Who’s struggling?

I can't quite imagine that yet, my son does his last GCSE on Monday and I'm not ready for him to leave school 🏫 let alone think about him not being here at home. I'm sure your son will still be home often, wishing them all the best of luck! 🥰
Sending weepweeps a hug ! You need it I wish my mother would be like you she wants me to leave and I don't want to because she can't stand me anymore so also feel sad !
Sending weepweeps a hug ! You need it I wish my mother would be like you she wants me to leave and I don't want to because she can't stand me anymore so also feel sad !
Thank you @jayne. I’ll send you a hug too 🤗. I’m sure your mum loves you. ❤️
It has been a week! I know I have not been in the best frame of mind this week but today was s*+#! I really don't go to work to be treated how I was today, and to be told I'm not saying you did it wrong but next time what you could do..........
I did what I thought was right in that moment and no I know I could have handled it differently but I am human.
Anyone else write to do lists and then just add to it? Then not really get much done from it?

I've even started making small, achievable to do lists on the notes on my phone to help. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe I'm just fed up of always having boring things to do and not always having the motivation to do them. At the end of the day I regret not doing as much as I could/should have.

Sorry for resurrecting the thread with a pity party.
I make lists and add to them. I do what I consider to be the better jobs first and the boring jobs like dusting and cleaning the bathroom get relegated to the bottom and I only do those when everything else is done.
I make lists and add to them. I do what I consider to be the better jobs first and the boring jobs like dusting and cleaning the bathroom get relegated to the bottom and I only do those when everything else is done.

Yep. That’s what I do too. Some days I feel more motivated than others. So I do less on those days. It’s good to have a list but it shouldn’t rule you or make you feel bad about not completing it. It’s just a reminder of what you might want to do.
Try adding a few things you enjoy to the to do list and try not to do them first but use them if you need to take a break from working through the list so you don't stop working through the list you just do "rest tasks" this could be relaxing household tasks like organising shelves or a hobby task like reading a chapter of a book. Then once that's done tick it off the list and pick the next task.
I make lists and add to them. I do what I consider to be the better jobs first and the boring jobs like dusting and cleaning the bathroom get relegated to the bottom and I only do those when everything else is done.

Try adding a few things you enjoy to the to do list and try not to do them first but use them if you need to take a break from working through the list so you don't stop working through the list you just do "rest tasks" this could be relaxing household tasks like organising shelves or a hobby task like reading a chapter of a book. Then once that's done tick it off the list and pick the next task.
I love these ideas. I think I was fed up seeing the same things on the list but not getting round to them/not wanting to do them. I've now put my to do list on the notes on my phone, the boring ones and the fun/relaxing ones. I've starred them, so when I do them I can delete the writing, to leave the stars. It seems to have worked this weekend. I've done 9 things, so now I'm deleting the stars/writing new jobs on them for the coming week. Maybe the visual of seeing empty stars will work!

However don't get me started on the clutter that seems to be piling up everywhere (not mine, may I add). It just seems to grow!

Oh to be an adult, it will be fun we thought.
I love these ideas. I think I was fed up seeing the same things on the list but not getting round to them/not wanting to do them. I've now put my to do list on the notes on my phone, the boring ones and the fun/relaxing ones. I've starred them, so when I do them I can delete the writing, to leave the stars. It seems to have worked this weekend. I've done 9 things, so now I'm deleting the stars/writing new jobs on them for the coming week. Maybe the visual of seeing empty stars will work!

However don't get me started on the clutter that seems to be piling up everywhere (not mine, may I add). It just seems to grow!

Oh to be an adult, it will be fun we thought.
If doing housework was easy it wouldn't have the word work in it. If you're doing something that's something.
My sleep. I've just eaten "dinner" (mmm, lasagne) at this time of the morning because I can't sleep. I keep waking up at the same time every day, ~8.15am, so why can I never get to sleep even with the meds? This is new, this is not my normal and none of my habits have changed. But I don't like changes like this, they never add up to anything good.
My sleep. I've just eaten "dinner" (mmm, lasagne) at this time of the morning because I can't sleep. I keep waking up at the same time every day, ~8.15am, so why can I never get to sleep even with the meds? This is new, this is not my normal and none of my habits have changed. But I don't like changes like this, they never add up to anything good.
I’m sorry to hear this Lorcan - you’ve been thru quite a lot just lately, surgery and recovery, home maintenance issues, losing lovely Belle, not mention the everyday things ……. are sleeping in your bed ? Is it comfy ?
Yeah, I just can't get myself tired enough to fall asleep. I've got some Febreze coming later so I can see if it'll work on my usual quilt, to see about using it again. It's the only thing I can think of. I ended up just snoozing my alarm most of the morning til 11am, since that's goblin breakfast anyway and I could use the extra hours.
Shortly after receiving the phone call from the mental health team, I received a phone call from my neurologist who basically said again that I need neuropsychology to treat my NEAD and without it, I won’t get better from it but everywhere keeps rejecting my referrals. He suggested going private but I just can’t afford it. What a day. I’m just feeling so stressed out and fed up 😞
Shortly after receiving the phone call from the mental health team, I received a phone call from my neurologist who basically said again that I need neuropsychology to treat my NEAD and without it, I won’t get better from it but everywhere keeps rejecting my referrals. He suggested going private but I just can’t afford it. What a day. I’m just feeling so stressed out and fed up 😞
It sounds like you're really struggling. There are many great people in the NHS doing great work but years of underfunding has left us with a system that just doesn't work. I'm all to aware of how hard it can be to get the right mental health support and how unbearable life can be without it. Hang on in there. Don't let fighting for support eat away at the mental energy you have. Know when to take a break and go back to it when you're ready.
It sounds like you're really struggling. There are many great people in the NHS doing great work but years of underfunding has left us with a system that just doesn't work. I'm all to aware of how hard it can be to get the right mental health support and how unbearable life can be without it. Hang on in there. Don't let fighting for support eat away at the mental energy you have. Know when to take a break and go back to it when you're ready.

Thank you. I just feel exhausted with it all. I’ve been waiting to hear whether my PIP review has been accepted and whether I need to go for an assessment since March so that’s a huge stress too.

The mental health system has gone downhill a lot since I was first under their care in 2010/11 and it wasn’t great then 😞 I just don’t think I’ve got it in me to keep fighting for help with both my mental health and NEAD which coincidentally is made worse from my mental health 😞 x
@Claire W I hope you are feeling ok today and that you get the help soon. The whole system clearly doesn't work at the moment.

I'm really dreading the winter months. This week alone waiting to start work and get home from work, due to bus times, I've spent around 7 hours standing around outside. The weather hasn't been too bad so its been fine but that won't be doable soon when its cold/wet/raining. There is a supermarket and McDonalds on my walking route but I can't go to one of them every morning/night to pass time as it will get expensive four days a week.

Then this morning I've noticed one of my cactus cuttings look a bit droopy. I've not changed anything with their care routine and although the roots are growing slightly out the bottom its not moved or anything. Fingers crossed it will be ok, its coming up to being 18months old soon so I would hate to lose it now.
@Claire W I hope you are feeling ok today and that you get the help soon. The whole system clearly doesn't work at the moment.

I'm really dreading the winter months. This week alone waiting to start work and get home from work, due to bus times, I've spent around 7 hours standing around outside. The weather hasn't been too bad so its been fine but that won't be doable soon when its cold/wet/raining. There is a supermarket and McDonalds on my walking route but I can't go to one of them every morning/night to pass time as it will get expensive four days a week.

Then this morning I've noticed one of my cactus cuttings look a bit droopy. I've not changed anything with their care routine and although the roots are growing slightly out the bottom its not moved or anything. Fingers crossed it will be ok, its coming up to being 18months old soon so I would hate to lose it now.
Thank you. The whole system is underfunded and a shambles 😞

I’m sorry that the bus times mean you’re having to wait around outside for hours on end 😞 could you just buy a drink from McDonald’s and sit to pass a bit of the time? I too am dreading the winter months. I hate dark mornings and evenings and I worry about my parents so much when we have snow and ice 😞 Sorry about your cactus x
Thank you. The whole system is underfunded and a shambles 😞

I’m sorry that the bus times mean you’re having to wait around outside for hours on end 😞 could you just buy a drink from McDonald’s and sit to pass a bit of the time? I too am dreading the winter months. I hate dark mornings and evenings and I worry about my parents so much when we have snow and ice 😞 Sorry about your cactus x
I allow myself my once weekly treat of a hot drink in a morning to pass time on and have done for years now. Over four days a week it would be over £5 though. I can afford it, but adding it up by month/six monthly it's a ridiculous amount. It's one of those "don't buy this because it would buy that" things and I'm saving for a house. I get the price of a hot drink isn't that expensive against some things but if I put the money in a tin instead it over six onths it would in part pay for a weekend away somewhere. Saying that, weather depending I'm going to have to indulge. That's the morning wait sorted anyway.

Cactus seems to have revived a bit after a decent water so think its a bit dehydrated. Will water again in a couple of days.

My problems are not always that severe but I often find myself thinking how life could be so different.
Some of you may know that my husband is a teacher in a secondary school and he’s going back to work on Monday now the summer holidays are almost over and I’m dreading it as I’ll be home alone with my 3 cats all day and Harrison and Austin don’t get on, there’s often handbags between them and I worry so much that they’ll get in to a proper fight 😞 That is when Harrison does come indoors. He spends a lot of time sitting at the back door scratching and pulling at the rubber seal but not coming in when I open it. I just can’t deal with it when I’m already feeling fragile. The summer holidays have gone so fast and I’m not ready for him to go back to work 😞
My dad was in a major car accident yesterday evening. A police car came and picked me up and rushed me to the hospital he's in an induced coma and will be for the next few days before they start to try and wake him up. He's in critical care with so many wires and tubes going into him. It seems that the best case scenario may be a permanent dissablility. He has a bleed on the brain and a scull fracure, collapsed lung and countless other injuries. I've only been able to get 3 hours sleep but I can't get back to sleep again now. I feel completely numb
My dad was in a major car accident yesterday evening. A police car came and picked me up and rushed me to the hospital he's in an induced coma and will be for the next few days before they start to try and wake him up. He's in critical care with so many wires and tubes going into him. It seems that the best case scenario may be a permanent dissablility. He has a bleed on the brain and a scull fracure, collapsed lung and countless other injuries. I've only been able to get 3 hours sleep but I can't get back to sleep again now. I feel completely numb
That's not a nice thing to happen to anyone. My thoughts are with you and your Dad. Have a hug :hug: :hug: :hug: