. On the other hand there are other things to look forward to but rather overshadowed.

I’m so sorry your mum is in hospital and you couldn’t visit her. That must be really hard. I’d hate that. I hope you do manage to see her soon. Lovely to take your children too. I’m thinking that this may be my mums last year too. Sometimes I hope it will be as she doesn’t really have a quality of life. 😢. I feel bad thinking that. But it’s how I feel. Try to think of the positive things to look forward to this year. ❤️
Oh Claire I feel for you. It must be so hard to have an illness which isn’t widely talked about and your loved ones aren’t that supportive. Which then I imagine makes you more stressed. I’m assuming you are on medication for it? Is it the right strength. Do you think a frank, honest chat with a doctor would help. Or a counsellor. You’ve probably tried all of this already. Maybe a frank chat with your husband too. But I imagine that would be a very hard conversation. You haven’t embarrassed yourself and you should not feel ashamed. Take care. ❤️
Thank you. I have had counselling in the past, seen therapists and many doctors and none of it has helped. I have such complex health conditions and I get no support from my husband or his family. I am already on the highest dose of medication.

We are in a whatsapp group with my mother in law, father in law, sister in law, brother in law and niece. They all text the whatsapp group last night to wish HIM a happy new year yet not me which hasn't helped my mood at all. However, I'm probably just being over sensitive x
Thank you. I have had counselling in the past, seen therapists and many doctors and none of it has helped. I have such complex health conditions and I get no support from my husband or his family. I am already on the highest dose of medication.

We are in a whatsapp group with my mother in law, father in law, sister in law, brother in law and niece. They all text the whatsapp group last night to wish HIM a happy new year yet not me which hasn't helped my mood at all. However, I'm probably just being over sensitive x

Families can be so insensitive sometimes. I hope your family are more considerate? Maybe ask the doctor if there are any more options available to you. You could carry on going to talking therapy. Just because you are ill doesn’t mean people can treat you badly.
So sorry to hear about everyone's struggles.

I am massively struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment, I am on medication but it doesn't seem to help much. The recent loss of my piggie has hit me hard and the last few years have been pretty rubbish in general. I just feel like I have nothing to look forward to at the moment.
Families can be so insensitive sometimes. I hope your family are more considerate? Maybe ask the doctor if there are any more options available to you. You could carry on going to talking therapy. Just because you are ill doesn’t mean people can treat you badly.
Thank you. Yes, my family are more considerate but even they get annoyed with me at times :( My doctor won't change my meds without referring me to the psychiatrist but I may speak with her about it x
So sorry to hear about everyone's struggles.

I am massively struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment, I am on medication but it doesn't seem to help much. The recent loss of my piggie has hit me hard and the last few years have been pretty rubbish in general. I just feel like I have nothing to look forward to at the moment.

I’m sorry you are struggling with anxiety and depression Have you tried mindfulness. My doctors surgery ran a 6 week course and it did help me. Maybe ask them about that and also have a chat to see if your medication is the right one or strength. Losing a pet can knock your mental health hard if you are already struggling. I lost my 16.5 year old Border Terrier Eddie in November. That was really hard. Good luck.
I'm feeling fed up with my mental health and funny turns / non epileptic seizures. I feel ill most days and just can't seem to shift it. I am feeling myself spiralling downwards again.

My husband is embarrassed by me and feels that I spend too much time worrying about having a funny turn / seizure which is true but I can't help it.

We had friends staying for New Year (a huge thank you to those who have supported me on the rant thread these last couple of days) and my husband said I have embarrassed him with my actions. I generally don't know what I have done wrong but he says I barely spoke to them. I did speak to them but I found it hard having them here and I didn't feel my best. I feel so ashamed :(
I’m sorry that your family aren’t as supportive as they could be. It can be difficult for others to adjust too or know what to do at times. Maybe they could get some help with how best they can help and also with how to talk through things with you and your family and friends. Please never feel ashamed. Most people will be sympathetic but don’t know how to act or what to say.
I'm feeling fed up with my mental health and funny turns / non epileptic seizures. I feel ill most days and just can't seem to shift it. I am feeling myself spiralling downwards again.

My husband is embarrassed by me and feels that I spend too much time worrying about having a funny turn / seizure which is true but I can't help it.

We had friends staying for New Year (a huge thank you to those who have supported me on the rant thread these last couple of days) and my husband said I have embarrassed him with my actions. I generally don't know what I have done wrong but he says I barely spoke to them. I did speak to them but I found it hard having them here and I didn't feel my best. I feel so ashamed :(
You shouldn’t feel ashamed of anything Claire. I worry a lot too which is why I hardly leave the house these days (apart from to vets or to buy veg!), but I think when you have seizures it’s hard not to. I’ve hurt myself so many times and done such embarrassing things, I’m always apologising afterwards but it’s not my fault just like it’s not yours :hug:
Can definitely understand it getting you down though, my depression is so bad at the moment I’m wondering if that adds to me so knackered atm too. Sending huge wonky brained hugs xx
Posts like these show why it's so important to always be kind to each other and be kind to ourselves. Life is really hard sometimes and you never know what someone else is facing behind the scenes.

So many of us have already replied to this thread with our struggles and it's really uplifting to see all the support.
Reading through this thread makes me feel that we are like a family - a rarity in social media.
We’re all different but try to care for, encourage and support each other.
Goes to prove that while you can’t choose your family you can choose your friends and we aim to be the friends who walk alongside each other in the dark times.
Sending hugs to everyone who is feeling down.
My sympathy to everyone who has a loved one struggling with dementia. Several members of my family have had this in the past. It's hard to witness the slow decline of someone you love.
I agree with @Betsy give your loved ones a hug and let them know how much you care about them. I used to visit my Mum once a month as it was an 80 mile round trip. The last time I saw her was the end of January 2020, what a year that was! We locked down in March so we couldn't visit her, she had a bad fall in April and was in hospital, we weren't allowed to visit. She went into a home, again we weren't allowed to visit, we couldn't even wave from outside as there were no suitable downstairs windows. I couldn't telephone her as she had forgotten how to use her mobile and the staff couldn't get her wheel chair into the small office. I spoke to her once in May when a staff member called me on her mobile for her. Mum died in at the end of January 2021. It's been hard to come to terms with the way things happened, I've found it difficult to forgive myself for not being more forceful about the home finding a way for her to at least speak to me on the phone. I spent most of last year depressed feeling I'd let Mum down because I'd spent the last 6 weeks of Dad's life with him, we had time to put the world to rights!
I have suffered with anxiety and depression on and off for most of my life but I am finding more peace within myself at the moment. The forum has been a huge support to me over the years, this thread is a wonderful idea.
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.

I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I hope you aren't kept waiting too long for the next steps. It's understandable not to feel like yourself and it's ok to feel like that too
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.
Sending you hugs, I am so sorry you are having to wait froe treatment. Many years go I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I remember that feeling of limbo and lack of control, the waiting to hear when surgery is going to happen is the worst. One night I took my frustration out on the ivy on our boundary wall at about 2am, completely striped the wall clean! I hope you don't have to wait too long for news.
Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗

I’m so sorry that you are dealing with your Mum’s dementia. It’s dreadful seeing the people you love slipping away from you little by little. It’s natural to feel sad especially at this time of year when such an emphasis is made on being cheerful, together and making new memories. Hugs x
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.
Well, I’m not at all surprised that you don’t feel like yourself at the moment. What a shock for you to be given the diagnosis and then be to be left in limbo awaiting the treatment. It’s great news that your prognosis is so good - well done for going for your smears when called - but it’s still a big operation to be undergoing. Huge hugs x
I’m so sorry that you are dealing with your Mum’s dementia. It’s dreadful seeing the people you love slipping away from you little by little. It’s natural to feel sad especially at this time of year when such an emphasis is made on being cheerful, together and making new memories. Hugs x

Thank you. ❤️
I’m so sorry you’re having to go through it all @weepweeps, dementia is so cruel. Sending lots of love from us to you and your family :hug:
And to everyone else having a hard time or needing a hug at the moment ❤️:hug:

It’s been a bit of a rubbish month for me. Lots of seizures and just feeling utterly exhausted so in bed all the time. I’m also having a flare up with my stomach so spent all week throwing up/feeling nauseous. Lost half a stone in a week 🤦‍♀️ Felt much better on Thursday but then yesterday yet another seizure and missed my sisters bday/new year celebrations.
I just feel like things have got on top of me a bit recently, housework neglected etc because I’ve hardly got any energy and that obviously goes on my cages and tank cleans and then I’m ready for a sleep again and I don’t seem to do much else atm!
But no seizures today and you guys have cheered me up loads with your loveliness and Gigi’s award so thanks so much :) x

Big hugs. Hoping things settle down for you x
My Mother died almost three years ago and I miss her so much. I was her carer for the last two and a half years of her life which was sweet at times and utterly shattering at others. Anxiety has played a big part in my life since she died.

Having the guinea pigs (and rabbits, dogs, hamster and mouse) has been very very helpful. This forum is great.
I’m completely understanding this. My Dad rapidly deteriorated between Christmas and New Year 3 years ago and we are coming up to both his birthday and the anniversary of his death this week. It can feel overwhelmingly sad at a time when everyone else is celebrating. It’s that classic thing of life going on around you as normal irrespective of what is going on in your life. I’m desperate just to hold it all together and get through this week by keeping busy. Huge hugs.
I have struggled with anxiety for months and months this year. Hoping I would snap out of it if I just tried that little bit harder. It’s so exhausting. Finally in October I found the courage to call the doctors for help. She put me on some medication and I’m feeling much better. It’s not shameful to admit you need help.
There is absolutely no shame in needing help. I am the first to admit that. I had crippling anxiety and a breakdown in January of 2021. My GP was wonderful, explained that if I had a physical illness I would not hesitate to accept treatment, so I should feel the same about my mental health. The medication took a while to work but I felt so much better within a couple of months of taking it that I realised I had been ill for far longer than I had been prepared to admit. I hope that your recovery continues to go well.
So sorry to hear about everyone's struggles.

I am massively struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment, I am on medication but it doesn't seem to help much. The recent loss of my piggie has hit me hard and the last few years have been pretty rubbish in general. I just feel like I have nothing to look forward to at the moment.

Hugs. Please do speak to your GP. You may need a different medication or increased dosage. we are here to support you.
This thread really does demonstrate that none of us really know what is going on in each others’ lives. And we should always be kind.
I’ve learned to look beyond the happy photos on Facebook and Instagram as often the reality is that there is far more going on behind the scenes than people choose to share.
This thread offers a safe space to share struggles and support each other.
Moving has thrown up an interesting conundrum for me. My ability to explain things in general is...limited. And I can take a bit of translating - if you've spoken to me often enough, you can learn to recognise my speech patterns, can sometimes slot in the word or phrase I'm missing, and then I'm not stuck in a broken verbal loop because I'm missing the key part of the sentence.

This takes practice though, and it's specific for verbal conversations. Over text doesn't tend to be an issue. The thing is, the last time I moved it was within the same mental health project, but different buildings. Most of the staff I already knew, most of them were able to follow me pretty well. But this time it's a completely different project, completely different staff. One of my weekly prescriptions, 7 items total, has gone AWOL again. Trying to explain this to staff this morning, and I was getting nowhere.

And then I'm getting angry because I have no idea why I can't explain this properly. I don't know what it is I'm saying that he's not understanding. But if I get angry he's going to take it the wrong way, like I'm mad at him. Because that's what happens at the first sign of being upset. But if I don't push it he's going to continue to not get it.

He left today, still not getting it, and I'm back to feeling like I'm banging my head off a brick wall. I know it just takes time, but I have a missing prescription. Time is not necessarily something I have.

And then I realised tonight I hadn't eaten anything substantial since Wednesday. I just haven't been hungry. I only realised tonight because it was affecting me physically. I have to keep reminding myself there's only so much I can do, because I'd drive myself into the ground otherwise.
Feeling really tired, anxious and low mood lately. I struggle with anxiety a lot but there’s times where I can manage and some where I’d happily live in bed if it was just me. It’s also why I haven’t been too active on the forum as well, I read what people write but just don’t have the energy to interact much right now ☹️ Definitely just tired out