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Peppers poorly 😭

Good to hear.
At least it’s all going in the right direction for Pepper

Do you want some Oxbow Aniseed flavour Critical Care?
I have a packet that is no longer needed.
It has been opened but Micah died before I could use more than a couple of scoops.

You are so kind. ❤️. If you have time to get to a post office that would be lovely. But I know you are very busy at the moment. Thank you. X
I gave him a baby food once when he was poorly. He wasn’t that bothered.

Do you give it on its own or do you use it to mix with the recovery food?

Baby food should never be given solely as a syringe feed - it doesn’t contain anything they actually need. They need fibre from proper recovery feed or at the very least from mushed pellets.

Sending best wishes to you @weepweeps
Unfortunately Pepper thinks bananas are the devils food. 🤦🏻‍♀️
All my piggies did too until Duck moved in. I noticed him sniffing the air and looking at me so I gave him some, he obviously had it in a past life and knew what it was. Now bananas have gone the way of apples, they have to be eaten in secret, in a small house that means the garden!

I'm pleased to see Pepper is doing well with your help. It can't be easy administering to a poorly piggy when you aren't 100% yourself.
All my piggies did too until Duck moved in. I noticed him sniffing the air and looking at me so I gave him some, he obviously had it in a past life and knew what it was. Now bananas have gone the way of apples, they have to be eaten in secret, in a small house that means the garden!

I'm pleased to see Pepper is doing well with your help. It can't be easy administering to a poorly piggy when you aren't 100% yourself.

Yes we are having to feed him at the breakfast bar as it’s higher and more comfortable for my back.

Pebble LOVES bananas. But Pepper won’t be convinced.
So Pepper had been hiding in the hay tray today. Which is not like him as he likes to lay under his house. It was clean out day today so it’s probably nice and clean.

He’s taken about 45ml of feed today. This evening he ate hay for 15 minutes after his bedtime feed. 👍🏻.

Hopefully he will start to feel better soon and start eating more for himself.

I’ll take him back to the vets on Friday if I’m not happy with his recovery. The noisy breathing has stopped.
So Pepper had been hiding in the hay tray today. Which is not like him as he likes to lay under his house. It was clean out day today so it’s probably nice and clean.

He’s taken about 45ml of feed today. This evening he ate hay for 15 minutes after his bedtime feed. 👍🏻.

Hopefully he will start to feel better soon and start eating more for himself.

I’ll take him back to the vets on Friday if I’m not happy with his recovery. The noisy breathing has stopped.
Glad to hear pepper is munching on some hay, hopefully he will be on the road to recovery.
Hiya. He’s ok. Still the same. His breathing is better. But his eating is not good. So still feeding him four times a day. He put on 5g. So I happy with the amount we are feeling.

I’m hoping it’s the antibiotics that have squashed his appetite. We’ve got medicine until Saturday so I’ll take him back if I’m still not happy with him.
There’s been some teeth chattering between the boys yesterday evening and this morning. I hope they will stay together. 🤞🏻

Pepper has refused syringe feed this morning and there was no way I could get his tablet in either. Which is odd as he’s been so good so far. I’m hoping it’s because he’s feeling a bit better 🤷🏻‍♀️

He’s put on 15g but he did eat some cucumber before I weighed him.

He finishes his AB today (if I can get the last one in this evening 🤞🏻). So I’ll give it a couple of days for his appetite to return. If there’s no improvement back to the vets we go.

Also I put gorgeous guineas foot balm on his back feet yesterday and they are less red today. I won’t put anymore on though.
Hopefully Pepper will begin eating for himself and regain weight.
I used to put a dish of CC in the cage as well as a dish of grated carrot or sweet potato and raw oats to help encourage eating .