The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Still nothing on Belle or what went on yesterday. No death announcement on Facebook like what happened with Shadow so I guess there's that, but then there's also the chance Belle's still kicking (and I mean literally, it's not her fault you were taking up mm of her space on the sofa is it?). And I'm not going to ring because I don't know why she's not rung, if something else has gone on, or if she's just forgotten (probably the latter).

In other news all I've had from one goblin today is "but I want food not hay" and the other "but I want hay not food" and it's like they've been tossing a coin to choose which one they'll be. Oh and Bann says peppers are evil. He said this this afternoon. You know what else I had arriving this afternoon? Yeah that's right, baby peppers as part of a weekly Tesco shop. Fine then. Cam and I can just enjoy the peppers ourselves (and yes, they've been delicious lol).

Oh and I have chocolate cake and doughnuts. I forgot about the doughnuts. Better go eat those.

Amazing day 500🌟

Enjoy the peppers and chocolate cake ……a nice surprise when you remembered the 🍩
And you and Cam can enjoy those 🫑

Ooooo milkybar cake slices 🤭
Wow, congratulations on day 500. You should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. :yahoo: :yahoo:
Wow, congratulations on day 500. You should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. :yahoo: :yahoo:

I'm still not quite convinced I believe it yet, lol. Is this actually me? Really?

It's almost even less believable than my having had top surgery. And I don't even know how that works, but it does!

In the spirit of Day #501 btw, I must apologise to Bann. I've spent most of today watching him do stupid things, or watching him go to do stupid things, and being like "Bann no for crying out loud not again.". All day. There's just one issue with this...

It's Cam that keeps doing it, not Bann. Sorry, Bann. :coat:
What a life changing year for you. Onwards to even greater things now.

I'm sure that Bann and Cam will continue to challenge your sanity on a daily basis.😂
In their defence, their manners are much better than they used to be, they're not constantly screaming at me, they don't scream at the merest hint of a rustling bag, and Cam has stopped trying to gnaw on my fingers entirely. Still working on that with Bann, lol.

Also when they get hay Cam's worked out I generally toss the hay into one area (for convenience) and will run laps of that space til the hay actually goes into the cage.

I've ordered some germolene off Amazon, I've a small section of the wound on my right that needs redressed but it is small. It's not something I'm worried about, I'd be more worried if it was on my left.
Well done day 501

Germolene is great - I use it toward off cold sores
I love Cam and Bann
They think you need glasses …….🥰
Oh I love the smell of germoline but comes in a tube now. Gosh time flies is it 502 days now, we’ll dine you!
I wore specs more frequently before the pandemic hit, but I couldn't wear them with a mask and none of the usual tricks worked - my astigmatism meant they had to sit in one place on my nose and with a mask on, nope. So, contacts it was/is. I was wearing glasses when I was in London actually lol, it was very nice to be able to take them off again once I got home.

As for germolene, it still smells like we all remember it smelling. I know there's other antiseptic options out there but none of them smell right :))
Amazing day 500🌟

Enjoy the peppers and chocolate cake ……a nice surprise when you remembered the 🍩
And you and Cam can enjoy those 🫑

Ooooo milkybar cake slices 🤭
I'm still not quite convinced I believe it yet, lol. Is this actually me? Really?

It's almost even less believable than my having had top surgery. And I don't even know how that works, but it does!

In the spirit of Day #501 btw, I must apologise to Bann. I've spent most of today watching him do stupid things, or watching him go to do stupid things, and being like "Bann no for crying out loud not again.". All day. There's just one issue with this...

It's Cam that keeps doing it, not Bann. Sorry, Bann. :coat:
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
So, funny story. My foul water pipe's blocked. Again. Why do I find this funny? It's not funny. But I've spent most of today laughing at it. Maybe because I'm not the eejit that lifted the pipe from its ground connector and got rightly soaked through because of it :)) So there's me, maintenance, one neighbour giving me jigsaws, another calling the homeowner all the names under the sun because he's useless and it's probably his fault the drains are shot.

Seriously. Nobody likes the guy. Even when the stuff can't be his fault, so we'll just blame him anyway.

Meanwhile I've got some Queen on the headphones (You Don't Fool Me), the goblins insist I tell everyone they're getting starved to death, it turns out I knew the woman found dead near the canal the other morning, and I don't have anything really funny today.

I will say though, the next eejit to ask me to flush the toilet so they can see where the water's backing up through the washing machine's overflow pipe is getting locked in the house with a mop and bucket and they can clean it up themselves. Fair's fair, right?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one. As for the water backing up into the washing machine, I feel your pain. It happened to us for several weeks, but 4 times in one day. I was exhausted cleaning it up and sat in the middle of the floor and cried. It broke the washing machine, ruined the lino and if I ever meet the idiot who plumbed this house he/she won't live to tell the tale!
I am sorry to hear about the lady who was found by the canal.
Oh I stood on my doorstep and cackled at him, lol. He did get a good chunk of the blockage cleared (and apologised to my neighbours because water was everywhere) but he couldn't get it all, so I'm waiting on them turning up with the hose. He went in to the house to get water twice and I'm like...there's a working tap on the wall right in front of you. Twice. And you'll get more water in a bucket from the outside tap too.

And then to round everything off, with water everywhere and emptied bucketloads into the double figures and he turns to me and asks, "You're not on a water meter are you?"

It's been that sort of a day 😱
I am (thankfully) not on a water meter. Also he'd been filling the buckets to pour down the pipe, then took the external pipe from the sink, put the top end of that under the tap and used it as a funnel to direct the water into the ground pipe instead. I've seen it all now, lol.

Meanwhile the foxgloves are mostly over, but it'd still be nice to know where they came from.

Cam is a bona fide menace.

But first, nobody can deal with the external pipe til Monday. Sigh. It's really not ideal but it's not for lack of trying, so I'll have to make do. They can just unclog the toilet when they unclog the drains.

Anyway. Cam.

he stole Bann's pepper. In front of Bann. Bann saw it. Bann wanted it back. Tug of war over a baby pepper. They don't even like pepper that much! Well. Normal pepper anyway, they do get more excited about baby peppers.
Some time later, more pepper. Bann gets his. Cam drops his to his feet. Looks around. Sees Bann. "ooh pepper!" CAM IT'S AT YOUR FEET WHERE YOU DROPPED IT why must you do this to me, Cam. Twice now you've dropped your pepper and lost it and Bann's going to get really cranky if you try nicking his again.

Sometimes I miss nicotine, lol.
Well done day 503 🌟
Cam wouldn’t be your Cam if he wasn’t rascal 😂
I love how you’re chilled about the pipe saga !
I mean, unless someone has a pressure washer and wouldn't mind doing it themselves, there's nobody available to clear it. Dyno-rod were meant to come on Wednesday but it's now been pushed to Monday. It's not great, the chest is still healing and the bathroom can no longer be called sanitary, what with a toilet I can't flush and a bathtub I can't empty, but...what else am I gonna do, y'know? I don't like it, but it's what it is.

I swear, it's Pinky and Pinky in that cage, lol.
Oh no it’s not good - have you got wipes to use if ness ?
Because of your recent surgery you should be a priority !
Absolutely. They were really apologetic about it to be fair although apparently asking if they had any spare plastic bags was pushing my luck :roll: Like I didn't clog the pipe, don't tell me I can just wander down the shop and buy some more because clearly that's not going to happen. People.

Plenty of wipes, plenty of plastic bags to toss used stuff into, gross but needs must. They were like do you not have anyone you can stay with? Uh, no, I've got guinea pigs and they can't just be taken to another house or something. Well then what about leaving them enough food and water for a couple of days? Yeah like (word) am I gonna do that. I could probably do with some alcohol hand gel but a) I'd need to go get some, so no and b) the eczema on my hands is still pretty bad, I really don't want alcohol gel near them if I can help it.
Mmmm doesn’t sound like they were very helpful - Monday will come quickly hopefully !
I’d want to stay in my house 🥰
I think the stress is getting to me. I gave the goblins the carrot cottage (time to put my "I can sleep through anything" skills to the test again), Bann went inside and started gnawing on the door. Cam stayed outside but it's on a mound of hay, so I'd see nothing...then this goblin head poking up to eat the carrot roof and then sinking away again and for some reason it's the funniest thing I've seen in days.
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