The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

It looks like Cam's kicked Bann out for the time being but he can't hold onto that position for long, lol. Bann's had some spirit in him today. He also ate some basil. I went to give Cam a sprig of basil and Bann a sprig of mint, because I didn't want to play favourites, and then...Bann ate the basil. I don't know if it's because I hadn't put the mint down (Cam was already out, so plonking food in front of him wasn't hard, but Bann could've been in any one of about 6 sleeping spots. I'm not that good.) but

Bann ate basil.

He waits til I've got a stinky toilet and no running water and a bath full of Persil water and no way to fix it for 3 days, and he eats the basil. 🀨
My own laundry I'm sorted for, it's more the toilet. I thought they'd be sending someone today, only found out after I'd gone for a #2 that actually, it would be Monday. Course I can't flush it, and I can't take the plug out of the bath, and the smell just sits. Pretty sure there was a fly on it earlier too - I have a phobia of toilet bowls. Have I ever mentioned this before? This is not helping the phobia at all.

I don't think they realised quite how serious the issue was at first. Although I've gotta ask it's the foul water pipe, how unimportant were they expecting it to be?! Then they were like "well have we got a commode" and I'm mentally :doh:, what good's a commode? The toilet's not broken. The plumbing is. If I can't flush a toilet, how am I supposed to clean out a commode between usage?

Someone's getting yelled at next week. I dunno who and I dunno when. But someone, next week. Til then, it's where it's at.

Least I've still got chocolate cake.

I planned on swapping the vape I was using, sitting down, and typing out a story about last night. I put the vape I was using on the shelf and suddenly I heard what sounded like an almighty crash in the bedroom. Panic ensues. I rush in and it turns out they're chasing each other and banging into the walls and under hideys and over hideys and through the packing paper. Then Cam saw me and started screaming, and then Bann followed suit.
Gave them some hay. Bann went "ooh cool". Cam did too, about 3 minutes later.

And to last night's story. Well, technically from around midnight. I'd just switched the light off and was playing a couple of basic games on my phone when I hear Cam doing a quick zoom run to the water bottle on the left back corner. Cool. No idea where Bann is, he's not visible so probably in bed. So far so good.
Cam's just (by the light of the torch) sitting at the back corner and not doing anything but chewing, which is weird. But again, okay. And then the noise starts. Something's rattling the cage bars and managing to rattle them off the radiator which, Panic. What's doing that. Do I have mice. Do I have rats. Why isn't Cam reacting to any of this OH NO THERE'S A RAT AND I'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT wait what.

I switched the light back on. Cam had managed to find this really long stalky bit of hay that kept pinging off the bars with each chew, which in turn had the bars pinging off the radiator at the other end of the cage, completely oblivious to the panic he was causing. Good grief, Cam.
Great day 504 🌟
You don’t need that at bedtime πŸ˜‚ Cam knows how to get your attention !
I hope you’re managing this wknd ! Shouting at someone is warranted !
It's an odd coincidence but last night I was convinced there was a rat in the cavity wall under the window. I could hear a scratching noise. Took me some time to work out it was Bertie in his wooden house eating a long thick hay stalk which was rubbing against the walls. I have poor hearing in one ear which makes direction of sound difficult to work out sometimes!
Ha ha! Yes. I stopped without crashing! It was a lot safer than the time there was HUGE and very real spider advancing towards me along the dashboard when driving in the fast lane of the M1. I also managed to manoeuvre across the lanes and stop on the hard shoulder without crashing then too :yikes:
Ha ha! Yes. I stopped without crashing! It was a lot safer than the time there was HUGE and very real spider advancing towards me along the dashboard when driving in the fast lane of the M1. I also managed to manoeuvre across the lanes and stop on the hard shoulder without crashing then too :yikes:
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: How brave are you!
Ha ha! Yes. I stopped without crashing! It was a lot safer than the time there was HUGE and very real spider advancing towards me along the dashboard when driving in the fast lane of the M1. I also managed to manoeuvre across the lanes and stop on the hard shoulder without crashing then too :yikes:

I knew I had this somewhere:

Also lol Cam.

The goblins don't chat to me much now. I think, with them now being in my bedroom so I'm in and out and sitting in the room with them much more they don't see a need to harass me at every movement (I think it's a compliment?). Cam did this morning though - I woke up early and went to the toilet and then sat on the bed for a bit before he started to chat and ran out of bed* and demanded food. All's fair, right?

I just poked my head in to say hi before going into the study. I'm calling it a study now. But I found Cam on his back legs as if he was trying to eat the carrot roof of the carrot cottage (which is long gone, I might add) but he paused when I looked in. You know that look a person or a pet gets when you've caught them where they shouldn't be, and they're frantically trying to think of an appropriate excuse in the space of half a second? Yeah that was Cam's demeanour (and body posture) when I said hello.
Then I got yelled at for food and just like that, the spell was broken. :))

*he did no such thing, he dragged himself out and stretched at the same time. Lazy git, lol.
Ah lovely Cam…… so unpredictable πŸ₯°
I hope the pipes and everything get sorted today !
Good they’ve unblocked it
Hopefully not too long before they clean it !
You’re right not to clean it !
It was, it is, it definitely is, and I've got the chocolate cake ready (well, in the cupboard, close enough). Just waiting on maintenance, lol.
Congratulations :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
I hope maintenance have visited, and you can enjoy your chocolate cake. Yum!
Yes to toilet sorted, but I got sidetracked by Dara Γ“ Briain clips and haven't been downstairs for a bit yet lol.