Well, they're still squabbling, but any time I go over to see if an intervention's necessary they stare at me like I've lost the plot. "Feck off human we've got this one."
They're good really, Camowen's just a dramatic little brat with the lungs to match, nevermind that he does the exact same stuff to Bann that he screams about Bann doing to him. You give it, you gotta learn to take it too wee man.
The door to my bedroom is mostly staying pulled closed at the moment. Not that vapour will harm them, but I'd prefer they not be subjected to it if they don't have to be, and they don't. It's not like essential oils, there's no oils in vape juice (and if there's oil in your vape juice get that checked out because it's the sort of thing that can cause your lungs massive issue) but keeping my door closed isn't clearing the air in here at all. So I swapped doors. They don't mind. I have to announce myself coming up the stairs before going into the bedroom but that's a small price to pay.
In "the goblins are weird" news, btw, I've twice given Cam and Bann a baby pepper each. Cam will come and take his near the bars (thankfully baby peppers can't be dropped through the wrong side, lol) but Bann barely wants to get out of bed foor them, which leaves me leaning across the cage with a hand to steady me and another holding him his pepper because I'm an enabler and I'm letting him away with this. Bann will come and get it if I can get it as far as the second bendy bridge tunnel.
This normally involves me having to lean over Cam a little bit. Apparently Cam will let you do dangerous predator shenanigans and as long as he has a mouthful of pepper, he couldn't give a toss.
Also I've tried these baby peppers once. They really weren't nice. Why do they like these things so much?! Also don't tell them I nicked their pepper. Especially since I couldn't eat it.