Who’s struggling?

It may be nothing. Let's hope so. Get a Drs appointment as soon as you can. My late friend was in denial and didn't see her Dr until the lump was the size of an orange and she couldn't ignore it anymore.

Thank you @Betsy and @Lorcan I hope so. I’ve had cysts and hormonal lumps before and an operation to remove a lump. So fingers crossed it’s nothing. I’ll be calling the docs on Tuesday though.
We have a (univited) mouse 🤢

Baby Poggle went for a bath and I've just furiously cleaned the kitchen... worst of all though, I've now got to set traps and potentially kill something just for looking for food. But I can't have them in the same space as my crawling child.

I've had mice before but had no problems since I moved into a house with a cat. Historically I've had no luck with the catch and release traps; really wish the cat had been the deterrent she was in her younger days - somehow that never bothered me.

Edit: Realised I meant to post this in the rant thread. If anyone can move this, please feel free to - I think it's probably more appropriate there.
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Thank you @Betsy and @Lorcan I hope so. I’ve had cysts and hormonal lumps before and an operation to remove a lump. So fingers crossed it’s nothing. I’ll be calling the docs on Tuesday though.

It’s all gone. It was a cyst and has been drained. Phew

Remember to check your breasts regularly for lumps, discharge or any other changes. Men too!
We have a (univited) mouse 🤢

Baby Poggle went for a bath and I've just furiously cleaned the kitchen... worst of all though, I've now got to set traps and potentially kill something just for looking for food. But I can't have them in the same space as my crawling child.

I've had mice before but had no problems since I moved into a house with a cat. Historically I've had no luck with the catch and release traps; really wish the cat had been the deterrent she was in her younger days - somehow that never bothered me.

Edit: Realised I meant to post this in the rant thread. If anyone can move this, please feel free to - I think it's probably more appropriate there.

I hate killing anything. But mice or rats in my house and loft was a definite no no. Good luck. I hope you can get rid of them quickly. We did try rat poison in the attic once. It died in the cavity wall behind the bathroom and my bedroom. Absolutely stank for months. 🤢. We couldn’t use the bathroom. Good job we had another one we could use.
So I didn't think I was struggling until I made a decision, the feeling of relief was great and made me realise I had been making myself unwell.
It did mean having to speak to my head and tell her, which in turn meant I might potentially be doing myself out of a job, but it's not a job I do for the money, not saying the pay isn't nice but it's not a high flying job!
Thankfully she was understanding and whilst not what she wanted to hear, was respectful of my decision and supportive, I do still have a job so at the moment it's ok, long term I'll have to see what happens but for now I'm comfortable with my decision and feel better for it.
We have a (univited) mouse 🤢

Baby Poggle went for a bath and I've just furiously cleaned the kitchen... worst of all though, I've now got to set traps and potentially kill something just for looking for food. But I can't have them in the same space as my crawling child.

I've had mice before but had no problems since I moved into a house with a cat. Historically I've had no luck with the catch and release traps; really wish the cat had been the deterrent she was in her younger days - somehow that never bothered me.

Edit: Realised I meant to post this in the rant thread. If anyone can move this, please feel free to - I think it's probably more appropriate there.
We get mice in the loft, joys of living in the countryside! If we used humane traps we'd have to take them to another county! They are not something I am ever going to get rid of so we do kill them, it's not something I particularly like doing but sometimes it has to be done.
I hate killing anything. But mice or rats in my house and loft was a definite no no. Good luck. I hope you can get rid of them quickly. We did try rat poison in the attic once. It died in the cavity wall behind the bathroom and my bedroom. Absolutely stank for months. 🤢. We couldn’t use the bathroom. Good job we had another one we could use.

Thankfully I don't think poison would be an option for us anyway, that sounds horrible! I will take that lesson with me, though!

We get mice in the loft, joys of living in the countryside! If we used humane traps we'd have to take them to another county! They are not something I am ever going to get rid of so we do kill them, it's not something I particularly like doing but sometimes it has to be done.

We're rural and right next to some allotments! It's an old house too, so there's plenty of places for them to get in...

I agree that there's no getting around it, unfortunately. We've ordered some of the most humane kind we can find, let's hope they never catch anything because the mice have already moved on.
Thankfully I don't think poison would be an option for us anyway, that sounds horrible!

My dad and I were stood in his dining room one day when we realised we could see a mouse just...standing in the middle of the conservatory. It wasn't moving, you could see it was breathing, but that was it. Broad daylight, middle of the room. He went to move it before Shadow cottoned on there was a mouse in the room, because he figures it's found the poison that was in the attic and this was basically it just dying. Which is why it wasn't moving from the middle of the floor.

I can't pretend to like wild mice. I have serious problems with things running around at my feet - before I had Comet and Blitzen I had the same problem with guinea pigs, so mice no chance. Someone else could always deal with those. But even my dad felt bad because he admitted he hadn't even looked at the poison in the attic for a couple of years. It's just been sitting there for that long.

Mind you he trapped a number of mice to kill and managed to catch a whole family one by one, but they were behind the gas cooker and he didn't want to risk the gas lines being chewed. That was a ...fun... afternoon.
Struggling isn't really the word for it right now but I'm not sure what the word I want is. I'm sad, but not upset sad if that makes sense, this isn't someone I'd crossed paths with for a decade, but one of the mental health nurses I worked with in my early 20s died last month. There was an article in Belfast Live on her death and some fundraising stuff last month, but I only saw it from clicking through something else last week or I'd've missed it entirely.

This is not someone I'd ever have expected to work with again, but she was no age for it. And I can't work out how I feel about it. She was a damn good nurse though, always was.
I'm still having a hard time since loosing Gundam and Spud. I loved them both but spud was especially precious to me we've been through so much as a wierd little family and they've always been there during tough times. We had 6 special years together and the whole they've left is huge. The house feels wierd and empty and I keep thinking I've heard them wheek even though they've gone. Looking after them is so ingrained in my routine I'll do stupid things like walking into their room first thing in the morning to give them their breakfast or take veggies out the fridge and put them back again because I forgot. But how can I forget that my precious babies have died. I'm not sure I want new piggies straight away because they will never replace these special boys but being at home feels strange and lonely now they're gone. I've always wanted rabbits and we will have to wait until we move for that which could be another year but if we get Guinea pigs then there's the risk of bordadella and other diseases because we don't have the luxury of having space to keep everything completely separate although the piggies would be up on a table out of the bunnies way. So would it be selfish to get Guinea pigs anyway if I also wanted rabbits but I'm not sure I can cope without piggies much longer. I don't know want to do next and I'm not sure life will ever be the same again without them which terrifies me.

Sorry for the long post there's not many people in my life that would properly understand.
Many of us have successfully kept both rabbits and piggies at the same time @Sweet Potato . @Piggies&buns , @BossHogg and I’m sure there are others. Mine never got bordatella and lived indoors in the same room.
I know what you mean about not rushing in to get more piggies but understand how you are missing the interaction and space that they took in your lives. Just take your time and when you are ready the right piggies will be there for you. Hugs.
I'm still having a hard time since loosing Gundam and Spud. I loved them both but spud was especially precious to me we've been through so much as a wierd little family and they've always been there during tough times. We had 6 special years together and the whole they've left is huge. The house feels wierd and empty and I keep thinking I've heard them wheek even though they've gone. Looking after them is so ingrained in my routine I'll do stupid things like walking into their room first thing in the morning to give them their breakfast or take veggies out the fridge and put them back again because I forgot. But how can I forget that my precious babies have died. I'm not sure I want new piggies straight away because they will never replace these special boys but being at home feels strange and lonely now they're gone. I've always wanted rabbits and we will have to wait until we move for that which could be another year but if we get Guinea pigs then there's the risk of bordadella and other diseases because we don't have the luxury of having space to keep everything completely separate although the piggies would be up on a table out of the bunnies way. So would it be selfish to get Guinea pigs anyway if I also wanted rabbits but I'm not sure I can cope without piggies much longer. I don't know want to do next and I'm not sure life will ever be the same again without them which terrifies me.

Sorry for the long post there's not many people in my life that would properly understand.
Sending you a hug 🤗. You’ll know when the time is right to open your home and your heart to another special animal who needs you as much as you need them.
I'm still having a hard time since loosing Gundam and Spud. I loved them both but spud was especially precious to me we've been through so much as a wierd little family and they've always been there during tough times. We had 6 special years together and the whole they've left is huge. The house feels wierd and empty and I keep thinking I've heard them wheek even though they've gone. Looking after them is so ingrained in my routine I'll do stupid things like walking into their room first thing in the morning to give them their breakfast or take veggies out the fridge and put them back again because I forgot. But how can I forget that my precious babies have died. I'm not sure I want new piggies straight away because they will never replace these special boys but being at home feels strange and lonely now they're gone. I've always wanted rabbits and we will have to wait until we move for that which could be another year but if we get Guinea pigs then there's the risk of bordadella and other diseases because we don't have the luxury of having space to keep everything completely separate although the piggies would be up on a table out of the bunnies way. So would it be selfish to get Guinea pigs anyway if I also wanted rabbits but I'm not sure I can cope without piggies much longer. I don't know want to do next and I'm not sure life will ever be the same again without them which terrifies me.

Sorry for the long post there's not many people in my life that would properly understand.

I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to lose them.
I have only had one time in my life without animals and I missed them dreadfully.

My piggies and bunnies live outside but when they do come in during hot weather, I dont allow them to share airspace and never have any physical contact. I take lots of measures to ensure there is no cross contamination, and i know @Swissgreys is the same. Some illnesses require direct contact, others are airborne.
For me (and this probably isn’t what you want to hear) it’s not a risk I would take. I know others have kept them in the same room without issue though.

One of my current rabbits, when I first got them, suddenly became unwell with what seemed to be a respiratory illness. Saw the vet, she was given meds but did not get better. I went back to the vet and this time saw an older vet who immediately knew what was wrong. She had caught syphillis probably from her mother. It is rare and he had only seen a couple of cases in his whole career. Both rabbits had to be treated. She is now fully over it, and not that my piggies were at risk, but this made me even more aware of the risks of cross contamination so I personally would not take the risk.

Would you be open to rabbits being outdoors/shed and aviary? Obviously you won’t know what space you will have, whether you will have a garden etc in future, but if it is a possibility then perhaps there is a method by which you can have both and remove that element of potential risk.
I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to lose them.
I have only had one time in my life without animals and I missed them dreadfully.

My piggies and bunnies live outside but when they do come in during hot weather, I dont allow them to share airspace and never have any physical contact. I take lots of measures to ensure there is no cross contamination, and i know @Swissgreys is the same. Some illnesses require direct contact, others are airborne.
For me (and this probably isn’t what you want to hear) it’s not a risk I would take. I know others have kept them in the same room without issue though.

One of my current rabbits, when I first got them, suddenly became unwell with what seemed to be a respiratory illness. Saw the vet, she was given meds but did not get better. I went back to the vet and this time saw an older vet who immediately knew what was wrong. She had caught syphillis probably from her mother. It is rare and he had only seen a couple of cases in his whole career. Both rabbits had to be treated. She is now fully over it, and not that my piggies were at risk, but this made me even more aware of the risks of cross contamination so I personally would not take the risk.

Would you be open to rabbits being outdoors/shed and aviary? Obviously you won’t know what space you will have, whether you will have a garden etc in future, but if it is a possibility then perhaps there is a method by which you can have both and remove that element of potential risk.
we do not have the space and probably won't when we move most terrace houses around here have a small yard or cost a lot more if they have a bigger garden. I would only want rabbits if I can keep them as house rabbits as I feel the risk of weather, cross contamination from wild animals, preditors and me just not seeing if they're acting a bit off would pose more of a risk than cross contamination with other household pets. I know some people find ways round these risks but I don't think I could. I also bond better with animals that are in the house and get more enjoyment out of having them.
we do not have the space and probably won't when we move most terrace houses around here have a small yard or cost a lot more if they have a bigger garden. I would only want rabbits if I can keep them as house rabbits as I feel the risk of weather, cross contamination from wild animals, preditors and me just not seeing if they're acting a bit off would pose more of a risk than cross contamination with other household pets. I know some people find ways round these risks but I don't think I could. I also bond better with animals that are in the house and get more enjoyment out of having them.
I've had bunnies and piggies outdoors years ago, personally I wouldn't again. I just worry about them all the time 😂
All ours are indoors now, although I understand that's not suitable for everyone.
Miley is also a lone bunny so wouldn't want to keep her outside alone, and with all her health problems, as you say, it's better for me to be able to keep an eye on her all the time and get used to her little foibles 😊
She is also a big girls blouse and would hate to live outside because she is a spoilt little princess 😂
I'm still having a hard time since loosing Gundam and Spud. I loved them both but spud was especially precious to me we've been through so much as a wierd little family and they've always been there during tough times. We had 6 special years together and the whole they've left is huge. The house feels wierd and empty and I keep thinking I've heard them wheek even though they've gone. Looking after them is so ingrained in my routine I'll do stupid things like walking into their room first thing in the morning to give them their breakfast or take veggies out the fridge and put them back again because I forgot. But how can I forget that my precious babies have died. I'm not sure I want new piggies straight away because they will never replace these special boys but being at home feels strange and lonely now they're gone. I've always wanted rabbits and we will have to wait until we move for that which could be another year but if we get Guinea pigs then there's the risk of bordadella and other diseases because we don't have the luxury of having space to keep everything completely separate although the piggies would be up on a table out of the bunnies way. So would it be selfish to get Guinea pigs anyway if I also wanted rabbits but I'm not sure I can cope without piggies much longer. I don't know want to do next and I'm not sure life will ever be the same again without them which terrifies me.

Sorry for the long post there's not many people in my life that would properly understand.
I’m so sorry it’s so hard and I understand the emptiness - they were your special piggies.
Would you considered fostering ? It would give you the enjoyment but not commit you long term as you’re going to move - just a thought
Take care 🥰
I’m so sorry it’s so hard and I understand the emptiness - they were your special piggies.
Would you considered fostering ? It would give you the enjoyment but not commit you long term as you’re going to move - just a thought
Take care 🥰
It's something that had crossed my mind but with a full time job I'm not sure I'd have the time for piggies that need extra treatment or attention during the day. We've made it work when our piggies have had eye drops and things in the past but I'm not sure we'd be able to foster.
we do not have the space and probably won't when we move most terrace houses around here have a small yard or cost a lot more if they have a bigger garden. I would only want rabbits if I can keep them as house rabbits as I feel the risk of weather, cross contamination from wild animals, preditors and me just not seeing if they're acting a bit off would pose more of a risk than cross contamination with other household pets. I know some people find ways round these risks but I don't think I could. I also bond better with animals that are in the house and get more enjoyment out of having them.

Yep it absolutely depends on your area and set up. Mine is such that they are very safe outdoors, and cross contamination indoors would be more of a risk - that and the fact that the space they have far exceeds what I would be able to provide indoors. My bond with them is not affected by them living outside - I’m an outdoor person! I think they spend most of their time wishing I’d leave them alone!
It's something that had crossed my mind but with a full time job I'm not sure I'd have the time for piggies that need extra treatment or attention during the day. We've made it work when our piggies have had eye drops and things in the past but I'm not sure we'd be able to foster.
We often have piggies going to foster that are absolutely fine, just to free up space! Might be a good idea! 😊
I’m trying to be happy.

My son is going on holiday this evening and then when he’s back he’s only home for 5 days and then he moves out into his new home with his girlfriend.

I’m so proud of him. He’s so sensible and a really lovely boy. But I’m so sad he’s leaving home (me). 😢
Aw ❤️He’s not leaving you. It sounds like he’s making his way in the world. I’m just grateful that technology enables us to stay in touch with our loved ones no matter how far away they are.
We spend years turning them into the independent adults they should be but it's hard for us when they start making their own way. Be proud of yourself as well as of him. He's not leaving you, he's just living at a different address.
I know. He’s only going about 20 minutes away. So not far.

He said to me “I bet you can’t wait to not have to do my washing anymore”. I’ve been doing it for 22 years Alex! Of course I’m going to miss it.

I’m grateful that he has a wonderful girlfriend, they’ve bought a lovely house. They have a lovely dog (Ruby Roo). Alls good. I just feel sad too.
I know. He’s only going about 20 minutes away. So not far.

He said to me “I bet you can’t wait to not have to do my washing anymore”. I’ve been doing it for 22 years Alex! Of course I’m going to miss it.

I’m grateful that he has a wonderful girlfriend, they’ve bought a lovely house. They have a lovely dog (Ruby Roo). Alls good. I just feel sad too.
You raised a proper grown up! You should be super proud. I’m sure it will be hard when it’s our turn but I try and be grateful and embrace the next steps after one of my friends lost her daughter in primary school. It’s a privilege to be able to see them grow up. Easier said than done though, we are starting to think about uni so it’s creeping up…
You raised a proper grown up! You should be super proud. I’m sure it will be hard when it’s our turn but I try and be grateful and embrace the next steps after one of my friends lost her daughter in primary school. It’s a privilege to be able to see them grow up. Easier said than done though, we are starting to think about uni so it’s creeping up…
Thank you. I have always embraced the next phase. Nursery, school, college, uni (lived at home). This is him really going. 😬