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Peppers poorly 😭

He lost 10g this morning.

I’ve put their hides back in as the chasing and bickering has stopped. Thank goodness.

I’ve given them Pro C on cucumber twice today.

I’ve mushed up their haybox pellets and Pepper seems to like them 👍🏻

He’s put on 15g. The first weight gain in about two and a half weeks 🥳

I’m giving him (and Pebble 🙄) pellet mush twice a day. Which they will eat off my fingers. So hopefully he’s on the mend 🤞🏻
Pringle always gained weight when pepper was ill.. they know how to spot an opportunity!
Glad pepper has gained some weight!
Just keeping this thread updated in case anyone else goes through this.

Pepper has maintained his weight for the last 3 days. So I’ve stopped the pellet mush today. I hope he continues eating enough on his own. He seems fine in himself. Begging for food. Very good poops. 🤩
He’s doing so well. The last few days he’s been begging for food, eating pea flakes again, he’s eating so much. He’s in the hay tray loads. But …. He’s still losing weight. Very very slowly. And he’s quite itchy. So I’ve ordered some Xeno 450 which should arrive tomorrow. Hopefully once he’s feeling more comfortable he’ll slowly start to gain a bit of weight. He’s still chunky at 1225. But he was 1400 a month ago.