The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I am confused.

So I was buying a few goodies for the goblins and picked up some pellets too, Science Selective since that's what they're on, and some Versele Laga because variety is good when I can't find what they're used to. Less screaming that way.

Well. I thought they were on the Science Selective. I haven't opened the bags but from comparing the images it doesn't look like they're on it at all. In fact, what they're currently getting looks suspiciously like the Versele. what have I been feeding them?!
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Update on the pellets:

So I opened the Versele bag. I'd only got a wee one because I'd figured they were on something else and I didn't want to buy a large bag if they'd refuse to eat them. So, opened the bag, looked at them compared to the pellets in the tub. They look similar, but not identical, and there's a slightly different smell between the two. Whatever. Bann will eat my hand to get at them (he's tried) and they have both eaten one, so I'm going to guess I wasn't paying attention and I've been feeding them Versele for several months.

Oh well. At least I know they'll eat them XD

Well, would you look at that:

Screenshot 2023-10-12 145202.webp

Something something I'm a real adult! :))
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Ah, goblins. I played the video of @YvonneBlue's Pongo chirping and they both ignored it the first time. Near the end of the second time, Cam stopped and stared intently. Bann still ignored it. Only on the third time did they both a) register the sound and b) react to it (by rumbling, because that's the way they react to everything).

Meanwhile in human news I swear twice today I've tried to lift the loo seat like I'm opening the bin - I have a press-click lid bin. Funnily enough, loo seats don't open themselves when you push them. 🤨
Bann's unhappy with me.

First, he reminds me of Comet so much. He loves his herbs but if I tried giving him the herbs, I had a 50/50 chance of getting a confused look and he'd ignore them to go look for something else. Turns out he (like Comet) only likes his food when you give him the leafy part first. It's the stalk. He gets confused by the stalk...unlike Comet, who was just a diva in disguise.

Second, he's unhappy with my laughing at him. But he found himself in a pile of lettuce and genuinely couldn't seem to work out what to eat first. Eat a mouthful, oh what's that, CHOMP, wait what about that bit, CHOMP. So many bits of lettuce not even half eaten, just with a mouthful bitten out. Daft git.

Third, the toilet seat and I are not getting along at present lol. Seems to be one of the screws underneath the bowl have stripped and I can't unscrew it at that end and I've tried. Doesn't matter what way you turn it, it just turns. I'm not impressed. I can use the seat as is as long as I remember I can't close the lid. I never remember I can't close the lid. Metal screw vs ceramic toilet's loud. Sorry neighbours.
Toilet seats are a pain …..just don’t fall in 🙃

I mean it's being awkward but it's actually fairly stable until I try to close the lid. Then it clatters around the place and the loose screw makes a lot of noise and I swear because I forgot to leave the lid open. You know what I do when I finish on the toilet? I flush and then close the lid. Like in the same movement. Autopilot is going to wreck my sanity at this point 🤷‍♂️

It has occurred to me I've had homework to do for a therapy group I started last week. Starts again 10:30am tomorrow morning. I haven't done it yet. Time for loud music and lots of distractions methinks. And making sure Bann doesn't cause himself an accident.
Update: Bann's really not impressed with me. I grabbed the beds with the Snugglesafes, almost dropped one, tried to catch it, failed, fumbled, dropped the second one. Next to Bann. Not on him, next to him. :bal: He ran off and stared at me like I was the worst in the world. I felt it. Got out the pea flakes as a peace offering. He went to come over, paused, realised he was next to a pellet I'd tossed in before going to grab the beds and ate pellets instead. He's fine, the same can't always be said for my heart rate.

Also Cam's running around with an orange smear on his left ribs. I think it's pepper juice. Quite how he's managed to smear pepper juice all down his side I have no idea.

Both were last seen squabbling over who got which pellet. 🤷‍♂️
I did half of it, realised I probably did that half wrong, did the next bits as if I didn't do that half wrong, and then decided I liked winging it so that's what I'd do. And then I wonder why I ended up in so much trouble at school for "not doing homework". It's not my fault I need to wait til the last minute for my brain to switch on, is it?! And that's assuming I'm actually awake on time tomorrow, lol.
Soft poops again. It's lettuce, it has to be. Well, lettuce or cucumber, more likely lettuce. I still don't know who it is because they both still tried chomping my finger off for food earlier. Also, as it turns out, they can eat through a pile of hay with disconcerting speed and it looks like I'm in for a fun couple of days. I feel weird saying "don't worry" but I'm not worrying, nothing's off with them except a pile of soft poops that apparently also had water dumped on top of them (I'm blaming the water on Cam) and Cam's still running around with a pepper juice smear on his side.

Also, I winged the homework. Turns out I didn't have to tell anyone exactly what I wrote down which means I could talk all round it instead. I'm very good at that.
Oh, Bann. I'm lying here watching him struggling to get the hay he wants out of the pile, because he's standing on the pile in question.

Also it's kind of hilarious how much water they drink when they've not had veg for a day.
Well, last night was fun.

There were two beds with Snugglesafes in them. Cam had the one closest to the wall. Cam was not getting out of it. And I'd hear scuffles occasionally and you know what I saw when I'd flick the torch on? Yes. Yes I did see Bann standing right next to the bed Cam was, occasionally putting his feet on the side, occasionally sniffing his nose forwards while he did it. "I want that bed but I don't really want you to freak out at me for trying to get it."


So I get out of bed. I switch the light on. I move the other bed into the corner of the cage. See, the one Cam was in was next to the radiator and that's why he was refusing to give it up. Double warmth. So I move it while Bann's giving me the side eye, switch off the light, go back to bed.

More scuffle noises.

Flick the torch on again. Bann's doing the same thing again...except he's doing it from the now accessible other side of the bed.


I had to get up again, switch the light back on, move the forest so it flipped over the top bit and Bann could have access to the bed without whatever forcefield the forest produced in his way. Then light went off, I went back to bed, and told them to sort it out for themselves from there.
Bann loves the attention …..😂
I love how smart Cam is and how he bagged the best sleeping spot first
He's something all right. I walked into the room earlier and they were both dossing side by side in the same bed. 🤷‍♂️
"Bann, I am attempting to hold your food where I always attempt to hold your food - right in front of your nose. Why do you insist on trying to get food from a specific point in the bars that your cucumber is nowhere near?"
Imagine the scene. I'm late to bed, I've just switched off the light and am about to close my eyes and there's a noise.

Hmm, must be something outside?

No wait, it's in the room...'s in the room 😱 but what is that? A animal? Oh no what about the goblins OH NO SOUND THE ALA...wait why does that sound like chirping but in a whisper.

Chirping. But in a whisper.

I'm never playing chirp videos for Cam again, lol.
I mean if he'd actually chirped loudly I'd probably still have freaked out, lol. I think it's the weather. Not too bad here compared to some places but it's absolutely howling a gale outside.

Then again, this is Cam.
The Saga of the Baby Corn (or, please help the Human because he thinks he's losing the plot):

Give Bann Piece A because he's there first. Give Cam Piece B.
Bann gets startled by Cam climbing on him to reach his share and drops Piece A.
Cam gets a good mouthful but then gets startled by Bann dropping Piece A, and drops Piece B.
Bann can't find Piece A fast, but he can find Piece B and runs off with it.
Cam looks confused, sees Piece A, chomps on that.
Bann, meanwhile, has run into the cuddle cup mid bite so Piece B has fallen out of his mouth. Can Bann find it again? No. It's not to his right and it's not on the other cuddle cup in front of him and it's not on the ground between the two so clearly, it's gone for good (actually he dropped it to his left, the numpty).
Cam's chewing away on Piece A quite happily but Bann's decided he wants it back. Bann takes it back. Poor Cam is bewildered at this point because his corn keeps running away from him somehow, and he didn't even know corn could run.
I retrieved Piece B from where Bann dropped it, still inside the cage bars, and told Cam it was okay, because now Bann's run off with the half eaten piece and Cam can now have the nearly full one.

Also fun when I went to give them their pellets and Cam's come over to say hello and Bann's not moving. He's lying down in a bed with a single entrance and his back to me and the noise of the pellet tub hasn't roused him. Uh oh. Til that moment his head snaps round and he realises he nearly slept through supper and barrelled into Cam trying to reach the bars in half a second. It really hasn't been Cam's day, lol.
I swear I don't know what goes through their heads sometimes. On multiple occasions today I've gone into the bedroom to find one of them complaining he can't get out of bed. The same bed. Why can't they exit? Because said bed has one entrance only and they keep jamming the shell of a hay cube into the doorway, I'm assuming it's because they think "great we can eat in peace!" and then only realise afterwards the error of their ways.

Which would be fine if it was once. Even if it was once each. But I swear it's been every single time I've been in.
Gave the goblins pellets, gave them nice toasty warm microwaved beds, went to change the water bowl, and Cam chose instead to a) drink it (and it was grotty, like really 🤨) and b) then pull hay out of the grotty wet water bowl and eat it. Then when I rinsed out the bowl in the sink and refilled it? No Cam's just going to sit in the water bowl's spot and refuse to shift his little bum. Git.
I'm being very calm and rational and not escalating a situation to panic everypig, even though it's going to bite me in the bum. I just know it. Bann's had his face stuck in the hay and there's a piece worryingly close to his eye, but not in his eye. If it was in I'd say screw it, but no. And the little git knows. He wouldn't be running away at the first sight of my hand going over the cage bars otherwise.

He's done this before, and he's been fine. I dislike tempting fate like this, however. Thanks, Bann. :td: