I overslept this morning and it's entirely their fault.
I didn't have popcorn, which is why I was sat on my bed at 1am, eating crisps, and watching the goblins just annoy the s***e out of each other. The only time the rumbling stopped was for the squeals to start. Or maybe one squealed while the other rumbled. Bann had Cam in a couple of corners and lots of squealing but then each time Bann ended up legging it. Same thing in the middle of the cage except Cam made it quite clear he would happily spray Bann and apparently Bann didn't want pee to the face, so there was a bit of a lull where every time Bann moved, so did Cam's bum.
And don't go thinking it was just Bann, btw. It was not. Cam rumbled louder (at 1am, ffs) than I've ever heard him manage before, constant nose lifting, the works.
So I overslept. Thanks lads. Could we try this at 1 in the afternoon next time?