Who’s struggling?

I’m so stressed out. We have a lot of snow and ice around here and I’m so stressed out that my parents will slip and fall. They’re both in their early 70’s and I do worry about them. They told me that the pathway from their bungalow to their car is clear but I’m currently visiting them and it isn’t clear at all. I’ve asked them if they have some salt but they don’t have any other than a bit in a salt pot. They didn’t want to worry me. I hate winter 😞
@Lorcan you are a brilliant owner. Hopefully you’ll be able to get a delivery slot Christmas week but if you can’t get fresh veg for the pigs, they will be fine to go without for a few days as veg is only making up 15% of their diet.

I’ve started using scan and go at asda so we can just whizz round and skip going through a checkout.

I understand your anxieties about not wanting to go in to the shop as I’m the same and it’s why I go shopping at 7am when it’s quiet 😂
it’s why I go shopping at 7am when it’s quiet 😂

There's times I miss pre-pandemic, when it was perfectly acceptable to go to Tesco at 1am. Made life so much easier. Since the money's already on hold on my account (pushing it into an unauthorised overdraft that was interesting to wake up to) the bank will charge me for it but I don't have to worry about Asda getting their money. The cold weather payment from the DWP turned up too. Eases the anxiety a little bit.
I don't like bank holidays as I feel I should be enjoying it like everyone else and I don't. I don't cope well with the disruption of routine.
But at least I managed to grab a delivery date for a few days before Christmas as soon as they put them on line. I find romaine, cucmber and celery keep for over a week in the fridge. I don't usually feed celery but it's a treat when I need keeping veg, along with carrots and apples if I get desperate, well it is Christmas. I just need to remember to check what's on the order as I'm sure I won't need half of it by the time it arrives and I think it's a very strange mix! When less thing to worry about this year.
There's times I miss pre-pandemic, when it was perfectly acceptable to go to Tesco at 1am. Made life so much easier. Since the money's already on hold on my account (pushing it into an unauthorised overdraft that was interesting to wake up to) the bank will charge me for it but I don't have to worry about Asda getting their money. The cold weather payment from the DWP turned up too. Eases the anxiety a little bit.
You CAN do this Lorcan - don’t panic …..as it’s been said veg will keep for quite a while and if Cam and Bann miss out for a few days (with their veg ) as long as hay is there and their pellets they’ll be fine …..more importantly think about your food ….your caffeine fix just in case you can’t get a slot. The shops are very busy and it could cause anxiety and extra money if you go in a taxi .Are you registered as vulnerable ? Some supermarkets will have slots for vulnerable customers. Try not to worry …..you’ll get thru this time !
I was classed as it but never registered, by the time I had the paperwork to go ahead and apply, it was near the end of the second lockdown. And anything perishable I couldn't otherwise get, Amazon Grocery would deliver to my old postcode so I didn't see the point. I also have a bit of cash on hand if I can find someone to get me a bottle from the corner shop...I hate bottles, they taste weird, but they're much better than nothing.

So says my caffeine problem, anyway. I might be able to swing that one via Amazon too. There's plenty turns up with tomorrow's order but then I can have another one on standby, it's not like it won't get drunk lol.

So far, so good. I can't do much more til after tomorrow anyway.
They normally go out to get theirs, although whether they do it as Click & Collect I've never asked.
Thank you @Betsy panic attacks make me go weak and tremble and feel like I will collapse if I don't sit down. Worrying that I might have one can also bring one on. At the moment I don't feel I am capable of driving safely or have the strength to walk to the local shops to buy veg. I will ring a friend to go shopping for me. I just feel overwhelmed and alone
@Pound Shilling & Pig how are you feeling? I hope that virus has gone and you are feeling a little better. Anxiety and panic attacks are so horrible I feel for you x
Just need a bit of a rant sorry. So sick of my seizures, they’re really getting me down almost daily. Can’t do anything, seem to be spending my life in bed and obviously feeling rough and sore all the time :( Missed most of Christmas and New Year being in a state, daily life is tough keeping on top of stuff atm and just feel a bit useless :( I always get the pigs sorted no matter what, but even piggy washing is hard atm as can’t stand up for long, been having to sit and sweep fleece recently with my jelly legs! 🙈
Still not heard from the hospital, who after giving me an ‘urgent’ appt a couple of months ago for June 2023(!) then cancelled 2 days later saying they’d let me know my new one!
Please send some healthy brain vibes my way, or even a few new brain cells as memory is horrendous atm, lost lots recently! And a hug too! :)
Sending you much love and hugs as you cope with whatever this is. I’m sorry that the NHS can’t offer an appt asap which you clearly need - always remember we on here are always about to listen ,support and send healing vibes to you. The piggies will in their own little way be helping you to stay grounded ❤️
I'm struggling today, I've got bloody sciatica which, despite sleeping more, seems to be disrupting my sleep as I'm bloody knackered. I feel so worn down and exhausted right now and keep snapping at my daughter as a result
Thanks so much @Roselina :) I’ve had epilepsy for 20ish years and always say I’m used to it, but when it’s these rough times where I’m having them so much (a few times a day sometimes) it really takes it out of me and I can’t cope as well as I normally can I guess. And I suppose when everyone’s celebrating and you’re in bed it just feels even more rubbish! The piggies definitely get me through, would be lost without them and Daisy the cat here looking after me ❤️:)
I'm struggling today, I've got bloody sciatica which, despite sleeping more, seems to be disrupting my sleep as I'm bloody knackered. I feel so worn down and exhausted right now and keep snapping at my daughter as a result
Hang in there Kelly.
Jessica knows she is loved, and sometimes I think it's ok for them to see that Mummy is human too.
Just because we have kids doesn't mean we can't have days where we feel worn down by it all.
I also think (particularly with younger kids) the excitement and lack of routine over the Christmas holidays turns them into total monsters, so hopefully everything will settle down once school and work start up again.
Just need a bit of a rant sorry. So sick of my seizures, they’re really getting me down almost daily. Can’t do anything, seem to be spending my life in bed and obviously feeling rough and sore all the time :( Missed most of Christmas and New Year being in a state, daily life is tough keeping on top of stuff atm and just feel a bit useless :( I always get the pigs sorted no matter what, but even piggy washing is hard atm as can’t stand up for long, been having to sit and sweep fleece recently with my jelly legs! 🙈
Still not heard from the hospital, who after giving me an ‘urgent’ appt a couple of months ago for June 2023(!) then cancelled 2 days later saying they’d let me know my new one!
Please send some healthy brain vibes my way, or even a few new brain cells as memory is horrendous atm, lost lots recently! And a hug too! :)
Rant away - seizures are the worst, and struggling with uncontrolled seizures must be doubly difficult.
I will cross my fingers you get an appointment soon and they can come up with a plan to help get them under better control. :hug:
Thanks so much @Swissgreys :) Hoping for an appointment very soon, but think I might have to get moaning to the GP in the very near future, a meds tweak or change is definitely needed I think! Thank you 😊
Definitely call the doctors. If you are having more then something needs doing about it. I hope you get your appointment very soon. Sending healing vibes your way. ❤️
I'm struggling today, I've got bloody sciatica which, despite sleeping more, seems to be disrupting my sleep as I'm bloody knackered. I feel so worn down and exhausted right now and keep snapping at my daughter as a result
I hope it gets better soon. It’s very draining being in pain. You have to use up more energy. Try and take things easy.
Thanks so much @weepweeps and @Lavinia. Yeah think I’m going to have to this week, will then take a week to get a phone appointment most likely! My doctors are a nightmare after Covid, probably why I’ve just been putting up with it but going on a bit too long now and I’m exhausted! Thanks guys :hug: x
Thanks all, I do explain why mummy is "grumpy mummy" at the moment and I think she understands. Never thought I would be so eager to get back to work for a break 😂😂😂

Oh @alpacasqueak it's so hard now to get the medical care you need and deserve. It was bad enough before COVID and now it's even worse. I think many GPs are putting more referrals through as urgent in the hope people get seen sooner but obviously the more that get put through as urgent the more everyone has to wait
Sending you masses of hugs and healing vibes. Wish I lived closer so I could deliver them in person and help you with piggies etc. I'm so sorry you are having so many seizures at the moment.
Hang in there @alpacasqueak I know just how long you have been waiting for the replacement appt. I would chase up this week as you seem to have fallen off the list. Sending huge hugs, you are amazing how you cope and keep so cheerful x :hug:
Sending you masses of hugs and healing vibes. Wish I lived closer so I could deliver them in person and help you with piggies etc. I'm so sorry you are having so many seizures at the moment.
Thank you, you’re so lovely, it means a lot 😊 Not sure if you should come round really though, Orla might magically disappear! :bal:;):)) (And Nugget from yours by me too if I was close enough to nab him! :bal::wub:)
Hang in there @alpacasqueak I know just how long you have been waiting for the replacement appt. I would chase up this week as you seem to have fallen off the list. Sending huge hugs, you are amazing how you cope and keep so cheerful x :hug:
Thanks Jane, yeah I think it might be even longer and more like September I got (then lost) the appt, keep losing time but know it’s been blumming ages now anyway! Will get on to them in next couple of days, didn’t have the strength to sit on hold today after they’d been shut as knew they’d be busy! Thank you 😊 x
Thank you, you’re so lovely, it means a lot 😊 Not sure if you should come round really though, Orla might magically disappear! :bal:;):)) (And Nugget from yours by me too if I was close enough to nab him! :bal::wub:)

Thanks Jane, yeah I think it might be even longer and more like September I got (then lost) the appt, keep losing time but know it’s been blumming ages now anyway! Will get on to them in next couple of days, didn’t have the strength to sit on hold today after they’d been shut as knew they’d be busy! Thank you 😊 x
You could always use your hospital PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) to help you chase up what is going on with your appointment. Unfortunately these days in hospitals it is those that shout loudest get their needs met and PALS is the equivalent of giving you a megaphone xx
You could always use your hospital PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) to help you chase up what is going on with your appointment. Unfortunately these days in hospitals it is those that shout loudest get their needs met and PALS is the equivalent of giving you a megaphone xx
Thanks a lot for letting me know that, I’ll have a look about them. My usual neurologist (in my town) said on his last letter just to contact him if there are changes with my seizures and we need to change meds/doses like I seem to every few years, but for some reason they’ve actually sent me to the old hospital I went to years ago as a referral. Which means me having to go on a bus alone to get there and is much busier, so longer waiting times too I suppose. I called to query with the GP and was told I just had to go there, then got the letter cancelling, so sort of gave up on them all to be honest! 🤦‍♀️ But I need to kick up a bit of fuss to get somewhere then I think! Thank you :) xx
My dad asked me to look into care homes for my mum today. She has dementia and it’s been getting harder for him to cope as she isn’t sleeping very well anymore. Without sleep he can’t carry on. Bless him. He’s been absolutely amazing. She is a very difficult patient. Dementia is just the worst illness. 😢
I’m so sorry @weepweeps :hug:Your dad has definitely been amazing caring for her all this time. I really hope you can find a lovely place close by for her. Dementia is so horrible :( x