Who’s struggling?

Really been struggling for a while with work / mentally. I recently got my Masters (gosh I’ve been on this forum since I was a teenager, I feel old!) and at 25, I still have no idea what I wanna do in life? I wanted to work with animals and I’m now a tech and I enjoy my job, but… my boss. Ugh, my boss. They are lovely, but also have a lot of issues. I’m blamed for a lot of things casual techs do wrong, I actually hate going in when we’re on shifts together! Having panic attacks every night before work or lying in bed panicking that I’ve done something wrong isn’t normal. I just feel like what I do will never be enough. And.. pay is really low. Just above minimum, and thinking that I’ve put all this time and effort into getting my masters…. Aaaa, I don’t know what to do. I can’t live on this sort of money, on my own and all…and stupidly am moving to an entire new area all on my own for this job. Sorry! Very rambling post but I guess I’m feeling very down and alone, going through a break up too so it’s all just a little poop right now. I’m just wondering if the new place will help as I won’t be commuting two hours each way anymore, but I’m completely alone. Sure, I’ve been living alone for a few years now but still, it’s a shock to the system and I know I want to quit my job…. Think it’s time for a cup of tea!
Really been struggling for a while with work / mentally. I recently got my Masters (gosh I’ve been on this forum since I was a teenager, I feel old!) and at 25, I still have no idea what I wanna do in life? I wanted to work with animals and I’m now a tech and I enjoy my job, but… my boss. Ugh, my boss. They are lovely, but also have a lot of issues. I’m blamed for a lot of things casual techs do wrong, I actually hate going in when we’re on shifts together! Having panic attacks every night before work or lying in bed panicking that I’ve done something wrong isn’t normal. I just feel like what I do will never be enough. And.. pay is really low. Just above minimum, and thinking that I’ve put all this time and effort into getting my masters…. Aaaa, I don’t know what to do. I can’t live on this sort of money, on my own and all…and stupidly am moving to an entire new area all on my own for this job. Sorry! Very rambling post but I guess I’m feeling very down and alone, going through a break up too so it’s all just a little poop right now. I’m just wondering if the new place will help as I won’t be commuting two hours each way anymore, but I’m completely alone. Sure, I’ve been living alone for a few years now but still, it’s a shock to the system and I know I want to quit my job…. Think it’s time for a cup of tea!
Gosh you really do have a lot on your plate at the moment. I’m so sorry you are going through a break up. Enjoy some “you time” and do what you want for a while. Have a look around for new jobs. You don’t have to move too soon but keep your eyes open for a more suitable role. Good luck with the move.
Gosh you really do have a lot on your plate at the moment. I’m so sorry you are going through a break up. Enjoy some “you time” and do what you want for a while. Have a look around for new jobs. You don’t have to move too soon but keep your eyes open for a more suitable role. Good luck with the move.
Haha, I don’t really want to do anything is the issue at the moment! Sadly it’s set in stone that I’m moving next week. I mean, sure, there’s things I want to do but I lack the energy. Thank you, I’m hoping a bigger environment will be nice.
Haha, I don’t really want to do anything is the issue at the moment! Sadly it’s set in stone that I’m moving next week. I mean, sure, there’s things I want to do but I lack the energy. Thank you, I’m hoping a bigger environment will be nice.
Do what feels right for you. Take care.
I've found the last few days difficult because of Putin. My anxiety levels were really high with work stress and the storms (my shed was damaged) anyway, now the situation in Ukraine has raised my anxiety even more.
Not having a good day. All this with Putin has given me the shakes 😢
Try not to watch too much news. Our local Polish Church was collecting food and clothing supplies for Poland to give to Ukrainian refugees. We took a big box to them. I know it’s not much but at least it’s something.
I've found the last few days difficult because of Putin. My anxiety levels were really high with work stress and the storms (my shed was damaged) anyway, now the situation in Ukraine has raised my anxiety even more.
I’m sorry you are feeling more anxious than usual. Try and take some quiet time to try and forget about all the things that are making your anxiety worse. Some things are just out of our control. Take care. 🤗
There's been a couple of Polish videogame studios - one pledges all profits from sales to go to Ukraine, and the other pledged a fair amount (although I don't recall the numbers).

I have massive anxiety issues, and the situation on the continent doesn't help. But I have to remind myself there's nothing I can do. I've been playing videogames because they're a great distraction into another world for an hour or two to give myself a break.
I’m sorry you are feeling more anxious than usual. Try and take some quiet time to try and forget about all the things that are making your anxiety worse. Some things are just out of our control. Take care. 🤗
Thank you. I had work to do today but I took time out to finish painting some violets for my mum's birthday card which has to be posted tomorrow and pottered around the garden as it was sunny.
Thank you. I had work to do today but I took time out to finish painting some violets for my mum's birthday card which has to be posted tomorrow and pottered around the garden as it was sunny.
Sorry your anxiety is high. The war in Ukraine is just awful :( I am however glad you have had a bit of a better day today x
Thank you for asking. I had a funny turn on Friday evening so had to go to bed but I was fine for Chris's birthday party last night and have been fine today for his actual birthday. It's been a good weekend
That's wonderful, I'm so pleased you were well for Chris's birthday celebrations
Thank you. I had work to do today but I took time out to finish painting some violets for my mum's birthday card which has to be posted tomorrow and pottered around the garden as it was sunny.
How lovely a hand painted card 😍
It's been a tough week. Had to ring an ambulance twice for Mum. She collapsed one time in the bathroom early morning and took a while to come back to proper alertness/consciousness. The same over the weekend, but this time laid flat in bed. It's like she is having some sort of convulsion or something and goes unresponsive. Both times she's taken a few minutes to become semi-alert, then a few more minutes to be her normal self. Both times she's been taken to hospital, tests done etc and everything has come back clear so they've sent her home - it might be fainting they have said. Is it possible to even faint whilst laid flat in bed? It might be this, might be that, no one seems to know and these have just come out of nowhere this week so it's really frightened me. No one has told her what to do if it happens again, or if she's on her own, or what we should do if it happens again to help/make sure she's safe and at what point do we get help? I feel like I'm walking on an eggshell and every sound she makes I jump now.

There's lots of other little niggles but I needed to get this out... apologies if it doesn't make any sense.
It's been a tough week. Had to ring an ambulance twice for Mum. She collapsed one time in the bathroom early morning and took a while to come back to proper alertness/consciousness. The same over the weekend, but this time laid flat in bed. It's like she is having some sort of convulsion or something and goes unresponsive. Both times she's taken a few minutes to become semi-alert, then a few more minutes to be her normal self. Both times she's been taken to hospital, tests done etc and everything has come back clear so they've sent her home - it might be fainting they have said. Is it possible to even faint whilst laid flat in bed? It might be this, might be that, no one seems to know and these have just come out of nowhere this week so it's really frightened me. No one has told her what to do if it happens again, or if she's on her own, or what we should do if it happens again to help/make sure she's safe and at what point do we get help? I feel like I'm walking on an eggshell and every sound she makes I jump now.

There's lots of other little niggles but I needed to get this out... apologies if it doesn't make any sense.
I would call the doctors first thing this morning and have a chat with them about your mum and how/what you can do for her. It’s strange nothing showed up at the hospital. Fingers crossed she doesn’t have anymore.
I would call the doctors first thing this morning and have a chat with them about your mum and how/what you can do for her. It’s strange nothing showed up at the hospital. Fingers crossed she doesn’t have anymore.

Didn't get that far. She collapsed again early hours of this morning and has spent the day in resus then critical care with a brief spell of being sedated. Hopefully now though they will find the cause and sort it. I'm currently running on nothing.
I'm really struggling my fionce accidentally left the door wide open for over an hour today while he went into town and we live in quite a rough area. I have no idea how we weren't robbed. But now he's working a night shift and I'm home alone and I'm terrified. What if he had locked it and someone had broken in but they were interrupted and they'll come back tonight. I just can't make myself feel safe.
Didn't get that far. She collapsed again early hours of this morning and has spent the day in resus then critical care with a brief spell of being sedated. Hopefully now though they will find the cause and sort it. I'm currently running on nothing.
She’s in the best place. Hopefully they will find out what’s wrong and she will soon be on the mend. Sending you hugs. Take care ❤️
I'm really struggling my fionce accidentally left the door wide open for over an hour today while he went into town and we live in quite a rough area. I have no idea how we weren't robbed. But now he's working a night shift and I'm home alone and I'm terrified. What if he had locked it and someone had broken in but they were interrupted and they'll come back tonight. I just can't make myself feel safe.
You’ve been very lucky. I’m sure no one broke in. There would be signs. Try and relax. Your fiancé will be feeling really bad and won’t make that mistake again.
I'm just annoyed at myself I think. I sat down to play a videogame, got 5 minutes in, and then went "No wait the pigs need cleaning out." That was at 7pm. They've been cleaned out and are currently wrecking all my hard work and that's okay, but I'm just shattered. I shouldn't be, but my energy levels have been whack for weeks and I can't seem to get them back. I've also had to set alarms so I remember to take my meds on time and I haven't had to do that for years, but if I don't then I end up taking my evening meds at 9pm and then have to sit and wait til 1am to take the night ones because of the 4 hour gap. People keep offering to do things for me and I don't know how to explain that I'm grateful but I don't have the energy to let them do it either.
Mums still in hopsital. She's not allowed to leave until sorted and still waiting for results of tests etc.

Have been struggling coping with my brother, looking after the house, working and visiting at the hospital. To top it off today, had a text off my driving instructor telling me he's now only teaching students with their own cars due to a change in his circumstances. So the hunt for a driving instructor able to deal with my nerves and lack of confidence begins again. This one came recommended too and he was doing so much for me so now I just feel really sad.
Mums still in hopsital. She's not allowed to leave until sorted and still waiting for results of tests etc.

Have been struggling coping with my brother, looking after the house, working and visiting at the hospital. To top it off today, had a text off my driving instructor telling me he's now only teaching students with their own cars due to a change in his circumstances. So the hunt for a driving instructor able to deal with my nerves and lack of confidence begins again. This one came recommended too and he was doing so much for me so now I just feel really sad.

You've got so much going on, it's only natural that you're struggling. Driving instructors must have to deal with even quite severe nerves and lack of confidence all the time, so hopefully it won't be long until you find another good one.

I'm sorry about your mum. I hope you can take some time for yourself to recharge this weekend, alongside everything else you have to do.
Mums still in hopsital. She's not allowed to leave until sorted and still waiting for results of tests etc.

Have been struggling coping with my brother, looking after the house, working and visiting at the hospital. To top it off today, had a text off my driving instructor telling me he's now only teaching students with their own cars due to a change in his circumstances. So the hunt for a driving instructor able to deal with my nerves and lack of confidence begins again. This one came recommended too and he was doing so much for me so now I just feel really sad.
I'm so sorry you have so much going on :( Your mum is in the best place and will hopefully get some answers soon. I'm sorry you are losing your driving instructor but they're use to people with anxiety and lack of confidence so hopefully you will find another one who is equally as good if not better. Try and stay out of your brothers way as much as possible

Take some time out over the weekend. You need to look after yourself too x
Sending hugs to everyone who is struggling x

My Mom In Law was diagnosed with mixed Dementia last week, primarily Vascular with Alzheimers as a secondary. She lives alone, doesnt want any help, thinks everyone is interfering, so no idea how this will all pan out over the months/years.

My Daughter has a Chiari brain malformation for which she had surgery in 2019. Her headaches have returned and she has had a scan and has fluid collecting around the scar tissue. Only option is repeat surgery but she wont have it due to not wanting to leave her 4 year old daughter for a week and the complications she had following the surgery.

My 4 year old Granddaughter has been assessed for ASD and ADHD and we get the outcome in April. Will be good to get answers but still more stress.

We also had Covid 3.5 weeks ago and although we werent very ill we are all still feeling much more fatigued than usual.

Anyway, we carry on the best we can, don't we?
Mums still in hopsital. She's not allowed to leave until sorted and still waiting for results of tests etc.

Have been struggling coping with my brother, looking after the house, working and visiting at the hospital. To top it off today, had a text off my driving instructor telling me he's now only teaching students with their own cars due to a change in his circumstances. So the hunt for a driving instructor able to deal with my nerves and lack of confidence begins again. This one came recommended too and he was doing so much for me so now I just feel really sad.

I’m sorry your mum is still in hospital. Hopefully they will get all the results back soon and she can come home.

You never know your next driving instructor may be even better than this one. Don’t give up though. You’re doing really well.

Keep out of your brothers way. Try not to waste many of your precious time and energy on him.

Take care of yourself too. ❤️