The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

They're now side by side but Bann's closer to me now than Cam is. I give it 10 minutes before something starts again, lol.
Well they apparently decided arguing wasn't worth it overnight, because as I woke up and got out of bed, Cam ran out of one doorway in a bed stretching and yawning, and a few seconds later Bann exited the other doorway in the same bed, also stretching and yawning. 🤷‍♂️
Day #460!

My phone is forever on silent, unless I switch on my alarm. Since I don't hear my alarm, I rarely use it. So my phone's always on silent.

I woke up this morning, it felt...early. But I can't find my phone to check. Hmm. Not under that pillow. or that one. Or that one. Or the other one. Not down the back of the bed. Not under the junk on the other half of the bed. Uh oh.
I go to the toilet, thinking I can come back when I've done the usual stuff and am slightly more with it. I get dressed, use the loo, go downstairs, grab a drink, somehow not paying attention to either of the clocks downstairs. Back upstairs, nope. No phone. And then...wait, what's that noise? It can't be, right?

Camowen has also heard the noise. It's the pre-alarm for the phone alarm. I set my phone alarm last night. Good thing too because I'd never have found the phone otherwise, but Camowen was the biggest surprise's an alarm, you'd expect him to dislike the noise, but I swear he was doing the goblin equivalent of dancing around excitedly. At the pre-alarm. :eek:

And then he's spent most of the day wearing a tray as a hat again. I need to find him a new one, someone's been gnawing massive holes in the corners. Probably Bann, actually.
He was so enthusiastic about this noise lol. Wasn't bothering him in the slightest. 🤷‍♂️ I still have no idea why I set my phone alarm, though.

Wake up, no goblins. Go to the toilet, get dressed, return to the bedroom, no goblins. Go downstairs, get a drink, come back upstairs, no goblins. Open the hay box, no goblins. Pick up the treat tub, half open it, OH HI HUMAN. Roll eyes, give them hay (no treats), they're good.

10am. Leave room to get a drink, no sign of the goblins before I go downstairs, or after. Pop the lid on the treat tub again, guessed it. Hilariously I'd picked up some of the hay from before (I'd given them a clump) and tossed it towards the beds in hope of getting a reaction, which I didn't. But they heard the tub lid pop and ran out straight into that hay pile...and then ate the hay again too. Who am I to argue.

I left the room about 3 minutes after 11am. I didn't even get the chance to close my door (and was in no way viewable from their perspective) guessed it.

Well done for day 461 🎉
It’s never a dull moment in your house and I love how Cam and Bann are so unpredictable 🥰

Aight, so the goblins haven't had fresh food since yesterday afternoon because one of them has very wet poops. It's probably watercress. They'll be getting something tomorrow, possibly late this evening because this has happened a few times now and the problem doesn't take long to fix itself, but in the meantime, lots of hay.
However, they're not big drinkers. Most of their water comes from their food. Cam - and he has to be doing this on purpose - is drinking so loudly from the bottle I can hear it through a wall and a closed door. And last night when I was heading to bed, same idea. Which is how I know it was him, it's his trademark "FEED US PROPERLY HUMAN" drinking style. 😱

Roll on tomorrow lol.
Day 462🌟
It’s good it’s easily sorted ….they’ll love you even more when they get their veggies 😂
Yeah, there's a couple of things their tummies don't like, watercress and beansprouts are the two main ones. I don't know which of them it is, or if it's both of them because I only find the poops after the deed's been done. I don't think it's both of them though unless they're both deliberately pooping in the same place because it's not multiple little piles or anything. 🤷‍♂️ it's a pity, because they like the watercress. I might see about trying to get them some lambs lettuce again, been a while since they've had that (and since I've seen any but then I've not really been looking).

The goblins aren't spoilt. At all.

Meanwhile there's a could of little gems in the fridge that are slightly past their prime, for the leaves anyway. The ribs, though, the ribs are fine. Goblins like lettuce ribs. So I did what anyone would, cut off the leaves and the very base and then separated out all the rib bits for lunch.
But I swear, they're not spoilt.

Getting close to that final number of #505. No idea what I'm gonna do after that, mind you, lol. Meanwhile Cam's mostly eaten his cardboard tray hat although there's still enough there for him to sleep under. I asked Ash if they had any cardboard trays, thinking if they do they could bring him some over. Meanwhile it's 24° in their room, probably hotter in here, so I'm gonna put the PC to sleep for a bit. I also realised, I have freezer-safe click lid tubs that were empty, and now, they're filled with water to freeze for ice blocks. Kinda wish I'd thought of that one sooner haha. Oh well. there's all 5 in the freezer now.
With the talk about frozen bottles and everything else the other day you'd've thought I'd've remembered a bunch of those tubs still in their packaging, lol. Not that it would matter if they'd been used, they're only there to be nice and cold. I'm debating leaving a couple in with the goblins overnight but I don't think they'll go for it.

Also, when Bann thought my back was turned, I caught him dancing around to fit his whole head over the bars looking in one direction. Apparently he realised the tub of treats (which is out of his reach) was over there. But it was kind of 😱 just to see how far his head was getting over those bars lol.

"Cam, you're going to drop that."
"Cam, be careful."
"Cam, don't drop it there."
"Cam you're goi...Cam, you dropped it through the bars."

Well at least I now know which of the eejits keeps doing it. 🤷‍♂️ Mind you last he did it, Bann ended up with the spoils when I found it some time later.

When you give a goblin a lettuce leaf he will run away with it, to keep it safe from the other goblin who is doing the exact same thing for the exact same reason.

What is much more entertaining is when two goblins run for they same safe spot as each other, try to run through the door at the same time, try to keep the other one out at the same time, realising that there's no winning this tussle at the same time, loudly griping at each other at the same time...

And then stand next to each other, side by side and facing the same direction, and eating lettuce leaves in sulky silence.
If I don't get the chance to wheeze-laugh about something daily, some thing's definitely off on the house lol. Absolute clampits. Or melters. Same thing, really.

I asked if I could have my washing machine fixed. Apparently no. I can't.

So instead this afternoon I got told I was getting a new one delivered on Monday. Sigh. Well okay, so long as it works right? Also this room smells so strongly of peach. I know it's the "Ultra Peach Tea" juice. I just was unaware I'd vaped so much of it :bal:
It's a bit of a pain because I was meant to be doing stuff on Monday, but on the bright side it's got me out of having to do a videocall appointment with Leeds because can't be doing that when there's people tromping through the house, right? Small mercies :))
I'm at the stage where I can't wait to do a load of washing :bal: I was going to take a nap but Cam's spending every waking second he can see me begging and he's getting Bann excited for non-existent food too. So now I'm just listening to YouTube. Loudly. With headphones.

Because Cam doesn't just beg by using the begging stance. He begs vocally.
