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Peppers poorly 😭

Has he increased in weight recently? Just wondering if fluid build up is causing the problem and whether a diuretic would help?

I’ve just weighed him and he’s put on 15g which I was just saying to my husband that I’m sure he hasn’t eaten much last night.
I’ve just weighed him and he’s put on 15g which I was just saying to my husband that I’m sure he hasn’t eaten much last night.
That’s a red flag, in my opinion! Speak to the vet about the possibility of trialling some diuretic xx
I’d love to but I’m recovering from back fusion surgery and I’m not allowed to be in the car for longer than 30 mins 🤦🏻‍♀️
Are you going to the Drove Vet hospital ?
I always found them to be outstanding with my piggies when we lived in Marlborough.

Hope Pepper is feeling better today and you can get hold of the vets quickly this morning

Hope the back continues to improve as well
Sending massive hugs to both you and Pepper, hope you get the medication sorted and he recovers very soon x
Sorry I have only just seen this post. How awful that your vet gave you penicillin. I would report them for that. They should know better or be checking if they are not sure.

Fingers crossed here for Pepper.xx
I had to dissolve it in water. Which was fine but then once I had syringed the 1ml of tablet water into Pepper the crushed tablet was stuck in the end of the syringe. So I had to try and scoop it out and I added it to the end of a critical care syringe. Not easy. But we got there.

He took about 5ml of recovery food too.
Are you going to the Drove Vet hospital ?
I always found them to be outstanding with my piggies when we lived in Marlborough.

Hope Pepper is feeling better today and you can get hold of the vets quickly this morning

Hope the back continues to improve as well

Yes that’s the one. They have been outstanding with our cat and dogs over the years. We have been going there for over 20 years.

They wouldn’t deal with Peppers abscess a couple of years ago. Percy didn’t survive his bladder operation and now this mistake. I’m glad I’ve you all on here helping and advising me. ❤️
I went to give the boys their nuggets this evening and Pepper didn’t come out to see me. This is very unusual. I have seen him out and about eating today.

I can hear him breathing. I have a vet appointment at 6.30. Healing vibes please.
What are guinea pig nuggets please? 🙂
I always give tablets by either drawing up some syringe food and then sticking the tablet into the end of the syringe and giving it that way, or with compliant piggies, I just push the tablet into their mouth, pushing towards the cheek. You then hear them crunching it up.
I always give tablets by either drawing up some syringe food and then sticking the tablet into the end of the syringe and giving it that way, or with compliant piggies, I just push the tablet into their mouth, pushing towards the cheek. You then hear them crunching it up.
I’ll give that a go later. Thank you.
I’m so sorry to hear Pepper’s poorly, and that the vets prescribed the wrong medication. Hopefully now you’ve got the right antibiotics he’ll perk up, sending lots of healing vibes and hugs :hug:
I’m guessing that’s doxycycline I’ve only ever had it in liquid form. I didn’t like it, as it really impacted appetite. It is safe but use with caution.
Just posting to echo this. Stanley was given doxycycline and it cleared up his URI but totally wiped out his appetite which became the bigger problem. Stanley died after a few weeks, though I think this was down to my making mistakes and being slow to react. I'm really not trying to say this to scare you and I hope Pepper will get well soon, but forewarned is forearmed.
Sending you and pepper my very best wishes. I am so sorry he is unwell and the vets have made such a terrible mistake. I have been thinking of you and hope he gets well very soon.
Yes that’s the one. They have been outstanding with our cat and dogs over the years. We have been going there for over 20 years.

They wouldn’t deal with Peppers abscess a couple of years ago. Percy didn’t survive his bladder operation and now this mistake. I’m glad I’ve you all on here helping and advising me. ❤️
It is such a shame that they are not up to the high standard they were.
Hope pepper is still OK x
I wonder why the vet didn't try a more piggy appropriate antibiotic than doxy?
Still hopefully they'll do the job and as long as you keep on syringe feeding if he's not eating much that will really help ❤️