The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Enter the room. No response.
Verbal cues. No response.
Hay tub opened. No response.
Hay moved into cage. No response.
Pea flake jar?

Cam managed to fall over the doorway of the bed he was in because it turns out that scooting out of it quickly while stretching is hard. Stay classy, Cam. šŸ˜
The goblins are on a hay only diet until tomorrow, somepig's got not-right poops again. One very long squished one instead of 3 or 4 normal ones, that kind of thing. I think it's my fault, and if it's what I think it is they'll be fine by tomorrow. Assuming I live that long, lol. Thankfully they're too busy basking in the unexpected sunbeams to really care about when they last got fresh food but I doubt it'll last overnight. Sigh.

Meanwhile Bann kept crying last night. I thought it was toileting issues but when I was watching him, it seems he was taking a leaf out of Cam's book and screaming at the bed for not being comfortable enough. Or because he collapsed it on his head and then it wasn't comfortable enough. Oh, Bann.
Argh okay. I failed, mostly because the delinquent's screaming would've alerted most of Rochdale he was being starved to death, so they got a piece of cucumber each. Easy to digest, right?

Right. And I've just had to rescue Cam's bit for him. Twice. Like he lost it through the bars and stared at me like "yeah, could you get that for me?" My ribs hurt from laughing, every time he tried to drag it back into the cage he jammed it outside the bars even more. Oh, Cam, you daft, daft numpty.
Ah Iā€™m glad it was just Bann cross with his bed ā€¦..I get that šŸ˜‚ I hate it when my mattress collapses on my head and is soooo uncomfortable šŸ˜‚
We all know you starve those piggies and I think Cam and Bann might be contacting TGPU at this very moment ā€¦ā€¦ beware Lorcan a verbal warning might be coming from Miss Bramble šŸ˜‚
Cam yells at anything when he feels like it, I don't know why I'm surprised Bann would do it while walking in circles too. They'll get a bit of blue cornflower tonight to make up for it, since Cam can't even be trusted to eat cucumber unsupervised :))
He might be doing that so he gets twice as much ā€¦ā€¦theyā€™re clever those boys ā€¦..they just donā€™t show it all the time šŸ„°
I actually just went in to say hello (with earphones in, because I'm lazy) and he produced this massive burst of hyperactive energy. Ran around the cage to find certain points to stand and stare at me before I sat down and he bolted to the bars. Bann stayed in bed. The same bed he was yelling at last night. Guess it doesn't hold grudges?

I did find out something interesting the other day - they don't like the sound of plasma lighters at all. I had one on my windowsill and it's been there for months, and I clicked it on to see if it still works. It's two small plasma arcs in an X shape, charges via USB rather than using a flame. And they really, really hate the noise. The bit I find most interesting is that to humans it's a fairly negligible noise, if we hear it at all. But then we don't have guinea pig ears, hah.
I watched Cam actually put his cucumber through the bars just now. Like literally pick it up, move face towards bars, slide cucumber through, wait where's breakfast gone? And he didn't do it at the front of the cage, oh no, he did it at the side and close to the back so I had to walk through the cage, put a hand down between tarp and grid, and fish it out. Why, Cam. Why.
So, now that Cam's stopped trying to use the bed Bann's sleeping as a perching post, I would like to regale a story about water bottles.

I didn't have Jack and Jake at the same time, but they were both prone to doing the same thing with their water bottles, and rattling the bottle so hard that the plastic around the spout would disintegrate and separate said spout from the bottle. I went through so many of those plastic Crystal bottles that I was like screw it and when I had Comet and Blitzen, their first bottle (also plastic, free with the Ferplast) was broken from the beginning, they got glass bottles, the Living World ones. It turns out both of them were tamer drinkers than Jack and Jake and I figured, well, maybe it was just those two.

I introduce to you, Camowen. I was trying to get to sleep last night while he was drinking and I couldn't see (yay, dark) but I knew something was off. He drinks with his head upside down anyway, and he was pulling - literally pulling - on that bottle with his teeth as he did it last night but he managed to rattle the whole cage that much while he did this that he shifted the metal cradle anchoring the bottle to the bars. So every time he was pulling on that bottle - again, with his teeth - he was pulling it an inch or two away from the bars and shaking the entire cage in the process.


This is what I have to share a bedroom with. It's no wonder the smoke alarm woke me up this morning. Cam, 1. šŸ¤Ø Human, 0.
Oh Cam you are very naughty keeping your hooman awake when he should be sleeping. We have discovered that we have adopted a water bottle emptier. Pongo likes to hold onto the spout and let the water run out of his mouth until the cage is soaked, he can also do this trick with a sippy bottle.:doh:
Pongo likes to hold onto the spout and let the water run out of his mouth until the cage is soaked, he can also do this trick with a sippy bottle.:doh:

I mean, full marks for creativity, but damn lol. I know Cam's getting water out, I can see the air bubbles rising in the bottle itself so I know the spout's doing its job. He was at it again last night, and then I thought he'd calmed it down after another break but it turned out that was Bann drinking like a normal guinea pig instead.
I was lying on my bed earlier cursing whatever decided a heatwave in September was cool, and Bann's like oh, you're here! Food? Because that's all I exist for, food. They haven't quite caught on to the concept that I sleep in the room too, so I'm not just there to observe them and take sneaky videoclips of them in the dark. Sneaky videoclips with the torch on. :))

Anyway. Bann's like this for a few minutes before he finally gives up and I breathe a sigh of relief, except then "oh for (bleep)'s sake don't you start" because when Bann gives up, that's what Cam's here for šŸ¤Ø There's something stinking out the top of the stairs except...there's not? There's some of the goblin bedding in my room that needs washing but it's too earthy for that. Plus it's in the hall, it's not actually in the room. It doesn't smell quite like pot either although at a guess, that's probably it. Unless something died in the attic but it's not like I'm going up there to find out.
If he would eat anywhere else in the cage he wouldn't have this problem šŸ˜
I told the goblins they were moving downstairs tomorrow because I finally bought a cheap indoor canvas run I can just toss wood shavings into the bottom of. They're clearly zonking out in the heat and it's not very nice so, downstairs it is. They have no idea what downstairs is. Hopefully the run arrives at a decent time of day.
Looks good. I hope The Goblins appreciate it.

Its a living room take over at your house too! I am looking forward to reclaiming my floor space again, once the hot weather has passed.
Oh definitely, but it's already 24C upstairs, they can't stay there in that. I'm just unsure what to do about water. There's no bottle would fit that run but the goblins would manage to tip a bowl over with worrying ease.

That said, they're not big drinkers until I'm trying to sleep, lol. Still. I need to find something.
