What made you happy today?

When Son No 1 was a baby and just learning to talk, we got him a two foot high penguin toy with a baby penguin sewn to the feet. For some reason Son No 1 insisted this penguin's name was "Day". We finally worked out what he meant after a couple of weeks of him yelling "Day" and crying when we didn't understand!
I notice @Merab's Slave didn't include the paper bag @Betsy . I hope your piggies don't find out you have that chocolate, the GPU could have something to say about that. We all know Hotel Chocolat has to come with a paper bag.
You have a point there. I wouldn't be in trouble though as I didn't buy it so I wouldn't have the paper bag.
Dear @Merab's Slave

It has come to our attention that you sent our Slave a slab of chocolate from Hotel Chocolat which was very kind of you. Did you forget something? Er .... yeah! Where's our present then?!? Where is our Hotel Chocolat bag that we have heard great things about from Ruth and Micah. We would never like to deprive them of their most favourite thing in the whole world but you seem to have an endless supply of them so surely they wouldn't miss one?

Yours feeling very unhappy at being ignored

Thea, Misty and Bramble
I have my 3 boys, Grandma and Son No 1's girlfriend coming down tomorrow. I love my family coming to visit. I've been looking forward to it for a week. The casserole is in the slow cooker, vegan dinner sorted for girlfriend (including vegan "cheese"), 2 puds made, rhubarb and apple thawing out so I can add the crumble top tomorrow so girlfriend has a vegan pud. Vegan ice cream in the freezer to go with rhubarb and apple crumble. Son No 1 and girlfriend is coming from Southampton, Son No 2 is coming from London and Son No 3 is coming from Coventry and Grandma is coming from a mile away. I am so excited to have all my family around.
I have my 3 boys, Grandma and Son No 1's girlfriend coming down tomorrow. I love my family coming to visit. I've been looking forward to it for a week. The casserole is in the slow cooker, vegan dinner sorted for girlfriend (including vegan "cheese"), 2 puds made, rhubarb and apple thawing out so I can add the crumble top tomorrow so girlfriend has a vegan pud. Vegan ice cream in the freezer to go with rhubarb and apple crumble. Son No 1 and girlfriend is coming from Southampton, Son No 2 is coming from London and Son No 3 is coming from Coventry and Grandma is coming from a mile away. I am so excited to have all my family around.
That’s so lovely …..just what families are about - have a wonderful time all together πŸ₯°
Dear @Merab's Slave

It has come to our attention that you sent our Slave a slab of chocolate from Hotel Chocolat which was very kind of you. Did you forget something? Er .... yeah! Where's our present then?!? Where is our Hotel Chocolat bag that we have heard great things about from Ruth and Micah. We would never like to deprive them of their most favourite thing in the whole world but you seem to have an endless supply of them so surely they wouldn't miss one?

Yours feeling very unhappy at being ignored

Thea, Misty and Bramble

Dear Thea, Misty and Bramble,
We are sorry our slave didn’t send one of our Hotel Chocolat bags for you.
Here’s a picture of our partly chewed bag for you instead.
Love from Ruth and Micah
I have my 3 boys, Grandma and Son No 1's girlfriend coming down tomorrow. I love my family coming to visit. I've been looking forward to it for a week. The casserole is in the slow cooker, vegan dinner sorted for girlfriend (including vegan "cheese"), 2 puds made, rhubarb and apple thawing out so I can add the crumble top tomorrow so girlfriend has a vegan pud. Vegan ice cream in the freezer to go with rhubarb and apple crumble. Son No 1 and girlfriend is coming from Southampton, Son No 2 is coming from London and Son No 3 is coming from Coventry and Grandma is coming from a mile away. I am so excited to have all my family around.

Have a wonderful time. ❀️
I've deleted 2 of your posts and removed a link to a third, please don't come on the forum if you're only posting links to third party sites, thank you.
I got the furniture rearranged AND the goblins have behaved well all day despite the lack of peppers. I realise this means I'm probably in for it tomorrow instead, but y'know. Whatever, it's been a good day and my only complaint is my hip hurts again, lol.
I mean I'm going to feel it tomorrow anyway, I can already tell my muscles are not impressed with me. I still need to sort out the stuff that needs putting back on the bookcase but the desk, computer, TV, TV cabinet and bookcase are all in the right places and the c&c grid shelving has been taken down and rebuilt, from a 2x4 into a 1x4, which means I can finally open the door fully lol. Maybe now I can stop getting my sleeve caught on the door handle!
Well done Lorcan I hope your muscles are not too achy
……and those rascals are giving you an easy time
( me thinks β€˜do they ever?) πŸ₯°
I placed an order from Jacky's Pantry a couple of days ago for Christmas pressies for an elderly Aunt (never know what to get her) and Son No 1's girlfriend. Order was despatched yesterday and arrived this morning via FedEx. I am happy that it arrived so quickly. I've never had FedEx deliver anything before and was well impressed!

I found out about Jacky's Pantry when I went the Malvern Show back in September. Such lovely Jams and Chutneys.