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Peppers poorly 😭

Hoping Pepper feels better once the AB’s have got through his system and he’ll start chomping away 🤞
It’s nearly 3am! and I’m sat in with Pepper and Pebble because I can’t sleep as they are making so much noise. Pepper is chasing Pebble constantly. I’ve taken out their hides and put in lots more hay to distract him.

I’ve been sat here an hour and I think I know what’s going on. Pepper is constantly moving Pebble away so he can eat Pebbles poops. This is a great sign that Pepper is feeling better. Pepper is eating lots of hay (and poops). It is quite incessant though.

So far Pebble is making lots of submissive sounds and running away. I just hope they can settle down before Pebble gets so annoyed he retaliates.
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Hope you managed to get some more sleep & your boys have reminded calm for the rest of the night. 🤞🏽Hopefully Pepper doesn’t feel the need to eat anymore of Pebble’s poo.
Gosh it’s awful being up with them through the night! get your feet up if you can and take a nap
So how long should I leave it before going back to the vets?

Pepper stopped his meds on Sunday. Since then he seems quite happy. Moving around the cage, eating veggies, hay.

Definitely seems happier.

But he’s still losing small amounts of weight each day. So he’s obviously not eating enough. I don’t want to start syringe feeding again. I will if I have to but I was hoping once the ABs left his system he would start to eat more. I’ve left grated carrot and critical in with him today. Don’t think he’ll eat it though.

Any thoughts welcome. X
When my Pepper had a URI he carried on loosing weight after AB and he had chronic lung scarring, so we kept him on long term Metacam and we did start nebulising, then he sadly got poorly again but we did manage to maintain his weight for about 10months
If you are worried speak to the vet. I wouldn't want to be responsible for something going wrong but unfortunately ABs are something I've had a lot of experience of!
I’m worried but not worried if that makes sense. His weight is the same as yesterday so that’s good. I’ll just keep a close eye on him.
Bert was on ABs for several weeks when he had his abscess and lost over 100g during that time. He’s a senior boy so it’s been harder to get the weight back on since although he has an appetite for anything put in front of him including critical care top ups. Since vet sign off, I’ve accepted he has a new ‘normal’ weight. Do hope Pepper starts to show signs of regaining his appetite. Some seem to recover their appetite faster than others.
Is Pepper still following Pebble for his poops? If not, perhaps poop soup might help get his digestive system fully back on track post-baytril.
No he’s stopped eating poops. He’s eating a bit of everything I put in for him. Just smaller portions. I gave him loxicom today and I’ll give him some pro c on cucumber this evening.