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Peppers poorly 😭

I agree whole heartedly with your approach. I’ve done the same thing. You know your boy best. And I hope he has many more happy days with you.
I’m after some advice. Pepper has been on pain killers for 5 days. His weight is stable and his breathing has improved a lot but it’s still a bit noticeable. The vet said “see how he goes on pain killers for a few days”.

So my question is do I stop the pain killers to see if he starts to lose weight and his breathing becomes laboured again?
I’m after some advice. Pepper has been on pain killers for 5 days. His weight is stable and his breathing has improved a lot but it’s still a bit noticeable. The vet said “see how he goes on pain killers for a few days”.

So my question is do I stop the pain killers to see if he starts to lose weight and his breathing becomes laboured again?
I would email the vets with an update and ask for their advice.
Pepper having his weigh in and meds this morning.


His weight is stable (still 200g lower than his normal) and his breathing is good. The vet said see how he is without the meds and start them again if symptoms return
Glad he’s stable. Looks like he’s keeping a close eye and paw on that lettuce!
I'm a bit late but I read the entire thread. Poor Pepper. I hope he continues to improve. He is adorable! & ain't that the truth, the pigs that don't need the cc are always the ones who want it LOL.

I'm sorry, it sucks when we don't exactly know what's going on, you are doing all you can for him though. He is very lucky to have you. It sounds like he is a fighter! He looks bright & happy. C'mon, Pepper, you got this!♥️
it maybe he has pain somewhere,if he continues to lose weight then the pain relief maybe helping.i agree with your approach.i hope he has lots of happy days.

Yes the vet thinks he has a tumour somewhere. 😞

If he continues to lose over the next few days he’ll go back on painkillers.