The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


Aight, so the goblins haven't had fresh food since yesterday afternoon because one of them has very wet poops. It's probably watercress. They'll be getting something tomorrow, possibly late this evening because this has happened a few times now and the problem doesn't take long to fix itself, but in the meantime, lots of hay.
However, they're not big drinkers. Most of their water comes from their food. Cam - and he has to be doing this on purpose - is drinking so loudly from the bottle I can hear it through a wall and a closed door. And last night when I was heading to bed, same idea. Which is how I know it was him, it's his trademark "FEED US PROPERLY HUMAN" drinking style. 😱

Roll on tomorrow lol.
Angry wee gulper! Funny - I can tell my two apart from the way they drink from the water bottle. Was the same with the rabbits.
He he those faeries live at my house too 😂

Worst part was I posted, looked round to the tv as soon as I did...and there was the other screwdriver. :doh:

Good to hear that you are healing well. Just remember not to do too much, try and take it easy. xx

I'm not doing very much, but I feel so lazy doing it. The hospital rang, partly to complain I didn't turn up (not my fault they wouldn't answer the phone) but also to say "normally we'd put brown micropore tape over it" (well you could've mentioned that and/or given me some instead of the dressings, right?) and finally that I can start doing a little more, just not to overexert any work that involves the chest. But I still feel lazy, lol.

lol why.

So I thought I heard someone at the door about 11:50, went downstairs, no sign of anyone, brought food back up with me for the goblins because I'm not allowed downstairs unless there's food for them. Them's the rules. I've literally just sat down and I hear the noise again, so I go back downstairs and there's two blokes standing there. Turns out the housing association forgot to mention they'd been in touch with an insulation firm about a) actually insulating the house and roof and b) swapping out the boiler for a combi boiler. Great stuff. He did let me see the emails back and forth about it, and apologised for me not getting any warning. Fair's fair.
So, downstairs checked, go upstairs. My hall's tiny, like 1½ ft sq type tiny, so I backed slightly into the bedroom to give the guy room for his ladder and I look round and those two are begging, so I'm like no, you got fed five minutes ago and I haven't forgotten. He asks if he can pop his head round the door, says hi, and then his mate says, "What about yours?" "What about my what?" "What about your guinea pigs?" "...mate I didn't have guinea pigs, I had hamsters." :))

Then I just went to go downstairs for a drink, popped my head in their door to (rhetorically) ask if they were hungry and they were already dancing at the bars like their lives depended on it. 🤷‍♂️
Honestly at this stage my biggest problem is the binder (yes, the hospital neglected to mention anything about brown micropore tape but I'm pretty sure of the reason for using it, and it's for something that I uh, didn't keep), trying to get that thing in a position where a) it's secure b) it does its job c) it doesn't cause pressure annoyances on the centre of the chest and d) doesn't cause pressure annoyances on the swelling towards the armpits. I knew there was a reason I hated these things. But the part of my chest left uncovered by bandages isn't weeping and I've got no spots of anything turning up on the binder itself. Six weeks. Sigh. Well, it could be worse.
Honestly at this stage my biggest problem is the binder (yes, the hospital neglected to mention anything about brown micropore tape but I'm pretty sure of the reason for using it, and it's for something that I uh, didn't keep), trying to get that thing in a position where a) it's secure b) it does its job c) it doesn't cause pressure annoyances on the centre of the chest and d) doesn't cause pressure annoyances on the swelling towards the armpits. I knew there was a reason I hated these things. But the part of my chest left uncovered by bandages isn't weeping and I've got no spots of anything turning up on the binder itself. Six weeks. Sigh. Well, it could be worse.
What’s six weeks in the context of a whole lifetime ahead of you? You’ve got this x
It's definitely not worth trying to push my luck, I just feel like the binder keeps...dropping. And then it can't just be hiked back up, it needs to come off and then get put back on. I swear that's half my day right now - shirt off, binder off, binder on, shirt on.

On a completely unrelated note, our cans/bottle recycling bins go out tomorrow and everyone on the street leaves our bins out in the same place the night before (ie, tonight) and then someone puts them to the street for the morning. I can hear a lot of cans and bottles. It sounds almost like...there's an industrial sized can/bottle recycling bin that isn't ours but it goes to the same place and, I think, someone's tipping our bins into that one so only one bin has to go out. It is very weird to have silent and then lots of falling bottles and cans out of nowhere lol.
Day 487 🌟🎉
You’re doing really well - the time is going quickly I hope
Just keep doing what you’re doing 🥰
Great all the home improvements getting done ….ready for Winter 🥰
I hope you’re feeling ok today !
Each day gets you nearer to throwing the binding away 🥰
I'm good, I'm just grumpy lol. Ordered an Asda delivery, literally last thing at night, 10-11pm, but it was £1 and that was at least 50p cheaper than any other timeslot. And I wanted my ready salted crisps, dang it.
Yup. Which is good, because I had to chuck out like ⅔ of the lettuce in just one bag this morning, and I suspect the other bag will be the same. The goblins still get their crunchy bits though lol.
That’s good …. you’ll look forward to those crisps 😂
Mmmm those rascals are lucky boys !
You know the weirdest bit? When I was doing that order yesterday, Asda's supply of ready salted crisps were suspiciously lacking. They'd none of their own brand in stock at all. Had to get Walkers, which are nice, but I'd prefer cheap ones. It's ready salted crisps, there's no hidden seasoning ingredients to make everything taste weird. Like Tesco's "Cool" tortilla chips which taste like someone lifted the lid off a cheese mill and dumped the whole lot in.

I get an expectant look. I put hay in the cage. Bann starts munching away.
"Bann, where's Cam?" Bann looks at me with a sort of 🤨 look.
"Bann, really, where is he?" Bann keeps eating.
"What did you do with him?" 🤨
"...Bann, seriously."

This goes on for several minutes. I can't actually check the beds because Bann's sitting in front of them, the git, and he does not appreciate Hands. Even if the Hands aren't for him, must steer clear of the Hands. And just when I'm thinking enough's enough, there's an almighty shriek and scream from one of the beds from the other idiot goblin who has apparently just woken up and realised he's missing out on all the delicious....hay. Well it works for them.

Sorry neighbours. 🤷‍♂️

Bit of music today too, because I can:

15 days!

The goblins were quiet all morning. Not silent, just quiet. The occasional bit of chatter and excitement, but quiet. And then I wanted a nap.

It's amazing how swiftly they go from quiet to FUNNY HALF HOUR TIME RUMBLE RUMBLE I can rumble louder than you But I can rumble and wheek at the same time But I'm louder But mine are better RUUUUUUUUMBLE.
Oh and lets attack and squabble over the water bottle too while we're at it, the Human won't mind.


They're confused because it's dark outside and instead of opening the blinds I switched the light on. But that's because I couldn't reach the blind cord and got lazy. Call it payback for ruining my naptime, lol.

Cam did this really cute thing earlier where he stuck his head out of bed and looked up at me like "Food?!"

And then they squabbled over who gets the seed heads. Sigh. I wish the Excel wasn't so expensive, but at least they love it as much as they love their veggies.

So the hay turned up this morning with that type of cardboard packing that looks like it's woven. No real weight to it but relatively strong for what it is. I was asked if I'd give it to the goblins because we were talking about packing paper anyway and I was like no, it was a given at least one of them would get themselves stuck.
"Bann. You mean Bann would get himself stuck."
Poor Bann. He tries so hard. :))
Oh he absolutely would, I love him to bits but it's easy to see who's Pinky and who's The Brain in that cage, lol. Mind you I dunno if I said it here or not, but because Bann freaked out about Hands at some point last week, he then freaked out Cam, and Cam managed to throw his food through the bars in a panic. So, maybe I've just got two iterations of Pinky instead?