The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Just caught up, overload on likes, sorry!

Will be thinking of you, hope all goes well.
Thanks everyone :) I'm fighting a losing battle with my skin at the moment, the heat's setting it off even worse than it already would be and I'm running out of ideas to keep it under control, lol. Bloody weather. Day #477.

Also. Oh, Bann.
They got a baby cucumber each for breakfast (they were very baby cucumbers to be fair) and Bann got his just fine. Cam wouldn't get out of bed. Bann knew Cam was in this bed. Bann ran to the door of the bed to eat his cucumber. Skinnies are fast, but Cam outdid himself with how fast he poked his head out to grab the cucumber and bring it back with him, fast enough that Bann was bewildered as to where his breakfast had gone.

So then I gave Bann the other one and he legit picked it up and then ran right into the actual bed with it, cue a lot of scuffling and shrieking and two lost cucumbers. I swear he does it on purpose.

Edit: Also, @AidaB, I near about had a heart attack waking up to that this morning :))
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I once had a pair of boys, Frisby and Mutly. Cucumber was Frisby's absolute favourite thing and i would always put them a slice each in their veg mix. Frisby would rush over, snatch up a slice, rush into a hidey and immediately rush out again, sans cucumber, snatch up the other slice and rush back into the hidey and stay there to eat both slices himself, all while Mutly was deliberating over what to eat first.:))
Bann's as bad as Cam on the food theft front but he doesn't have Cam's speed. He's bigger than Cam, though, and uses that to his advantage when he wants to. Blitzen was notorious for it though. He'd steal Comet's first bit of food, and then while Comet was distracted getting more food from me, Blitzen would hoard as much as possible of the scattered veg where Comet couldn't get it.

This was every mealtime. I loved Comet, but he was not the brightest bulb in the box, lol.
Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow and hope all goes according to plan.
They huff and sulk at each other all the time and it's's your own fault, lads, you wind each other up and this is the result.
Great new title for this thread. ❤️

We will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope everything goes to plan. xx
I won't find out til early on Tuesday morning - I leave from the coach station on Chorlton Street on Monday night and it's an overnight coach into London, so I've got an entire night to sit on a coach and panic about whatever state my skin's in, lol.
lol I was hunting for something I knew was in my bedroom and was either in a basket or the large shopping bag below the basket. There were a lot of things in both so I'd sat down on my bed to give myself a rest while hunting. It also meant I spent the next ten minutes groaning "No I'm busy stop it Bann CAM Bann no Cam stop it guys I'm not feeding you get STOP IT THE PAIR OF YOU guys for crying out loud"

I exist only for food. 🤷‍♂️ :))
I'd forgotten what colour box I was after too, or I'd've been able to skedaddle that much faster. As it is though the extra searching meant I found what happened to a) their nail clippers and b) my two Pride bracelets, so that's something at least
Soooo. Goblins have been cleaned out (much to their disgust). I'm mostly packed. I know I'm not to be using an e-cig in the hospital itself but I'm really bad at working out what I'll need so I've got spares for the spares, lol. No point getting caught out, the trip to and from London's long enough as it is. I'm torn on taking my wallet because Valuables and I don't really want to have another thing to lose but guaranteed I'd get into London and then the card stops working online or something. I want to test it on something before I go but I can't be buying anything for now, so I dunno. I guess I'll find out if I can get a taxi ordered into Manchester? I'll see. And if I can get a taxi I can get an Uber, which is what matters. I'll be glad when this is over.

Bann's been rumbling at himself again almost constantly since the cage clean, lol.
Wishing you all the best! I hope that the Goblins behave in the meantime.
Thanks everyone - this is what I quit smoking for, I can't even begin to explain what my head's doing right now, lol.

I hope that the Goblins behave in the meantime.

I woke up this morning to not only a rumble-off, but attempts at dominance humping. I've never seen them trying to mount before, only rumbles, but they weren't half making a racket doing it too.
I give it ten minutes after I leave and then there'll be riot in my bedroom 🤷‍♂️
You've probably mentioned it before but I haven't picked up on it 🙈 who is looking after Cam and Bann while you're in hospital? Good luck and I hope it all goes well. How long will you be in hospital for? If its too personal a question you don't have to answer!