The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Amazing day 493 🌟
It’s the continuing adventures of Cam and Bann ……and their Slave 😂🥰

I bought drinks in glass bottles because they generally come with cardboard trays. Camowen doesn't have a cardboard tray. There's logic in there, somewhere. Meanwhile, we've sort of fixed the smoke alarm issue. And by sort of, I mean I'm ignoring it til I'm capable of putting it back on the wall. Because that's what it wants, to be put back on the wall. I'm not falling for that one again any time soon, lol.
Day 494 🎉
I think Coca Cola tastes better in glass bottles 😂
Hopefully Cam will get enjoy his tray/hat 🥰
Everything tastes better out of a glass bottle, but it's Hartridge's cola this time round. Haven't had any for some time, had to cancel the subscription in the end because it kept being unavailable.

10 days to go! Still no idea what I'll actually do on the day, just y'know. 10 days.

Tesco are running late. And I'm hangry. They sell these Wotsits that are basically NikNaks but...Wotsit NikNaks.

Also I gave the goblins a hay cube around lunchtime. It's pretty much gone. I swear, they do get fed actual food. Hay cube...gone. 🤨
Well done day 495 🌟
Worth waiting for ……as long as they haven’t subbed them !
Oh! Wotsit NikNaks sound yummy.

They're these: I made the mistake of buying them the first time when they were on offer, thinking they'd be okay and worth a try at least and that'd be that. I was wrong.

Well done day 495 🌟
Worth waiting for ……as long as they haven’t subbed them !

All I had subbed was a bag of greens in the end, sent it back because they're good but I'm not feeding them 500g worth of greens over the next few days lol.

I am suspicious.

I knew about the two hay cubes. I bought the two hay cubes. So why have I also received two carrot cottages AND two new fleecy forest corners? I've asked them both. I get " 🤨 " and "🤷‍♂️" in response. There's no way I've forgotten about buying this stuff, right? One of them has clearly taken advantage of both me AND of the Prime Day sales and look what happens.
Amazing ….day 496

I’m so impressed those goblins did that and you didn’t know … out for extra carrots/coriander/lettuce etc added to your delivery orders …..I hope they don’t develop a taste for those wotsits 😂

I had a parcel arrive this morning. I knew it was coming. But when I got the knock on the door, I don't think I've ever gone to retrieve a parcel so lazily. Stand up from chair, saunter over to door, saunter down the stairs, saunter over to door, take 3x as long to unlock the door and then the guy just looked at me, laughed and handed over the parcel. Pretty sure he thought I was stoned. I was not, but I could understand the mistake happening, lol.

Also. The goblins. Every night when I'm going to bed, that's their pellet time. They get handfed one each or they get weird, but the rest get scattered into the cage for them to do some foraging for.
So today, I went to take a nap. There's a lot of bar begging and groans of "no." "Stop it." "No." "No!" "" but eventually they stop. Or so I think. THEN I realised my mistake. See, I got into bed. What happens when I get into bed? Yeah exactly. They'd stopped begging because they were running round the cage like mad eejits trying to find where I'd hidden their pellets on them.
Well done for day 497🌟
It’s ok to be in slo mo mode ….those delivery drivers 😂
I’m impressed that he goblins made the connection with you going to bed and that the pellets must have arrived ! Real clever boys 🥰
They also know, when it's pellets time, they get one hand fed to them and then they go and search for the rest. Occasionally one of them will stay for a second but generally, they're happy with one and done. I suppose it's no bad thing if it keeps me from napping too often, lol.

In today's news, first we have Bann, who (with some degree of skill involved, unintentional or otherwise) got his food, managed to drop it as he was returning to four legs, but dropped it in such a way he almost threw it...right into Camowen's rump. Camowen got distracted from his food, turned round, saw Bann's food, went "oooh food!" and ran off with it. Bann looked slightly bewildered.

Not to be outdone, Cam got something else to eat later on and promptly dropped it on the wrong side of the bars after having it in his mouth for barely half a second.

@Lorcan have you thought of writing ? I think you could easily write books for children 😂
Love this thread - you have a gift for story telling 😊

The gift of the gab, so I've been told. But I'd be a terrible writer, I think. It's one thing to remember something daft and be able to relay that on sometime later, but putting them down on paper like that, I dunno.
Also, in spirit of day #499, Cam needs banning from eating near the cage bars. He managed to get his (large and chunky, because in this case size matters) to his feet and eat it from there without issue. No problems at all, perfect mealtime standards. And then, when picking it up to gnaw off the next chunks, pushed it through the bars. Biiig chunk of pepper. Small bars. Daft goblins will find a way.

In less happy news I think my parents are having to put their spaniel to sleep today.

Screenshot 2023-07-17 133946.webp

Still not heard a thing since which tells me it'll not be good news, but honestly this has been coming for a while. Doesn't make it any better, but it's not unexpected.
She's a good age to be fair to her, 14. This is from 2015 I think, the last time I was over, but I can't find anything newer of hers right now except for one:


The other one is from after she chased a cat (or a squirrel, I can't remember) into the middle of a road and unsurprisingly got hit by a car. They ended up having to put a baby gate on the bottom of the stairs and if one person was going through it, the other had to keep an eye on Belle or she'd have been through it. How did they know this? Because she kept doing it. And going upstairs and leaping onto my parents bed and that thing's at least twice her height. Eejit dog.
She only stopped (and started sulking) when the case came off and she was in a cone. Suddenly she was the worst treated dog in the world, lol.

Poor Belle.webp