The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Is the carry case staying in? Could you tie a water bottle on it somehow? Or use a few grids to make a corner stable enough to tie a water bottle on?
I was going to try the carry case, if they stopped repeatedly turfing each other out of it, but then Bann started gnawing on it, lol. I've put in a small pellet bowl with water in it, hopefully it'll suffice.

It does, it'd have to be done with the top flaps though, they're all single zip closures and I don't trust one of them not to decide living room exploration would be a great idea lol. I'll have to have a look, I don't know if the spines could take the grid weight.
Hopefully you won't need to worry for long and they will use the bowl for a day or two. Thunderstorms are forecast for Sunday, then dry and sunny next week but cooler. I hope the forecast is right I'm hoping to go walking with my daughter next week it sounds like good weather for that, a last trip before we need to walk in macs and boots!
Yeah I'm hoping it's just another few days...but then I've been hoping it's just another few days for a few days now. Last night was horrendous though, and it's looking to be just as bad today. Sigh.
Last night was the first time I've ever felt concerned about the temperature in my living room, yesterday was exceptionally hot here. I think I felt it more than the piggies though, they were very lively last evening which is more than can be said for the humans!
I actually lay on the living room floor for a bit last night. Spiders be damned, I needed that nice cold floor lol. I'm so ready for this to be done.
If there is any chance of Ser Spider and his mates anywhere on the floor that is one floor I would definitely NOT be lying on!
If there is any chance of Ser Spider and his mates anywhere on the floor that is one floor I would definitely NOT be lying on!

I can cope with spiders on walls and ceilings but not floors, that's how bad it was in this house last night.
Well the goblins are definitely going for whole house domination now! Great set up.
It’s just fiendishly hot at the moment. I think last night was the hottest/most humid. I got up to get a drink and my girls were pancaked out. Not on the cool pads - of course not. Just on top of their fleece houses. They look ok today but I’ve got a big fan on, cool blocks in and fresh water regularly.
Cam had himself pancaked out on the hay between two frozen blocks yesterday but that was as close as he'd get lol. I'm keeping the fan upstairs so I can vape but they're doing so much better today, they're up and about and moving and Cam's remembered what a fridge door sounds like :flag: and it's around 22C here but also less humid than upstairs, which makes a world of difference.
Apologies, the camera insists on focusing on the net
Bann is, of course, nowhere to be found the minute the camera comes out.

They're doing much better at this than I thought they would. Sure there's been rumbling, but actually less than usual, and they're not fractious at all. The heat must've been getting to them worse than I thought :no:

Plus it's really nice having them down here. They're right in the middle of things like Comet and Blitzen were and they're as confident as ever because of it. I wish it was feasible to keep the downstairs. They could have the area underneath the stairs, it's more than bit enough. Could, but can't. Sigh.
Cam's being so well behaved! I've actually even watched him drinking out of the bowl. Far from my panicked visions of him or Bann "doing a Comet" and tipping it over themselves, they've actually been very good. And Cam's actually drinking without doing the equivalent of trying to yank the bottle off the cage. I might actually persist with the bowl once they're back upstairs if they keep this up.
I love Cam….he’s always entertaining and full of surprises 🥰……I love Bann too and he’s full of mischief 😂
When out free ranging, my two have started running over when they hear the fridge door opening. Then I have to put their veg Tupperware on the floor for them to look into. They stand and watch me take things out and give them pieces, then they look in again to see what else they can have 🤣🤣. Wee eejits !
They're actually not reacting to the fridge door now, nor to bags rustling, but they seem to know food's coming anyway lol. I just gave them a half baby pepper each and they literally ran up, grabbed their piece, and skedaddled in opposite directions to eat lol.
I'm hoping to have my living room back on Tuesday. I'm also hoping to be sleeping in my own bed again on Tuesday night because the past couple of nights have been rough and I'm getting too old for regular sofa sleeps. Plus any longer and I'd have to clean out that popup tent and it's going to be about as awkward as it sounds with them still in it.

However, "thunderstorms" and "heavy rain" have swapped to "24°C Cloudy" and I feel cheated.
Outside temp's dropped but there's no air movement, so opening the windows is unhelpful and it's still over 24° upstairs so they're not coming up tonight. I'm hoping I might get some of their washing done tomorrow and then move them back upstairs into a nice clean cage on Wednesday morning. Temps should've evened out by then, too. And they're doing well with the popup tent even if cleaning it out is going to be bloody awkward, lol.
First load of their washing on. Much less detergent than usual (although still ~20ml) because I didn't want to mix Persil and Ariel, only to discover when I put the laundry cleanser back in the cupboard that I'm an idiot and I had another bottle of Persil in there too. I know I could add more, but I don't think it needs much more anyway. Stuff's concentrated enough as it is. I have no idea how they're going to cope with the washing machine, damned thing shakes the whole house. They're used to that upstairs, but not when they're on the same floor level as it when it hits full spin. Buuuut if I can get two loads done today I might be able to get them back in tonight, the temp is (finally!) cooling fairly rapidly.

In other news there's been no sign of that spider making a reappearance. Small mercies and all that.
Great minds think alike ! I’m starting with the washing - I cleaned them out last night - It’s cooler here today so ice blocks not needed !
Have a good day !
Yeah it was 20.6° when I woke up this morning. Not bothering them much, they were still out and about when I went downstairs to brush off the bedding (which I also failed miserably at, there were still bits on it that were being stubborn and I was like (word) it, and shoved it in anyway). Managed to leave the bag with most of their beds downstairs and take down the bag with the bulky stuff instead. And because I'm lazy I again said (word) it, so now there's a puppy pad, a large fleece liner, and one cuddle cup in the machine. I can do the other beds this afternoon 😂
There's a fair amount of work involved brushing the liners and puppy pads off. I don't even know how the puppy pads end up needing brushed off, but they do lol. What I'll end up doing is going down with headphones on later and have fun air-guitaring and whatever else while I'm doing laundry because these things are always more fun when you have an audience, right? (Sorry in advance, Goblins).

The bit I'm not looking forward to is getting them into the carrier to go back upstairs, not if getting them in the carrier to go downstairs is any indication of how uncooperative they feel like being.
You have to tell us how you get on…….the continuing adventures of Cam and Bann and all that 🥰
Honestly I've just given them breakfast, a handful of lettuce leaves (Tesco salad bag). They always get one bit of food given to them and anything else gets tossed into the cage. Well Bann got his, saw me tossing the others in, went to get one of the others instead, had a mouthful...and then went back to his original leaf. 🤨
Second round of washing on! And for the first time in a long time I can actually hang something to dry over the study door. Since the study door's normally closed. But it's still too hot for that. So one liner over the bedroom door, one puppy pad over the study door, and another liner (and 3 beds) in the washing machine and that liner can go over one of the kitchen doors. And then I'll do the rest of the beds+puppy pad tomorrow. Be too late to get it done tonight by the time this second load finishes.

Meanwhile I found a dead giant house spider in a web under a cupboard. I don't know if it's that spider's web but it's dead. It can stay there. Eugh. Then I upset two cellar spiders, one by sweeping down the side of the washing machine (I wrecked its web, sorry, Spider) and the other was under the kitchen cupboard door and didn't appreciate me opening it and then closing it again. Twice. Also the burn in the shoulder from holding up those liners so I can brush them down is real, but my left hand's apparently useless at brushing it down so instead it has to hold things.

Cam's using every available opportunity to beg for food, it's getting a bit dangerous trying to go downstairs :)) I'm in a bit of a quandary because it might be too cold for them overnight but depending on when the stuff dries out I might not be able to do the cage til morning. And I know they could be in there while I did it but it'd be so much easier if I didn't have to worry about accidentally trampling Cam underfoot or Bann trying to eat the dustpan or the binbags or whatever else he can gnaw on, lol.