Who’s struggling?

I had a really bad funny turn / seizure yesterday that lasted nearly 12 hours 😞 Haven’t had one that bad for a while. I’m really fed up of them now. Feel really rough today

Hope you are feeling better soon ❤️
Hey! An update of my job situation : I landed a new job! I’m currently in my one month notice period. It’s hell but we’re moving… slowly!

So sad to be leaving my current work but also so relieved - I’m in the same company, just a different position and team, they’re all lovely. Fingers crossed this month passes quickly as it’s all gone to pot since I handed in that notice…. 16.5 shifts left!
Hey! An update of my job situation : I landed a new job! I’m currently in my one month notice period. It’s hell but we’re moving… slowly!

So sad to be leaving my current work but also so relieved - I’m in the same company, just a different position and team, they’re all lovely. Fingers crossed this month passes quickly as it’s all gone to pot since I handed in that notice…. 16.5 shifts left!
Well done.
Hey! An update of my job situation : I landed a new job! I’m currently in my one month notice period. It’s hell but we’re moving… slowly!

So sad to be leaving my current work but also so relieved - I’m in the same company, just a different position and team, they’re all lovely. Fingers crossed this month passes quickly as it’s all gone to pot since I handed in that notice…. 16.5 shifts left!

That’s brilliant. I’m so pleased for you.
Hey! An update of my job situation : I landed a new job! I’m currently in my one month notice period. It’s hell but we’re moving… slowly!

So sad to be leaving my current work but also so relieved - I’m in the same company, just a different position and team, they’re all lovely. Fingers crossed this month passes quickly as it’s all gone to pot since I handed in that notice…. 16.5 shifts left!
Excellent news. Well done, I’m so pleased for you 🙂
That’s amazing ! Well done you 🌟🥰
I’m hoping 16.5 shifts whizz by
Just a little update. My doctors appointment last week went ok. Doctor was lovely and understanding but we decided against medication for my anxiety now. She agreed when I said that if I feel nice and fuzzy, the problems at home would still be there. She suggested counselling and I am to refer myself if I want to go down that route. Left with a handy tips guide and a reassurance that what I had told her would be documented on my notes. I feel its time to stand strong though regarding brother. We are trying...

Have booked a little trip to Nottingham for Christmas market at the end of next month so hopefully nothing goes wrong for that. Mums hopefully having covid booster this week so if all goes well with that she will be a bit more protected. It does worry me more now with it being colder and more indoor things happening.
Just a little update. My doctors appointment last week went ok. Doctor was lovely and understanding but we decided against medication for my anxiety now. She agreed when I said that if I feel nice and fuzzy, the problems at home would still be there. She suggested counselling and I am to refer myself if I want to go down that route. Left with a handy tips guide and a reassurance that what I had told her would be documented on my notes. I feel its time to stand strong though regarding brother. We are trying...

Have booked a little trip to Nottingham for Christmas market at the end of next month so hopefully nothing goes wrong for that. Mums hopefully having covid booster this week so if all goes well with that she will be a bit more protected. It does worry me more now with it being colder and more indoor things happening.

I would definitely recommend referring yourself to a course on anxiety. I did a six week course about 10 years ago and I found it really helpful.

Hmmm there’s nothing wrong with feeling “a bit fuzzy” on medication. You can still function and deal with your problems but you just feel a little bit detached from the problem if that makes sense. Don’t feel you need to soldier on. Meds might help you in the short term to feel stronger. Good luck. You are doing great. The Xmas markets sound wonderful.
Oh Sar well done you - I’m glad things went well with your Doctor. Different things work for different people and you and your Doctor obviously had a good discussion. Hopefully you’re feeling more supported.
Little steps wit.h your brother.
Nottingham Xmas market will be lovely.
How is your new job ? Hopefully it’s working out just fine 🥰
I would definitely recommend referring yourself to a course on anxiety. I did a six week course about 10 years ago and I found it really helpful.

Hmmm there’s nothing wrong with feeling “a bit fuzzy” on medication. You can still function and deal with your problems but you just feel a little bit detached from the problem if that makes sense. Don’t feel you need to soldier on. Meds might help you in the short term to feel stronger. Good luck. You are doing great. The Xmas markets sound wonderful.

I probably worded that wrong. I would have no issue with medication. My point to the doctor was if I'm on medication my brother would still be a drunk and blackmailing money out of me. It doesn't really solve the actual issue.

Oh Sar well done you - I’m glad things went well with your Doctor. Different things work for different people and you and your Doctor obviously had a good discussion. Hopefully you’re feeling more supported.
Little steps wit.h your brother.
Nottingham Xmas market will be lovely.
How is your new job ? Hopefully it’s working out just fine 🥰

I've told him he's no longer blackmailing money out of me for beer. It's been a week, he's asked twice and I've said no twice. Compromised with him and said would make sure there is food in for him to eat (food better for him than beer right? - there is always food in but he only eats beige) and he kicked off because I told him he was taking the eating a whole pack of pasta and block of cheese for one meal!
I’m already noticing a determined way in your responses Sar ! Good on you - I understand how hard it is to be strong (and it’d be so easy to give in to him ! ) I think you’re right, far better to eat than drink beer - beige food….that’s his problem. Keep strong and remember your Doctor and all of us here are supporting you ! So when it’s getting tough and he’s kicking off …..remember that - you have people with you 🥰
Good on you Sar! he is a bully and the best way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them. be assertive and don’t give in to him no matter what. This will give build and give you the confidence to put him in his place and make him realise you are not there to blackmailed and treated so badly. I’m really proud of you!

I hope you you enjoy your Xmas Market x If you can, make time for yourself, little treats or visits to places. Put yourself (and your Mum) first, it will help your anxiety level. You’ve burst his bubble now, your in control x
Hey, just not in a good place right now. Have been off work all week with what I think is a virus that is making me weak but doesn't have other symptoms. I get a lot of anxiety around my health so that has kicked in big time too. So I keep having panic attacks which are debilitating in themselves and means i am kind of living in a state of fear so I don't know how much of what I am feeling is physical or mental health. I have a lot of piggies so caring for them right now is a struggle, so far I have been meeting their basic needs but part of me wishes I simply didn't have any.
Sorry for the post. Its 3am so I know you'll all be sleeping, just feeling a little desperate
It's OK not to be OK @Pound Shilling & Pig. Your piggies will be alright with just their basic needs being met. Focus on getting yourself better. Just try and do one thing per day at the moment.

Fortunately, I have only suffered from a panic attack once and it was awful, my OH was so worried about me he took me straight to the Drs and insisted I was seen as an emergency case. My hands, arms and legs went all tingly and I collapsed and couldn't breathe. I think I must have been overwhelmed by the fact I was on holiday in the caravan with 3 small boys despite having done it loads of times in the past.

Look after yourself. You are the important person to yourself and your piggies.
Thank you @Betsy panic attacks make me go weak and tremble and feel like I will collapse if I don't sit down. Worrying that I might have one can also bring one on. At the moment I don't feel I am capable of driving safely or have the strength to walk to the local shops to buy veg. I will ring a friend to go shopping for me. I just feel overwhelmed and alone
I promise you that if you are meeting your dependents' basic needs, you are doing enough. At tough times, we may not be meeting our expectations for ourselves, and we might not get anything else done that day, but... keeping everyone alive (and in good conditions) is no small thing.

Be kind to yourself. You're doing a great job and don't let those anxiety gremlins tell you otherwise.
I completely agree with @Betsy and @poggle .
You are meeting the piggies needs and that’s fine.
There are times when we’re not ok. That is part of our humanity.

One thing I find very therapeutic is bread making - by hand.
As you knead the dough you pour all your worries and anxiety into it and bread dough loves being well pummelled.

If you have a virus then you are going to feel wiped out for a while. Nothing to do except rest and wait it out which is frustrating.

Holding you in my heart ♥️
Well done for speaking out @Pound Shilling & Pig. Too often we hold everything in until we reach a point of nervous and physical exhaustion. Many of us have experience of anxiety and panic attacks, and know how debilitating either or both can be. So we understand. Long dark cold nights can be the worst when you are feeling physically and mentally drained and your mind is going overtime. I have some hand reflexology techniques that I’d be happy to share with you , if you would like. I find that they can help to calm me down when I am feeling that way. I also practise 3-4-5 breathing to help re-set my parasympathetic nervous system. Breathe in to the count of 3. Hold to the count of 4. Exhale to the count of 5. After a few of these breaths I usually start to feel more in control. If they aren’t working at first, I carry on for a few minutes.
For now, just focus on getting yourself physically well again after your virus. One step at a time. One day at a time. The piggies will be fine if their basic needs are met. Anything else can wait until you feel better.
Hey, just not in a good place right now. Have been off work all week with what I think is a virus that is making me weak but doesn't have other symptoms. I get a lot of anxiety around my health so that has kicked in big time too. So I keep having panic attacks which are debilitating in themselves and means i am kind of living in a state of fear so I don't know how much of what I am feeling is physical or mental health. I have a lot of piggies so caring for them right now is a struggle, so far I have been meeting their basic needs but part of me wishes I simply didn't have any.
Sorry for the post. Its 3am so I know you'll all be sleeping, just feeling a little desperate
Sending you a big hug. You are doing great. I hope you start to feel better soon.
Ah pound shilling & pig we understand and stand with you - it’s so scary and having anxiety makes things even harder - you’ve had lots of good advice ….. resting and trying distraction techniques can help, ie reading, watching a fav film or tv programme - keep in touch with us and know that we’re here to care and support you ❤️🥰
@Pound Shilling & Pig your piggies will be fine, mine recently had nearly 3 weeks of only basic care when I was ill. I think they quite enjoyed the hands off human approach to be honest! When those anxiety gremlins get hold they can be overwhelming. You will feel better again soon, I don't think the weather we have at the moment helps, it's been so grey.
Sending you my very best wishes.
I've been putting off thinking on this for a while because I know my brain, but needs must - I have no idea how to get veg in over the holidays. Normally I'd get a delivery but the chances of that are slim with the time of year, Amazon don't do grocery deliveries to my postcode, and I get...stupid...in somewhere like Asda or Tesco. It's not so bad when it's empty and there's space to move but generally I don't go in, and if it's not the being inside that sets me off, it's the waiting for the taxi afterwards.

For the past few years this wasn't a problem. Last Christmas period with pigs was 2017.

Anxiety is the bane of my existence.
Are you anywhere near a big enough supermarket that does click and collect? Then you could order everything you need as if for delivery, and all you have to do is whizz in and collect it. Alternatively, what about those newish delivery companies that have started recently, do they operate in your area at all?
I think the local Asda has click and collect, but I have no real ID and I don't even know where the pickup point actually is.

As for the other smaller companies, I know there's a couple, but if they're anything like Uber Eats or Just Eat, the options are limited. No lettuce (just iceberg), maybe peppers, usually carrots and cucumber. Asda do have express deliveries, stupid expensive but if I can get one of those I might be better off.
I've also just realised I need to make sure my caffeine fix is appropriately dealt with over the holidays too.
It's a while since I used a click and collect, but I think when I did (at a Waitrose - I must be posh!) iirc the only ID you need is a copy of the order and maybe the payment card used.
I have an order in for Thursday (assuming money goes into my account first thing on Thursday morning otherwise I'm slightly stuffed), it'll at least ease some of the issues. And then if needs be I can try sorting something out when I see someone next Tuesday or Wednesday. I feel like I'll be chanting "this is doable" in my head for two weeks, but thank you for the push.
I have an order in for Thursday (assuming money goes into my account first thing on Thursday morning otherwise I'm slightly stuffed), it'll at least ease some of the issues. And then if needs be I can try sorting something out when I see someone next Tuesday or Wednesday. I feel like I'll be chanting "this is doable" in my head for two weeks, but thank you for the push.
It IS doable @Lorcan
You are a great owner, and despite what they tell you, the boys won't actually die if they need to go a few days without their full range of fresh veg.
Some fresh lasts a decent while in the fridge, and if the shorter lived items like lettuce run out then they just go without until you can get more.
Their basic needs will always be met, and you will all get through this Christmas period just fine. :hug:
At this stage it doesn't need to go in the fridge, just leaving it in the kitchen would keep it just as cool lol. But, deep breaths. I'll be glad when the holiday period is over.