The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Tell me about it! I love pepper, incidentally the goblins aren't fussed so I'd always tried to buy the baby ones - smaller, more expensive, but at least they'd eat them and I wouldn't waste half a pepper every time I used one. And then I discovered why they prefer them, because they don't taste alike at all!
I'm not 100% sold on really even mentioning this yet because there's a chance I'll get a week in, say "nope", and go right back to rolling cigarettes.

The recent weather and having to go outside hasn't helped, but it's not actually the issue. Two things I've been (repeatedly) reminded about the gender reassignment surgery is that I need to lose weight and quit smoking. Losing weight's enough of a pain because I'm not this fat just because I eat too much, lol. But smoking isn't a case of me saying I'm just gonna stop, and doing it. Been on that road, it's never worked before.

There's apparently been a change in how some e-liquids have been manufactured, with a newer process, that apparently makes it easier to transition from smoking, because that was at least 30% of my issue last time. So I've ordered the e-cig, ordered the liquids, and then...I see how I go? I'm doing this specifically with the surgery in mind. No date yet but if I want it at some point I need to put the work in. Here goes nothing.
Best of luck!
My sink is covered with hay. This is my own fault, hay's easier to remove from the sink once it's dried, I just keep forgetting to get it out of the sink before it gets wet again and since my hands don't touch it getting washed, well. There's hay in the sink.
So I went to change their water, poured it (complete with hay) out, rinsed it, refilled it, back into the cage, turn around and sit on the bed while grabbing the pellet box and...


Save me. :flag:

Or, ouch, my sides hurt.

Just went in to give them some hay. My right arm is scratched right off me because I moved hay from the 10kg box downstairs into a large tub I can store upstairs. Box hasn't had much used yet so it's always a PITA to get the hay out and my right arm's a mess, lol. But whatever, half an hour's work and they've got the hay for a week or so. I'd rather do more work less often than less work more often.

So, giving them some hay, and there's Cam. Most of his body is underneath an upturned cardboard tray but I can see he's pancaked out. No "I'm on Alert Sleep because I'm sleeping in the middle of the cage", no. Flat out dead to the world. So is he dead? Well, my first reaction was to groan "Caaaaa-aaaaam!" out loud before it occurred to me he was lying really weirdly, and then boom. It's like a rocket's gone off and he's by my feet. Dead to the world to HI HUMAN FOOD RIGHT YES FOOD HUMAN FOOD WHERE FOOD HUMAN WHERE FOOD in less time than it took him to soil the water bowl last night, lol.
Just gave them some baby corn. Cam took his fine. Bann got his, ate a mouthful, looked at it at his feet, looked at Cam, reached over, grabbed Cam's corn, got chased around half the cage, and then Cam gave up and came back to me, walking over Bann's original share in the first place. And to think I once wondered how he so regularly lost his food, lol.
Well, maybe not every day, but as often as they'll allow. Cam's back to yelling at me while I'm trying to use the toilet, which makes me wonder what it is about the weather shifting that has him more vocal. I was saying to my dad it's like Cam thinks I'm a magician, just waiting for when Bann nicks his lunch and of course the Human's going to save the day. And vice versa for when it's Cam nicking Bann's lunch. Like they share a braincell, and it gets chosen at random who gets said braincell for the day, lol.
Just tried to give them a pepper each. One in each hand, right next to each other, but no, two noses edged towards the same pepper, two mouths headed for the same pepper, and two sets of teeth clamped onto the same pepper. Except Cam was faster and yanked it away minus the mouthful Bann already grabbed.

Bann then spent a few seconds trying to work out where dinner went.
Asda aren't sending the goblins their peppers. They are sending them the sweet pointed peppers but they're not sending the "don't taste like peppers at all" peppers. Nobody tell them this, though, because they've been acting weird all day and I don't need to give them an excuse to keep it up.

Weird, you say? Weirder than usual?

Well, the room thermometer says they're at 20.4° and have been all day. And last night. So why, you might ask, are they both falling asleep side by side in the same bed and those beds have one exit only?

No, I don't know either. Shenanigans must be afoot. Or Apaw.
We are back to normal. Cam tried to get into the bed Bann was in and Bann did the "sod off" version of a lunge. Not aggressive, just...blunt, lol. Who am I, that squabbles are preferable to serenity? :bal:

In other news I overslept again. I'd probably have overslept for longer but my phone battery ran out and the minute Cam sensed I was awake the screaming started. I was half an hour late with breakfast and was getting no mercy. Got downstairs, realised I'd missed the post, gave the goblins some pepper, got dressed, took the cans to the recycling, got my parcel off the neighbour, apologised, also apologised because I'd still be asleep if not for Cam and late breakfasts. She laughed at that one: "They're like children!" Nope, worse, they're like toddlers except toddlers don't argue about who gets to eat the last piece of broccoli.

But he was very, very insistent I get his breakfast.