The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Well, the goblins probably won't want cucumber for the rest of the year at this rate, lol, but it's nearly done. I wasn't going to complain about the dates but they dropped it off and said "Yeah your dates are short on the baby cucumbers, so we've refunded them. You can still keep them though." Free cucumbers! Sorry, goblins.
Well, the goblins probably won't want cucumber for the rest of the year at this rate, lol, but it's nearly done. I wasn't going to complain about the dates but they dropped it off and said "Yeah your dates are short on the baby cucumbers, so we've refunded them. You can still keep them though." Free cucumbers! Sorry, goblins.
Baby cucumbers will be fine past their best before date. It's only guidance. Although, i'm sure that the goblins are not complaining and about too much cucumber.
The goblins wanted a new theme tune and apparently this was appropriate:

Meanwhile my knee's still whinging at me, the washing machine might be leaking (we can't find any other explanation for the water on the kitchen floor), and I can't get this song out of my head. Sorry for the earworm (but it's great).
"Cam no."
"Bann stop it."
"Cam pack it in."
"Bann don't you dare."
"Cam what did I say."
"Bann what was the point in that."
"Cam Bann oh no please stop yeah I give up."

Five minutes I've been here. Five.
I have had to apologise to Bann. Again.

I tend to put their veggies/herbs into a plastic tray, like you'd get with tomatoes or baby cucumbers or whatever, because it's less faff than a plate and it doesn't make noises for them to freak out over like a wrapper would. Today that tray had some romaine. I tossed it into the cage and unfortunately it landed right where Bann was putting his head out to confirm the lettuce rain was indeed, lettuce rain, and thus Bann got hit on the head by lunch. Again.

Sorry, Bann.
In my defence he also nearly headbutted the bars at speed earlier because I'd come up the stairs and into the room, spooked them both (forgot to announce myself, my fault) and then Bann realised it was Me, and Me means Food, and he ran to get his share first. He did manage to stop in time but it was close all right, lol.
Dear Bann

I understand that your Slave has been hitting you with lettuce rain and nearly caused you to have a serious head injury. This just will not do!

My Slave is very good at announcing her arrival. It's either "breakfast time", "run time", "hutch/cage time", "dindins" or "pea flake time". When she comes in to check on us she always says "are you lot OK?" When she announces "what's this?" it means a yummy snack is forthcoming. Your Slave needs to get into the habit of telling you of his imminent appearance.

The booklet about "How to ensure Slaves let you know they are on their way" is being updated and reprinted at the moment. So all I can let you know is that your Slave is now on the Naughty List at GPU Headquarters. When he knows he's on this list he will start trembling in his boots and probably not sleep at night worrying about it. Hopefully, while he's having his sleepless nights, he will realise that he needs to let you know he is coming so you are not startled when he finally does arrive.

Yours hoping your Slave realises what serious trouble he is in.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward.
Hopefully, while he's having his sleepless nights, he will realise that he needs to let you know he is coming so you are not startled when he finally does arrive.

(psst, for the Humans out there - does this mean we should also get warning before the guinea pigs take a funny half hour, and we get woken up by crashing and a hay cube flying into the bars at speed at 4am?)
So Sarah said goodbye to the goblins today because she won't be coming back here again and Cam was immediately up for his tribute (as many peaflakes as we can find, lol) and she gave him one and laughed because "they go into the mouth like a cd drive...just sliding in" and she's right, lol. They absolutely do. She's like is Bann in one of the beds and I said to give it a second, right on cue Bann's woken up and yelling and running out for his missed share. And eating pea flakes like he's a computer with a DVD drive.
Now at peaflake time, I'll be wanting to say "Who want's a CD then?" instead of saying "Who wants a pea flake then?" 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I just love imaging those two eating their pea flakes like that - makes me lol every time 😂
Er @Roselina ....... I have 3 guinea pigs. Thea, Bramble and Misty. Who did you forget?

Or did you mean to tag in @Lorcan instead?
I’m sorry Betsy and Thea ,Bramble and Misty I was referring to Bann and Cam ….. I was laughing so much I couldn’t see my keyboard properly and made a mistake ….. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I have no idea what's gotten into the goblins but I swear all I've heard for two days is rumbling. Cam tried to hump Bann's neck earlier. Bann's been squealing like a child and then...popcorning? He keeps turfing Cam out of one bed and then getting confused as to why Cam's not in it. And have I mentioned the rumbling?!

Camowen has taken to rumbling whilst walking around Bann. Bann lets him do it. Occasionally Cam will finish this by squealing his head off and then chittering happily as he runs into a bed. Whilst in said bed, he starts rumbling while walking in circles again.

Bann tries rumbling at Cam. Gets his nose pushed up. Tries again. Nose pushed. Tries a third time. Nose pushed. Tries a fourth time but then bolts before Cam can do anything. Comes back, tries a fifth time. Has to run off for real this time round.


Camowen has taken to rumbling whilst walking around Bann. Bann lets him do it. Occasionally Cam will finish this by squealing his head off and then chittering happily as he runs into a bed. Whilst in said bed, he starts rumbling while walking in circles again.

Bann tries rumbling at Cam. Gets his nose pushed up. Tries again. Nose pushed. Tries a third time. Nose pushed. Tries a fourth time but then bolts before Cam can do anything. Comes back, tries a fifth time. Has to run off for real this time round.


You’ve gotta love boars. 😍😍