The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Uncooperative washing gets yelled at. Uncooperative goblins get groaned at.

Seriously though I had to employ some tough love getting the goblins downstairs. Managed to grab Cam quick and while he was still squealing, unceremoniously shoved him in the carrier and closed it so we couldn't have an escapee. Bann was having none of this malarkey. Finally got him, open carrier door, in goes goblin, close carrier door because other goblin is about to make a run for it...
Bann would eat it, and then we'd all be in trouble lol. I find it easier to transport them in the carrier if I can when they're going to another "home" so to speak. Lets them both start exploring when they're ready to and all I have to do is leave the door to the carrier open and then tell Cam to stop winding Bann up.
Geez this pair.

Went downstairs, Cam got started, I'm like gimme a minute to retrieve the bin. Go outside. Sort of have to stand on tiptoes to see if the bins have been brought back yet, they have not. Okay. Figure while I'm there, dump the recycling into the bins because I've been kinda lazy and the cans were piling up.
Got them a lettuce leaf each. Had my own "you muppet" moment because I opened the cupboard underneath the sink, stared at the detergent, thought that wasn't what I was looking for, and had to think for a second until I realised I wanted the cupboard closer to the fridge, so I could swap a cold can for one out of the cupboard. Good times.
Go back to living room. They've had Snugglesafes in and I've draped some fleece over that end just to cover it so it's not "wide open" when they're on the Snugglesafes. So I plonk myself at the other end, which happens to be the end closer to the stairs, unzip the flap and...they're begging. Like dancing begging. But they're doing this RIGHT UNDERNEATH THE OTHER END OF THE TENT. Y'know, the polar opposite end to where I'm sitting with their lettuce in hand and even though I've unzipped the flap they're STILL at it.

I know I said I hadn't been feeling well, but I was talking with someone on the phone today who was like "Yeah, you sound rough." Ouch, lol. Supposed to see her on Monday for an appointment but she said if I wasn't up for leaving the house she could come to me. Kinda had to admit I had two guinea pigs in a 6'x3' tent in the middle of the living room floor, lol. Then Cam started yelling at me for breakfast 🤨 Cam had already had breakfast but it's not like that's ever stopped him before.
"Yes, Cam. I know he's getting annoyed at you. No, I won't tell him to stop. What did you expect when you deliberately ran to stand on top of all the veggies so he couldn't reach underneath them to get his share - that he wouldn't fight back for his own share?"

Toddlers. I swear, they're like toddlers.
I mean in fairness to Cam, Bann did swipe a lettuce leaf from him yesterday. What makes that even funnier is, it took Bann two attempts because Cam kept hold of it the first time, and then after Bann's head has popped back into the bed to eat his prize, Cam finishes his mouthful, goes to grab his leaf again...and hunts everywhere for it. Like two seconds ago your housemate stole your lunch and somehow now said lunch has vanished into the ether?!
Okay. I've given myself a task - they're coming back upstairs tomorrow. I don't have to worry about having to deal with people all day tomorrow bar, possibly, someone turning up with lightbulbs, but whatever. No appointments. Just sit down, clean out cage, refresh cage, (somehow) get them back into the carrier and upstairs. I'm sweltering upstairs right now but it's still just above 19° downstairs. Grumble. Time to close the door and open my window, I think.
They're moved! My intestines have been whinging at me all day so I'm kinda late. Plus they didn't want to go into the carrier and I had to climb into the tent to "persuade" them (and then get back out, lol) and now they're back home and Bann's refusing to leave the carrier. Some things never change 😏
I hope you feel better soon.
I hope Bann comes out soon, veggie time will probably help!
We had a big cage swap round (again) today. 2 little piggies are looking a bit confused but since their bonding failed there's been a lot of nose nipping through the bars going on. I've separated them into 2 cages with a small gap so teeth can't connect with flesh.
Veggies wouldn't even tempt them into the cage, nevermind out of it. I separated the lid of the carrier from its base - tough love, but nothing else would shift him. I've got two bags for the bin already and really I should do the tent tonight, but sod it, I've done enough today. I'll still sleep downstairs tonight, it's stuffy (and 21°) in the bedroom as it is. I thought it'd be easier cleaning out the cage when they're not in it, and it is, but it's much less of a difference than I thought it'd be.

Still gonna keep them with the water bowl if I ever manage to remember to bring it upstairs with me. I've forgotten far too many times already 🤨

I've separated them into 2 cages with a small gap so teeth can't connect with flesh.

Oh, boys...
Bann was looking for food, lol. You see how he's looking left and right? It's because I'm sitting on the bed, and apparently that means Food, and if I'm not giving him the Food, then maybe it's in the cage and he's just missed me putting it in there?

He tried to steal a bit of cucumber off Cam earlier. Cam turned round. Tried it again. Cam turned round. Tried a third time. Cam put his head into a tunnel. Bann thought. Bann walked to the other side of the tunnel. Bann walked through tunnel. Cam pulled his head out of tunnel and turned around again. I had been inclined to stop this before they got cranky at each other but actually it was too entertaining to watch, lol.
They've been squabbling almost non stop for the past couple of days, lol. It's the move back to their cage, so it's not unexpected, but if I didn't know what I was looking at it wouldn't be the nicest thing to watch. They'll go from being aggressive to eating side by side, so I'm not worried. I do kinda wish they'd knock it off when I'm trying to sleep, though.
Well, they're still squabbling, but any time I go over to see if an intervention's necessary they stare at me like I've lost the plot. "Feck off human we've got this one." 🤷‍♂️ They're good really, Camowen's just a dramatic little brat with the lungs to match, nevermind that he does the exact same stuff to Bann that he screams about Bann doing to him. You give it, you gotta learn to take it too wee man.

The door to my bedroom is mostly staying pulled closed at the moment. Not that vapour will harm them, but I'd prefer they not be subjected to it if they don't have to be, and they don't. It's not like essential oils, there's no oils in vape juice (and if there's oil in your vape juice get that checked out because it's the sort of thing that can cause your lungs massive issue) but keeping my door closed isn't clearing the air in here at all. So I swapped doors. They don't mind. I have to announce myself coming up the stairs before going into the bedroom but that's a small price to pay.

In "the goblins are weird" news, btw, I've twice given Cam and Bann a baby pepper each. Cam will come and take his near the bars (thankfully baby peppers can't be dropped through the wrong side, lol) but Bann barely wants to get out of bed foor them, which leaves me leaning across the cage with a hand to steady me and another holding him his pepper because I'm an enabler and I'm letting him away with this. Bann will come and get it if I can get it as far as the second bendy bridge tunnel.
This normally involves me having to lean over Cam a little bit. Apparently Cam will let you do dangerous predator shenanigans and as long as he has a mouthful of pepper, he couldn't give a toss.
Also I've tried these baby peppers once. They really weren't nice. Why do they like these things so much?! Also don't tell them I nicked their pepper. Especially since I couldn't eat it. :bal: