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Peppers poorly 😭

I feel like a vet visit is in order but he seems so good in himself I think I’m just trying to convince myself there’s nothing wrong with him. 😢
He’s in the hay pile constantly. He’s eating veg, peas, pellet mush. Everything and seems well in himself. It’s just this pesky weight issue.
So I took Pepper to the vets today as his breathing seemed to becoming more of an effort for him. His sides were squeezing in with each breath.

The vet said his lungs and heart sounded ok. She couldn’t really find anything else wrong with him. She said she thinks he’s either in pain or he has a tumour somewhere.

She gave pain relief and I need to monitor him and his weight for a week or so. He’s eating so well. He was munching on hay the whole way to the vets.

Poor Pepper ❤️
So I took Pepper to the vets today as his breathing seemed to becoming more of an effort for him. His sides were squeezing in with each breath.

The vet said his lungs and heart sounded ok. She couldn’t really find anything else wrong with him. She said she thinks he’s either in pain or he has a tumour somewhere.

She gave pain relief and I need to monitor him and his weight for a week or so. He’s eating so well. He was munching on hay the whole way to the vets.

Poor Pepper ❤️
Poor guy 💙
Aw poor Pepper. Hopefully the painkillers will do the job and he's feeling better soon! 🤞❤️
He seems ok. Eating hay, veggies and pellets.

He’s still squeezing his sides in when breathing and making a tiny owl sound.

I said to my husband today that as long as he is begging for food and eating hay and walking around the cage then I will continue the pain meds. But when he decides he’s had enough I will help him over the bridge.

Does that sound fair? There’s no point syringe feeding if he has a tumour as the vet said surgery for tumours is complicated. 😢
He seems ok. Eating hay, veggies and pellets.

He’s still squeezing his sides in when breathing and making a tiny owl sound.

I said to my husband today that as long as he is begging for food and eating hay and walking around the cage then I will continue the pain meds. But when he decides he’s had enough I will help him over the bridge.

Does that sound fair? There’s no point syringe feeding if he has a tumour as the vet said surgery for tumours is complicated. 😢
That’s sounds like exactly what I do. If Pepper has a zest for life then enjoy your time with him and let him guide you