The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Congratulations :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
I hope maintenance have visited, and you can enjoy your chocolate cake. Yum!
Yes to toilet sorted, but I got sidetracked by Dara Ó Briain clips and haven't been downstairs for a bit yet lol.
If you don't want your chocolate cake, somebody down south eat it for you!:whistle::D
The goblins don't get fresh food before 11am and to be fair to them, they're very good about this. Yes, Cam might start getting vocal earlier but they don't get miffed when no lettuce turns up. Til yesterday. I had an appointment at 11:20 and the Dyna-Rod guy had gone AWOL so I was in a rush out of the door, and then on my way back it turned out I was meant to have had an appointment (oops) but actually they were running late anyway (haha) so I had that appointment and then I rang the housing association about the toilet, and it's right about then that Cam got vocal. I mean, it was fair.

Well apparently I'm still not forgiven for this because the unholy shrieks of the damned started at 10am and to make it worse, Cam doesn't shriek quite like that. Bann does. And Bann, when he wants to be, is louder and shriller (😱) than Cam could ever want to be. An hour of this.

Then I had a phonecall at 1pm and during this call I could hear Cam's screaming and I yelled a word I shouldn't while also apologising and finally getting into the bedroom, and it turns out this wasn't Cam's "OH NO I'M DYING" screaming, it was the "FEED ME NOW" scream. They're both identical. Thanks, Cam. :doh:
I have been very proud of the goblins today. Besides the usual squabbling over the water bottle antics they met someone new today and weren't the least bit shy about demanding food, and the only time I had to remind Bann that fingers weren't food was when it was nearly my fingers he got hold of. 🤷‍♂️
Those boys ……their continuing adventures always have me chuckling 🤭
You’ve had a busy day 🥰
The goblins got a blackberry each, because sharing isn't a thing in their language and, well, I like my fingers. Neither of them was very sure about what this "thing" was, like okay you're offering it to us which means we can probably eat it but we have no idea what it is. They did eventually both take theirs and were last seen nibbling on them, I'll see how that turns out later lol.
Blackberry update: they're missing. Possibly into tiny pieces I won't find in the hay pile but the berry itself, nowhere to be found. I don't think it was Cam, I think Cam's still suspicious of them. They'd both eaten maybe half and I offered them to Bann again who had some more and then got sidetracked by hay 🤷‍♂️ but I think it's him that ate the rest of them. They're not major berry lovers, but Bann does like more fruit than Cam does. They'll both eat apple, grape, melon, tomato. Blueberries are evil, apparently. Neither of them like raspberries much and I don't like strawberries so I'll never find that one out. Bann likes a bit of clementine, Cam doesn't, it turns out I don't either so there won't be a repeated try on that one :xd: I loved clemmies as a wean but the texture of these had me heaving more than I could eat.

They don't get a lot of fruit, I just like to try something different with them occasionally.
My neighbour has had a flying ant infestation. Or, to be specific, her outside walls have. I went outside to put some rubbish in the bin and she called me over, she'd been spraying them with insect spray and a couple of the flags were carpeted with them, lol. There's ants outside on my flags too but nothing flying and if the cat hadn't sat in front of them I likely wouldn't have noticed. However, mine are staying on the garden flags, there's nothing on the path, so...wait and see I guess.

Meanwhile those two eejits in my bedroom have spent most of today whacking each other with their food. They claim it's accidental. I call shenanigans - it's accidental the first time, they've been doing it for 18 months now lol. Broccoli and baby peppers are great for it, though - something they grab at one end but with some length to it so when they drop back to their feet it smacks off the face of the nearby goblin. And vice versa. And then they get cranky at each other for it. There's just no helping some pigs. :))
I tried to use e cigarettes before and got pneumonia, the doctor said I should stay away from them bc I’m sensitive to the ingredients I guess, I just had hernia repair surgery and to stop smoking for 3 days 😭😭 man that was difficult
I overslept this morning and it's entirely their fault.

I didn't have popcorn, which is why I was sat on my bed at 1am, eating crisps, and watching the goblins just annoy the s***e out of each other. The only time the rumbling stopped was for the squeals to start. Or maybe one squealed while the other rumbled. Bann had Cam in a couple of corners and lots of squealing but then each time Bann ended up legging it. Same thing in the middle of the cage except Cam made it quite clear he would happily spray Bann and apparently Bann didn't want pee to the face, so there was a bit of a lull where every time Bann moved, so did Cam's bum.
And don't go thinking it was just Bann, btw. It was not. Cam rumbled louder (at 1am, ffs) than I've ever heard him manage before, constant nose lifting, the works.

So I overslept. Thanks lads. Could we try this at 1 in the afternoon next time?
Bann's been favouring a particular bed and when I tossed some coriander in earlier it landed on that bed. No reaction from Bann til Camowen was actually standing on top of the bed to nom at the coriander :)) speaking of Cam, I went to toss in a small amount of hay (I hate rationing it like this but I don't want to run out before the new box gets here) because he was looking for food, and when he got to the bars...he found a bit of half eaten cucumber, hay be damned he had the good stuff!
Carrot cottage on a slope.
Two goblins, side by side, facing the same side of the carrot cottage.
They're at the top of the slope.
Carrot cottage has tasty roof.
Both goblins want the tasty roof.
Both goblins on their hind legs, leaning on the carrot cottage, for that tasty tasty roof.

I rag on these two a lot but they managed to do this and keep it well enough balanced that they could both lean, both tilt, and both eat the tasty roof without the whole thing falling over underneath them.

And then I got paranoid because I know what Bann's like and I moved it.
Honestly Cam started it and then Bann joined in and I was 😱. The best teamwork I've ever seen from them and it would've been wrecked the minute I turned my back, lol.
Teamwork makes the dream work! 🤣
It's been hours and I still don't know how they managed it without arguing with each other over personal space, lol. It probably sounds awful to say I've said little to Bann all evening except "ffs Bann don't be a d***" but I swear he tries winding Cam up on purpose. That's his bean, Bann. He's not going to give up his bean quietly, calmly, or easily.