The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Oh I have just caught up. What a huge week for you and the goblins. So glad all went well and that you are now back home again to the comfort of your own bed and your own supply of coke!

They're still on the quiet side, but I gave them a treat earlier because I'm a big softie. Cam managed to get his at an angle where he couldn't get it through the bars so he was just propped up on the bars with this ring in his mouth and just...standing there, trying to work out what's gone wrong :))

So now that I'm home for a couple of days, I think I can piece together something of what went on with the goblins in my absence - there's been what I'll term "hefty" scuffles. Bann occasionally stops what he's doing to stare at Cam and then run away, and they've been heavier on the scent marking than normal. Nothing wrong with the bond I should point out, they're still eating together and begging side by side, and there's no sign of injuries on their skin that I can see although I haven't had a look underneath (trying to avoid lifting for a few more days at least). Just a little more funk and a little more agitation in the cage than normal.
Well done day 483 🌟
Those boys ……🥰
They could tell their usual slave wasn’t there maybe ? Or just be extra boisterous goblins 😂
I hope you’re recovering well and resting 🥰
Hah, I don't know which, just that it's the only real explanation. They're eating side by side and I'm getting a bit of chatter back occasionally now, which is far nicer than I ever thought it'd be lol.

As for me, I could probably do with taking the binder off and having a wash. I could shower, but it's awkward to keep the dressings as dry as possible. Something feels...wet? But if you've ever had a dressing on something on a hot day you'll know what I mean by that, I'm not convinced it's anything more than everyday life. And the binder can stay on a bit longer before the wash, lol.
The Tesco guy was nice enough to put my shopping on the counter for me because I could move it to its various places from there. I kind of wish I'd asked him to leave the Coke on the floor though. I'm good, but I'm not lifting a 24-pack of Coke to the floor XD
Yes, absolutely no lifting! I am glad you are doing okay.
Freddie and Timmy get very scuffly when I've been away at my daughters, they obviously notice I've gone but I'm not sure if they think it's a good thing or not. My partner says they are fine when I'm gone, it's when I come back the trouble starts. Something to do with them knowing there will be no more pizza and sticky toffee pudding parties for a while!
Part of me wonders if it's been the hay. I give them a lot of hay, 90% of which never gets eaten, and I wonder if my friend's giving them less has led to scuffles. They had enough hay to eat I should point out, but they're terrible at sharing. Flippin' eejits, the pair of them.
Take care of yourself, absolutely no lifting. You don't want to end up back in hospital. If you need a hand give me a shout, I can pop over to help.

Those goblins are just trying to make you worry, misbehaving because you left them. Just like naughty children.😀
Definitely no lifting !!
It’s great you asked the Tesco guy to do that - they’re really helpful
One of my son’s cats ignores him when he’s back from holiday ….it takes a day or two before she ‘notices’ him 😂
We love hearing about Cam and Bann 🥰
And ….of course their slave 😂
They are definitely more interesting than I am, all I've got is a cool accent nobody can understand :)) It'd be nice to get a bit more than a little chatter out of them but they're coming for food, they've told me I've given them too much broccoli, and they had a sneaky grape each earlier because I'd eaten my way through a large chunk of the punnet.

"Bann for the love of god get out of bed or Cam's going to eat all the nuggets."

My neighbours will think I'm mad but I'm not putting up with him realising he's missed the pellet rations for the night, lol.

Oh, Bann.

I was on the phone earlier. I'd sliced a baby cucumber in half to give the goblins half each and I sat on my bed, still talking on the phone, and Bann came running. I gave him his cucumber. I'm not quite sure how to explain what happened next but Bann has a habit of running to a bed and eating his veggies facing in via the doorway. He doesn't go in, just faces the inner fleece. Well he did that.
He did that in the bed Cam was in.

Cam reached out a nose and yoinked the cucumber. Bann spent a good few seconds hunting around for it confused, looked in the bed, saw it, yoinked it back.
Cam doesn't appreciate his food being stolen and...yoinks it back.
Bann's getting miffed at losing his cucumber and...

I had to give up on the phone conversation for a couple of minutes. It's very hard to talk while watching two guinea pigs play tug of war with a cucumber.

Oh, Bann.
#486, and I've just seen the district nurses. They're really happy with how I've healed, to the extent they're only putting the bandages back for two reasons - one, one of the drain sites is a little slower to heal, probably because it's my right and I'm right handed so there's more movement, and two, I have to wear the binder for at least 4 weeks, preferably 6, so they're redressing most of it to stop it getting irritated by the binder. That's right, they're only redressing it because of the binder.

I could never heal anything this fast before. For it to be this...I can't quite put into words what my brain is doing. lol. They also asked to meet the guinea pigs and both goblins came out to say hello. Possibly because they heard the treat tub. Bann was a little hesitant to take a treat from a stranger but he did it, Cam was the same, took a few sniffing attempts before he did it too. I'm so proud of both of them, they don't get to see other people too often and I always worry they'll be weird about taking food from someone when I can't be there.

Today is not a funny day (yet!). Today is a "hell yes I did it!" day and I make no apologies for it.
Technically I could have one since the op, the dressings aren't waterproof but they are splash proof, so I could have a shower as long as the water stream was at my back. However, my shower head probably needs replacing, it likes to stutter out random bits of water with some force and with no warning, so I've mostly been avoiding it for that. I still wash, don't get me wrong, just not in the shower.

My hair's the only dodgy thing and tbh I might just shave it off already. I've been saying I'd do it for months.
Great day 486 🌟
Wow that’s amazing you’re healing so quickly and so well 🥰
You should be very proud of yourself and your body !
And …..Cam and Bann what 🌟🌟
Funny story! Me, though, not a goblin. Sorry. Bann's likely to do something daft this evening but til then...

I've been opening things with screwdrivers because it's easier. Letters, envelopes, that sort of thing. I was using a flat head screwdriver to do it and today, I couldn't find it. Genuinely wasn't in any drawer or on the floor or anything. How do you lose a screwdriver?

Well I had a philips head screwdriver on the tv cabinet so I used that instead.

Now I need to open a bottle of juice that has a full body shrink wrap. Screwdriver time. Wait. Where's the philips head gone? And it's got a bright green handle. How can I not find this one too?!

Opened the small drawer in the desk one more time in desperation and...there's the flathead.

The faeries are having fun today, lol.

Edit: ...ffs. I just found the philips head. XD