The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


What is it with the goblins and their food?! :flag:

I gave them each a treat earlier. Just one each. Bann was fine, dropping to four legs and turning his back to Cam.
Cam dropped his. At his feet. And immediately went "Oh Bann's got food!" can see where this is going. And that's just the stuff these two clowns manage when I'm there. What are they doing when I'm not?!
Mealtimes with Comet and Blitzen were a doddle in comparison - Comet would come get food, Blitzen would immediately thieve it off him, Comet would come back for more food. I miss the easy routine of these things sometimes lol.
Maybe I'm just lucky to keep getting the type of pig that has me groaning "ffs not again" in the wee hours...although I don't doubt it's not a life for everyone, lol.

I'm a meanie.

I said hello to Cam. Bann's having one of his "you can't make me move out of this bed" days. Cam wanted food. Cam begged for food. I unrolled a thing of packing paper and popped it in the cage. Cam looked...confused. Cam walked over to it. Cam sniffed it. Cam stared at me. Cam nibbled at it. Cam put a paw on it.

Cam came back and begged at the bars again. I wasn't laughing, I swear. :bal:

I can sleep through a lot (just ask @YvonneBlue) but even I outdid myself last night.

There was a storm. The windows upstairs were open. I heard two claps of thunder, and that's it. I slept through most of the thunderstorm and those were some very loud thunderclaps. The goblins were not impressed. I got out of bed long enough to come into the box room and get electronics off the windowsill (in case the windows leaked) and then knew nothing else til 7am. I couldn't even tell you when the thunder happened!

It's a helluva gift.
I'm impressed, the storm kept me awake half the night (well that and the water pouring from my neighbors leaky guttering). I even chucked some hay into the piggies cages at 5am.

Being able to sleep through anything will be a great advantage when you are in hospital. 😀
I don't know how close it got to us because I wasn't really awake enough to know if I was seeing lightning flashes lol, but that thunder was loud enough to tell me it was nearby. Not heard the like of it for some time. I don't even know if the goblins got some hay? I thought I might have imagined getting up at all but no, stuff was definitely moved in the box room, so I have to have done.

And to think, I used to think talking in my sleep was my biggest issue :))


I gave them both a treat yesterday. Bann got his just fine. The way Cam was eating his, it was about to go straight back out through the bars 😱 so I did him a favour and just...pushed it back through.

He stopped. He stared. He hunted about for this carrot with a well-conveyed sense of urgency "OMG MY FOOD MY FOOD'S GONE MISSING WHAT" as he's looking everywhere but the actual direction of his food. I give up, point it out to him, he freaks out and jumps back because Evil Hand (pointed. not moved. pointed. he's a moron) and in doing so...oh, look. There's his food.


I may or may not have (unintentionally) dumped a lot of hay on Cam's head this morning. He did Bann's trick of moving to where the food is falling right as I release it so there's no time to adjust. He was less than impressed. And I felt really bad, not just for doing it, but because it took a lot of self-control not to laugh my head off at him. :bal: :))

42 days to go.

Also I know I always complained about DPD being next to useless, but I want to give a shoutout to DHL for always sending me an hour timeslot, and then 95% of the time turning up during what would be the previous hour's timeslot. Today was between 11:24 and 12:34, and was delivered to me at 10:49.
Oh, don't worry, the goblins are absolutely determined to not give me a moment's peace, what with Cam standing on top of the bed Bann was asleep in earlier with (of course) predictable results :flag:
You should write a Cam and Bann diary ! It’d be lovely to read in TGP magazine and on here - we love hearing about the Goblins 🥰🥰
I only saw it for the first time in 2018 I think, I've watched some off the wall things in my time but The Room's something else. I don't recommend watching it, either, unless you go into it knowing it's awful, with no storyline to follow and in general makes no sense. Tommy Wiseau overacted every part he played, which is where I get the comparison from :))