Who’s struggling?

My dad was in a major car accident yesterday evening. A police car came and picked me up and rushed me to the hospital he's in an induced coma and will be for the next few days before they start to try and wake him up. He's in critical care with so many wires and tubes going into him. It seems that the best case scenario may be a permanent dissablility. He has a bleed on the brain and a scull fracure, collapsed lung and countless other injuries. I've only been able to get 3 hours sleep but I can't get back to sleep again now. I feel completely numb
Wow, that's a huge shock for all of you. They do amazing things in hospitals and critical care looks scary (and it is) but they are phenomenal at what they do. Whilst he is getting excellent care try and make sure you take this time to rest and build up your reserves for his rehab where you will be absolutely key. I hope they've offered you pastoral support, if not then ask. You don't have to be religious to really benefit from a chat with a chaplain. Take care xx
Hi, I've been having a bit of a hard time. Back in 2017 my uncle passed away about a couple months later our family dog been put down (due to cancer) and a couple months later our other family dog get put down due to cancer too. Then a couple months ago my grandfather passed away, idk from what but more then likely cancer too. The only people I have to really talk to are my fiancé and mother (the rest of the family is a long story) plus our cavy's and my sons only know little.

I've met my biological mother (when I was 4 months pregnant with my oldest son) and pretty much don't talk to her (another long story.) and only talk to my biological father. I've just been overall overwhelmed (along with the birth of our newest cavy) and just need some advice (if I can get some.)
Hi, I've been having a bit of a hard time. Back in 2017 my uncle passed away about a couple months later our family dog been put down (due to cancer) and a couple months later our other family dog get put down due to cancer too. Then a couple months ago my grandfather passed away, idk from what but more then likely cancer too. The only people I have to really talk to are my fiancé and mother (the rest of the family is a long story) plus our cavy's and my sons only know little.

I've met my biological mother (when I was 4 months pregnant with my oldest son) and pretty much don't talk to her (another long story.) and only talk to my biological father. I've just been overall overwhelmed (along with the birth of our newest cavy) and just need some advice (if I can get some.)
You can always talk to any of us.We're a friendly bunch and always here to listen and offer support if need be 🙂
Hi, I've been having a bit of a hard time. Back in 2017 my uncle passed away about a couple months later our family dog been put down (due to cancer) and a couple months later our other family dog get put down due to cancer too. Then a couple months ago my grandfather passed away, idk from what but more then likely cancer too. The only people I have to really talk to are my fiancé and mother (the rest of the family is a long story) plus our cavy's and my sons only know little.

I've met my biological mother (when I was 4 months pregnant with my oldest son) and pretty much don't talk to her (another long story.) and only talk to my biological father. I've just been overall overwhelmed (along with the birth of our newest cavy) and just need some advice (if I can get some.)

I’m sorry you have have such a hard few years. Sending you a hug 🤗
dads been for an MRI scan today to rule out any spinal damage. They started to try and wake him up but he started to move about quite a lot so they put him back under until they can be sure his spine is not at risk.
all we know in terms of what happend is in this article. It was a hit and run and it seems the people involved have been caught. I'd never usually wish pain upon anyone but it seems so unfair that they were able to get up and walk away while my dad may never be the same again.
Van driver airlifted to hospital with 'life-changing injuries' after hit-and-run
I was referred back to the community mental health team as I’ve been struggling again for quite some time. After waiting nearly 12 weeks for an appointment, I was assessed today. The man I spoke to was lovely but it would seem that if I was a drug addict always in trouble with the police, I’d get some help but as I’m quiet and reserved, I’m not holding my breath 😞 he now needs to have a meeting with the rest of the team eg psychologists and the psychiatrist to see if they’ll accept my referral but we’ll see. I’m feeling so disheartened and drained right now as I’m well known to mental health services and they are aware of my history. I’m tired x
My fiancé had a lump near his legs and a week ago doctors removed it. Doc said he might have lymphoma (cancer) and we find out the results today. I'm so worried and depressed. I can't even think of him having cancer (again)

I’m so sorry to hear that 😞 Fingers crossed that it isn’t lymphoma. My husbands aunties partner had lymphoma a few years ago. It was caught early and with the correct treatment, he made a full recovery so take heart in that and try and stay positive (((hugs))) x
I was referred back to the community mental health team as I’ve been struggling again for quite some time. After waiting nearly 12 weeks for an appointment, I was assessed today. The man I spoke to was lovely but it would seem that if I was a drug addict always in trouble with the police, I’d get some help but as I’m quiet and reserved, I’m not holding my breath 😞 he now needs to have a meeting with the rest of the team eg psychologists and the psychiatrist to see if they’ll accept my referral but we’ll see. I’m feeling so disheartened and drained right now as I’m well known to mental health services and they are aware of my history. I’m tired x
I'm keeping everything crossed for you Claire xx
My fiancé had a lump near his legs and a week ago doctors removed it. Doc said he might have lymphoma (cancer) and we find out the results today. I'm so worried and depressed. I can't even think of him having cancer (again)
I was referred back to the community mental health team as I’ve been struggling again for quite some time. After waiting nearly 12 weeks for an appointment, I was assessed today. The man I spoke to was lovely but it would seem that if I was a drug addict always in trouble with the police, I’d get some help but as I’m quiet and reserved, I’m not holding my breath 😞 he now needs to have a meeting with the rest of the team eg psychologists and the psychiatrist to see if they’ll accept my referral but we’ll see. I’m feeling so disheartened and drained right now as I’m well known to mental health services and they are aware of my history. I’m tired x
Holding you in my heart ♥️
I was referred back to the community mental health team as I’ve been struggling again for quite some time. After waiting nearly 12 weeks for an appointment, I was assessed today. The man I spoke to was lovely but it would seem that if I was a drug addict always in trouble with the police, I’d get some help but as I’m quiet and reserved, I’m not holding my breath 😞 he now needs to have a meeting with the rest of the team eg psychologists and the psychiatrist to see if they’ll accept my referral but we’ll see. I’m feeling so disheartened and drained right now as I’m well known to mental health services and they are aware of my history. I’m tired x
I hope they accept your referral @Claire W 🤞🏻
He's got lymphoma cancer: 😢 it's stage 1 right now hoping it goes away
stay strong please stay positive I know easier said than done thank goodness its caught at the earlier stages and NY very good doctors knock this cancer out of him for good I wish you and yoiur family good luck your in my thoughts like us all here
sending good vibes
I was referred back to the community mental health team as I’ve been struggling again for quite some time. After waiting nearly 12 weeks for an appointment, I was assessed today. The man I spoke to was lovely but it would seem that if I was a drug addict always in trouble with the police, I’d get some help but as I’m quiet and reserved, I’m not holding my breath 😞 he now needs to have a meeting with the rest of the team eg psychologists and the psychiatrist to see if they’ll accept my referral but we’ll see. I’m feeling so disheartened and drained right now as I’m well known to mental health services and they are aware of my history. I’m tired x
I really hope they help I'm sorry it takes this long as it should be treated immediately wish i could help you through this I'm a great listener and i hear you
sending you good vibes also we all need some
Been trying to get baby Poggle back to sleep for two hours. He's been cuddled, changed, fed, and medicated. Run out of ideas; he won't even close his eyes. He wants to chat and fiddle with anything within reach. I'm downstairs on a sanity break, trying not to feel like a dick listening to him crying. Logically I know that I've ticked off his basic needs and there's nothing else doing, and he needs to try on his own for a bit, but I still feel godawful. How does anyone ever have a second child?!

Edit to add that my husband and I take shifts and this usually works beautifully, it's just when stuff like this happens and I can't hand over to someone who's had three hours sleep that it falls down. He'd help if I asked but it feels rotten to ask.
I remember my 3 sons going through a time like Baby Poggle is having. You just have to harden your heart and not give in it's hard but as long as you know he's been fed, watered, cuddled, changed and everything else you need to do has been done he's fine.

I gathered myself for maybe ten minutes and then went back upstairs as he was still escalating - five minutes of cuddles later he was fast asleep! Still waiting to see what new skill/word that was all about :))
I gathered myself for maybe ten minutes and then went back upstairs as he was still escalating - five minutes of cuddles later he was fast asleep! Still waiting to see what new skill/word that was all about :))
❤️ it’s tough sometimes…. but you can do this and wonderful that your husband helps out