The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Mine too :)) except this time I took a moment, went downstairs, chopped some celery for the goblins because I only have that and kale in the fridge with Asda arriving this afternoon, took out the recycling, had a vape, came back inside and put a wash on with the really big fleece stuff that was gross (again) and takes forever to brush down and I kind of gave up halfway through and shoved it in the machine as is, kept it on 30° and just added extra Dettol, and now I'm back upstairs and think I deserve a 5 minute break.
Great day 451 🌟
Well done I’m sure your pleased
Did you sleep ok ? Hopefully the boys didn’t disturb you 🥰
Aside from the dominance stuff they've actually been really good. I don't think they quite know what to do with themselves lol, they have space and sunlight (which Bann keeps falling asleep in) and the human is about much more often. They haven't yelled for me once. They'll adapt, I'll make the most of the peace while I've got it :))
Day #5 (I need help, lol) and Day #452 of no smoking...

You remember how the last time I put a shelving unit together out of the grids and without the mallet, I broke my fingertip? Well after putting the other cage together the other day, I've lost both mallets. Again. So what am I doing?


Yeah, what could possibly go wrong. It'd be nice if someone could come see the washing machine though, seeing as I've got a soaking wet fleece liner, fleece rag and washable puppy pad just...sitting there wet.
Day #5 (I need help, lol) and Day #452 of no smoking...

You remember how the last time I put a shelving unit together out of the grids and without the mallet, I broke my fingertip? Well after putting the other cage together the other day, I've lost both mallets. Again. So what am I doing?

View attachment 225566

Yeah, what could possibly go wrong. It'd be nice if someone could come see the washing machine though, seeing as I've got a soaking wet fleece liner, fleece rag and washable puppy pad just...sitting there wet.
Well done for day 452 🌟
Just a thought could your filter need clearing ? Sometimes that stops the pump clearing the water
Mallet where are you ? 😂 when you don’t need one you’ll find them 😂
It's not clearing the water that's a problem, because I'd thought about that, but it's the spin it's having problems with. After it's been switched off for a bit the door will unlock and I've not had to deal with a drum full of water, yet. Just a drum full of sopping wet items, which isn't quite the same thing lol. The motor's gone, that has to be it. I'd just prefer it if it wasn't their fleece (one bed, one 5x2 liner, one fleece rag) and their washable puppy pad left soaking wet because of it.

Bit of a pain that it's my tea towels, but those are much cheaper to replace.
Day #453

Someone finally came out to look at the washing machine. You'll never believe what it did. Bloody thing. It's got everything back inside it now (puppy pad - because holy hell the ammonia, 5x2 fleece, fleece rag, three tea towels). It decides it wants to work again, fine. It has them all in now on a 90° boil wash, serves it right lol. Fingers crossed it doesn't start mucking about again.
Me too! Couple of small stains on the fleece but I can't do much about that now, but I'd forgotten just how much you can smell when the water temperature's cranked up.

Washing machine was still happy today, and I think I've worked out why. It's balanced again. I don't mean the drum overloaded or anything, but that thing moves all the time and I think it'd moved itself into a position where it couldn't balance properly from the spin, because Derek moved it yesterday, just shifted slightly but it's been working ever since. Which is good, I don't want a new one, I just want the one I have to behave itself lol. I think the goblins have been giving it lessons on the side.

Also is it bad I just basically did a Co-op Just Eat offer for like...3 sandwiches and a bunch of chocolate? Because the only food I have in the house is eaten warm and I don't want warm food. Cold food plz. But there's still plenty of goblin food so I didn't want to do a full order and now I have a bunch of sandwiches coming my way, Mmm. Tasty.
How are your rascals today ? 🥰

Well it turns out Bann can get louder than Cam. Without prompting. I don't know why he's suddenly found his voice, though. Also I always said these two were bad at waking me up and I stand by that except I've woken up at half 5 in the morning every time we've shared a room and I'm beginning to suspect there's a pattern there.

Royal Mail. Don't give me that bull about "oh no we tried delivering and nobody seemed to be in" WELL I'VE BEEN HERE ALL DAY, SO EITHER YOU'RE LYING, or you're too damned lazy to actually knock and neither is a good look, lol. See how you like the passive aggressive complaint first thing Monday morning and that's before I even get speaking to someone on the phone, which I'm also going to do tomorrow morning. You make me wait an extra two days for my parcel? I'm happy to upset your boss on your behalf. Don't lie about doing your job next time.

Meanwhile, I have prawn cocktail, so it's not all bad.
I'm guessing the people they have doing Sunday deliveries aren't a part of their regular workforce, but that still leaves the blame with them because clearly they need to work on their training. I mean today's Tesco delivery came via a new driver who had no idea where he was going, but he was very apologetic and it wasn't his fault. But this address is older than me, RM have no excuse.

They're still better than DPD, though, lol.

I forgot yesterday 😱 I think I was too busy being snarky on Reddit, lol. The goblins are doing well. I moved their hay box upstairs because well, I've got the room now, and I pulled some out to give them this morning and you know those big loops of hay you can get in a handful that need separating out? I skipped the separation step and dumped the whole thing in. They're loving it. I thought Comet could get overexcited about his hay, but these two mostly just yell at me for their veggies from the middle of the pile.

My hip still hurts although I think it's actually my thigh and the pain's just travelling. Weight bearing's fine, it's only when it's been out of use if I've been lying down or something.

Skin's flaring up again. It'll be fine by the time surgery comes round, yay for steroids and all that.

And for now my biggest question is, do I want coleslaw or do I want paella? I'll probably end up eating the other one later tbh.
Amazing day 458🌟
Those boys are soooo lucky …..they’ll expect this every day now Lorcan 😂
Amazing day 458🌟
Those boys are soooo lucky …..they’ll expect this every day now Lorcan 😂

Speaking of, I was just dozing over when I heard a scuffle start and after a groan of "ffs not now" and got out of bed to switch on the light tk get more hay. Except there was more in my hand than I thought because I heard the thud when it landed a little too close to Cam's head.

I apologised, of course, but since he's the one who caused the trouble...and how do I know it was him? It's always him.

They're currently eating hay from opposite sides of the pile and ignoring each other. Toddlers.