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Peppers poorly 😭

He under his hide now. I can’t hear his breathing but he is definitely breathing “harder” than usual.
He’s not making the cooing sound he was making earlier. But I can see him breathing harder than usual. I just hope he’s ok and I can get him the proper medication tomorrow and it works quickly.
I’m sorry Pepper is poorly and I’m so sorry to hear you were given penicillin for him.
I'm also sorry that, as part of the health team, I wasn’t on here last night but you received the right advice from everyone else - synolux should not be given (it contains amoxicillin).

I hope he is ok this morning and that you can get a better antibiotic for him.

Sending hugs
I’m sorry Pepper is poorly and I’m so sorry to hear you were given penicillin for him.
I'm also sorry that, as part of the health team, I wasn’t on here last night but you received the right advice from everyone else - synolux should not be given (it contains amoxicillin).

I hope he is ok this morning and that you can get a better antibiotic for him.

Sending hugs

That’s ok. I understand completely. You can’t be on here every second of every day.
He’s pretty much the same this morning. He’s been in the same hide all night so I’ll give him some cucumber now. After I’ve weighed him I’ll be off to the vets for the correct ABs.

I can’t believe how quickly this came on. He was acting normal at 4.30 and by 5.50 I knew he was poorly.
I've realised how well our brave guineas hide illness as prey animals they will hide any illness or vulnerability to protect themselves and therefore by the time we realise they are already quite ill. Pepper has made it through the night though so that seems really positive fingers and paws still crossed 💕
Is there any way we can tell if it’s heart related or URI? I don’t want to waste time trying to cure something if it’s something else.
I’m glad Pepper is ok this morning and I hope his breathing will improve once he’s on the right antibiotics. It’s scary how quickly they can go downhill. I think scan a of the heart can show if it’s heart related as it can show if it’s enlarged / filled with fluid etc but again, I could be wrong? x
Would taking him to see Simon or Kim be a possibility? I just think you would get an accurate diagnosis and the correct medication xx

I’d love to but I’m recovering from back fusion surgery and I’m not allowed to be in the car for longer than 30 mins 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’d love to but I’m recovering from back fusion surgery and I’m not allowed to be in the car for longer than 30 mins 🤦🏻‍♀️
Sorry, yes I remember now that you've recently had surgery. Hopefully once you can get the correct meds, you will start to see an improvement xx