The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

It's even more ridiculous than that - Bann had no bean. Why did Bann have no bean? Well when I was giving out the beans Bann was in bed and would do no more than come to the bed doorway for his. So there were a couple of others that I tossed into the cage after giving Cam his. Cam has clearly taken advantage of Bann's laziness to "find" all the beans and this was the last one. And when Bann's finally dragged himself out of bed, the lazy git, there's a single bean left.

There's a lesson to be learned about laziness here somewhere. He'll never learn it, but it's there lol.
Friends, a miracle just happened. I gave the goblins each a sweet gem leaf - one of the tall/skinny ones but it was right near the core so it wasn't particularly tall. He ate it next to the bars. He ate it up one side and down the other before chomping on that juicy crunchy stuff, and he ate it without it leaving his mouth once. Next to the bars. He ate food and didn't drop it through the bars!

I must say thank you to Pansy @Ruth1 because I've never known him manage that in 18 months lol.

Also I managed to tip a whole, full, sticky can of Coke all over my desk. And thus the floor. And the computer chair. The desk still feels sticky, but it can't be. The floor's definitely still wet. I know at least some leaked down the back of the desk but it's not easy accessed so whatever. The computer missed most of it. There was a bit of spray but mostly it's the carpet the tower's sitting on. Notebook's a goner. Pens are too. It's okay, I had replacements for both. My earphones somehow survived. Lost half a Blitz roll getting that under control, lol.

And the hay turned up!
Well, at least I know he cares enough to pay attention, right?
Him eating food without losing it? Almost certainly a one off. Me being a complete disaster who: stubbed his toe, broke his ribs; slipped while walking, fractured foot; fell down the stairs holding a chocolate milkshake and a board game, the Alsation at the bottom of the stairs had to make a run for it, the board game pieces were everywhere, and the walls were coated with chocolate milkshake. And I was laughing my head off in a heap at the bottom of the stairs while my dad tried to work out what happened; fell down the stairs drunk, tore a muscle in his shoulder...

I'd go on, but yeah. Clumsy's my best mate.
So this morning I woke up, went to the toilet, then realised I had smeared poop over the back of my thumb 🤨 It's dry, which is in some ways a blessing, but where have they been hiding their poop that it can get smeared on the back of my hand. And wait there's a bit at the base of one knuckle too? Wait is it anywhere else on me?!

I couldn't be certain, so I had a shower instead. I have no idea where the offending poop is in my bed which is making me every, ever so slightly nervous lol.
It was in the weirdest place too, like both marks were on the back of my hand. Not the palm, but the back. How does that even happen?! Meanwhile they're entirely unimpressed with my being late with lunch, except it took them like 2 minutes (which is a lifetime for a skinny) to wake up, poke heads out of beds, yawn and stretch, and then come for breakfast. And I fell off my computer chair earlier (I'm fine, lol, nout hurt but my pride) but I also knocked into the bookcase when I fell off and toppled the chair with me. Gotta do this stuff in style :coat:

But there were juice bottles on my bookcase that were now everywhere else, so I had to sort them back onto the shelves. They still got their lunch, just 10 minutes late 🤷‍♂️
Well, in an interesting turn of events, both goblins have taken to yelling at me again. They'd been quieter (not subdued) for a bit but I guess oversleeping two days this week has them concerned, lol. It's nice to know they're thinking of me, even if it's only because I can't feed them if I'm asleep :)) Bann's learned some manners, too. Yesterday I was trying to feed him something and he was trying everywhere around the bit of food, including my fingers, before he got the food I was poking at his nose eventually. But he didn't bite! Or at least he waited til he was sure he had Food and not Finger, and then he bit, lol. Thanks, mate.
"Behind you."
"Be. Hind. You."
"Behind. You."
"No. Behind you."
"Lads you watched it go into the cage. Behind you."
"Seriously. Behind you."
"How. Why. Behind you!"
"...please. Look behind you."

Bann gets it at this point, and wanders off and finds the goodies. Cam...well.

"Cam, look behind you."
"You were there two seconds ago. Look the other way."
"How can you smell it but be looking the wrong way?"
"Cam it's the direction you were smelling it in. Which is where Bann is. Why do you think Bann's where the good smelling stuff is?"
"Bloody hell, Cam."
"There are no words, Cam."
Bann dropped his food on the wrong side of the bars half a second after getting it, and in the process of going back to 4 legs he almost fell on top of Cam. There was a scuffle. He was clearly confused as to where his dinner went. I said words, I gave it back to him, and he had one mouthful before deciding to look for better options in the cage itself. There were none. Oh, Bann.

Also I've sprained my left wrist. It's their fault, and I told them that. I don't know how, I just know it's them.
Don't be! This happens occasionally, first time in a while but it does happen. I've had a ganglion on that same wrist that hasn't shifted for about 2 years and I think it's part of the problem, though I can't prove it. Besides, this is what I keep selfadhesive bandages for.
Hope your wrist is better soon. Just blame them, they’re clueless anyway 🤣

On another note my ganglion went away eventually. Hope it doesn’t hear me and make an appearance now! I already have an arthritic finger on that hand. Don’t understand how that developed 🤷🏽‍♀️
lol it's alright, the site's having a bit of a tizz I think. But yeah, this isn't my first ganglion, it's just being bloody stubborn. I don't think I've ever had another one insist on sticking around this long.
lol it's alright, the site's having a bit of a tizz I think. But yeah, this isn't my first ganglion, it's just being bloody stubborn. I don't think I've ever had another one insist on sticking around this long.
Why not see if it can be removed if it’s been there so long and is obviously bothersome?
Because having it removed won't necessarily fix the problem. I did bring it up with the GP at one point but he didn't think it'd be much benefit and tbh he's probably right.
I think the issue is they can return anyway! Blasted things.