The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

You’ve gotta love boars. 😍😍

I was saying to one of my neighbours that it'd be nice if they waited til I actually fell asleep to start, lol. Instead they wait til I wake up in the morning and by the time I've actually got myself sitting up I've two expectant faces. "Hay? Hay? Hay? Hay?! HAY!"
Also, Bann seems to have worked out where the pellet tub is because in his dancing around for food, that's where his head points.

He's also just run into the bed Cam's in, with lots of loud protest shrieking but neither of them actually leaving. I think it's screaming designed to give me heart failure.
I got the unhappy noises this morning because I opened a window before going to bed last night - I needed the air, it was far too stuffy - and when I woke up this morning the temp was 19.2° and apparently that's not the sort of temps they appreciate.
So today the spare earphones are safely in the right pocket, the goblins have (mostly) forgiven me for having to open up a window again last night (my intestines finally decided they'd played nice for too long, thankfully caught early enough I didn't do any damage to myself) before I closed it again an hour later, and then today helped someone out over on the vaping subs, one of whom didn't have perfect english but it managed to be better than mine :coat: and the other that I thought was trying to start an argument and it turned out no, they just had a weird way of asking questions.

I have to remind myself sometimes it's okay to not act on first impressions. I can get that stuff wrong. Hopefully they've now got the help they needed at any rate.

Oh and Cam keeps getting upset Bann's getting all the hay. I'm kind of overdoing it on the hay at the moment so I can get the Happy Hay stuff upstairs (still on the Excel) but Cam keeps whinging about not getting as much. Except it's because when I toss it in Bann works it out immediately, and Cam spends the next 10 minutes begging before realising "oh *^£&!" and...then complaining like it's my fault. I can only do so much, little guy. It's not like he's learned his lesson at any stage.
I have, several weeks later, finally managed to get enough goblin washing done to do a proper cage clearout! Halle-flippin-lujah. You don't realise how much of an issue blocked drains are going to be til you can't use a tap, lol. The last of it's drying over the kitchen doors now.

I've told the goblins this. They're mostly just unimpressed their food isn't arriving as regularly as they'd like. Or that it's the food they want. I don't know what food they want? Just not what they're getting apparently. I overshot the dates on the coriander by a bit and it's biting me in the bum lol.

Edit: I've just tossed some coriander into their cage and Bann's run out of bed to the food. Cam's run out of bed, right over the food, to come begging at the bars for the food Bann's already eating through. Sigh.
Glad you've got the washing done. My wash bag tore last week and I get complaints if OH's washing comes out covered in hair (fuss pot!) The washing has really built up while I've been waiting for a new bag. Not helped by the fact we have been doing boar bonds here and every new pig needs fresh fleece. The new bag has arrived plus a spare in case it happens again, I've nearly caught up but rain has stopped play for a bit as I've run out of places to dry stuff.
I've run out of places to dry stuff.

I know that feeling. I don't have the washing line at the moment because last week's garden clearance means the ground spike for it is sitting behind my front door lol, means I've got a clothes horse (which will do about 8 each of t-shirts, boxers and pairs of socks but no more), my bedroom door, and both kitchen doors for drying spaces. The rest of the goblin stuff is drying over armchairs and sofas (I don't need those anyway, right?).

I still don't wish for a tumble dryer but it works when the schedule's kept to. I haven't been able to keep to the usual wash schedule since June lol.
Bann ended up with a bunch of hay tossed over his head (why do they insist on moving every time the food leaves my hand?!) so back to normal there. Cam was hilarious yesterday though, there was this very brief reaction to having a bean bounce off his nose, "...what the - OOOH FOOD." Who am I to argue?

Meanwhile Bann's miffed. Since the cage clean he no longer has a pile of hay to stand on at the bars, and it's considerably more difficult to now get his head over them. He's angling for a stool of some description, I just know it.

Meanwhile if Amazon could hurry up and give me a delivery timeslot so I know if I can put my earphones in, that'd be great.

Oh, and I love being able to stand at the door to my room and just watch the goblins be their chaotic selves. It's weirdly calming.
I find watching the piggies oddly calming too. Rosie and Val have a nice large 5x2 cage but insist on chasing each other around the 2x2 loft in circles. All those people who say piggies don't like lofts and ramps should watch these two for a few minutes. They also generally sleep in the loft even thought there are 3 fleecy beds downstairs to choose from. I think skinny pigs just like to be contradictory.
For a day or two Cam had claimed the bed at the back, but he's jammed the remains of a hay cube into one entrance and rolled one of the tunnels over so you have to go through it to get in and out. I'll give you 3 guesses as to how many times he complained because the entrances were "blocked".
Funny how they are all so different. Dora is like Cam and drags stuff into the entrance to the fleecy bed but Rosie and Val like sleeping in the hay cube or in a cuddle cup in the loft. Dora often has to scramble around to get out of the bed that she has blocked with stuff.
I'm baffled as to how it never occurs to him blocking both entrances is a bad idea. I mean it's Cam so I'm not that surprised, but still. Bann does the opposite, bulldozes his way through if he has to. Which Cam also then freaks out about because now he's not just trapped because he's jammed the doors but also because Bann's suddenly in there with him. Chaos. Absolute chaos.
Bann gets a salad leaf. Cam won't get out of bed for a salad leaf, insists on simply poking his head out the doorway. I roll my eyes, hand him a spinach leaf, Bann feels it touch his back. 🤨 Bann jumps and turns round to face this evil skin touching thing, can't find it, can see the spinach leaf Cam's feeding on. Grabs at it. Misses. Grabs at it again. Doesn't miss. Eats Cam's spinach leaf. Cam's now leaf-less and rather sad about the whole affair. Bann's realised there's more food to be found in the cage and without the slightest hint of an apology, leaves Cam to his misery.
I could write a book on their exploits today alone, lol. I've just sat in watching them eat their next meal (baby cucumber sliced in half lengthways) because, while Bann got his act together straight off, Cam decided to live dangerously and eat next to the bars. He nearly dropped it through more times than I could count, somehow jammed it in at one point, his teeth kept losing their grip because it was jammed and he kept putting a paw down to keep it still (which didn't work, for obvious reasons), kept trying to eat it with his head upside down (because sod moving round to the other side) to see if he could get a better grip that way and at one point decided to give up, saw Bann's share, went to eat it, and got told off. Forcefully. So he went back to his original shenanigans.

Oh, Bann.

So I take the goblin veg upstairs in a plastic tray (think tomatoes, baby cucumbers, fruit trays etc) because it was easier at first, and now it turns out it stops them from doing the rustly bag wheek so I keep doing it. No shortage of trays, right? So I took up some lettuce and while normally I'll give them a piece each by hand and toss the rest in the cage, occasionally I'll lower the tub in so they can pick their own first mouthful. I don't do this often, they've a habit of going for the pieces at the bottom and tipping the whole thing over their heads - and then blaming that on the Human - but I did it today.

Cam, to his credit, got out of the begging pose and on to four legs remarkably swiftly. Bann, on the other hand, stayed right where he was. Begging. Literally, this food tub's about two inches to his left but no. He was apparently entirely unaware it even existed and was not being moved from that pose until he'd had his first mouthful! Cam, meanwhile, is getting understandably narked at having to wait.

I love him but he's not the brightest, at all.
The goblins aren't very happy with me. I took a nasty migraine yesterday evening and slept for 12 hours until just before 8am this morning. Nevermind that it's set off the pain in my hip again which has been gone for weeks, apparently it's a grave offence that I didn't wake up in time for pellet time and/or to make sure the room was warm last night. Ask them why they didn't wake me up last night considering they were right there and you get "🤨" in response.

I'm not very happy with the goblins. I've had to groan "stop standing on him" to Cam far more frequently today than I'd like, lol.
Well Cam's stopped climbing on top of the bed Bann's trying to sleep in, so there's that at least :)) as for me, I gave up on doing useful, well, anything, and got a takeaway. They're not always that bad, at least.