The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Honestly I'm finding it very hard to find anything to dampen my spirits, lol. I've no doubt someone will try next week but I've got a bank holiday weekend to enjoy, lol.

My washing machine finished the cycle and nothing exploded, kitchen's still intact, so I'll call that one a win too.

Also, I swear Deezer is psychic or something, so many good tunes to match the mood.

I put the tea towels in, the towel in, the bathmat in, and was trying to bulk it out and I had bedsheets in one laundry bag? So I stuck my hand in and fished underneath and grabbed out either the jeans or the other towel and figured sure, that'll do, and then couldn't work out if the drum was full enough? Because the stupid thing won't spin if there's not enough weight in the drum and towels and jeans are heavy, but possibly not heavy enough.

Stuck my hand back into the bottom of the laundry bag to pull out the last piece, either the jeans or the second towel, lol. That washing machine will be the death of my sanity. :))
Mmm …..they usually are - it’s so hard to get the balance right 🫨
Still better than nothing …..😂
I've never known a machine so temperamental about drum weight. I mean the old toploader at my last place used to but only if you stuck it on a quick wash. If you stuck it on a full wash cycle it rarely did. But nobody would put it on a full cycle because "it took too long". I don't miss sharing a machine, lol. But I don't do a quick wash on this one, it won't spin fast enough. Thankfully for my own weekly wash it isn't too bad, but washing the goblin stuff can be a pain.

I left my room earlier for supplies, I'd run out and I figured the washing machine had to have finished, right? And then in the hallway I realise I can hear it still spinning. Sigh. The goblins got something to eat but Cam was still trying to get my attention because I'm standing there, which means More Food (and there's no convincing him otherwise). I kept saying no, because of the washing machine. He was at least polite enough not to scream the place down, which was a nice change.

And then, after this mini stand off had gone on for several minutes while I was trying to find someway of standing up and leaning on something where Cam couldn't make eye contact with me, the smoke alarm went off. I switched it off again only to find Cam giving me The Look like "why do you keep setting that noisy thing off what is wrong with you!" Thankfully it's a press once and it shuts up deal, not a "hold the button for 20 seconds and pray" incident, but still.

Also Cam keeps falling asleep standing up and nearly giving me a heart attack every time. Flippin' heck mate.

I've decided. I'm going to move the goblins. They're moving into my room. I'm leaving the bed in my room. I'm moving the PC and TV into their room because it'll make my life that much easier once the surgery's happened, it means I can move my armchair into there too. Probably. And the bookcase that's currently blocking my bedroom cupboard access. I've thought about this long and hard (snort) but joking aside it's probably the best option all round.

I can also (probably) get away with continuing to use the tarp that's currently under the cage at the moment as long as I keep the size relatively similar, which won't be hard, there'll be plenty of room for it.

I'll start that tomorrow honestly. Sooner the better.
Or, actually, it was only £8 for a roll of the same tarp as before. Bright blue instead of dark grey this time, so hopefully neither of them mind but...y'know. Tarp ordered. I'll move the table downstairs later this evening and start tossing things on my bed in preparation for clearing the floor tomorrow 😱 I don't want to, but if I start it I'll have to finish it.
Day 448 well done you 🌟
Good to plan these things and as you say once you’ve started …..
Good luck with it all 👍
I was looking for the other grids because I knew I had enough for two cages before, right, but I could only find about 8 grids which isn't useful so I'm standing downstairs and staring around trying to work out, where's the grids? Til I realise why I keep looking at the corner of the room. There's the grids, with that shelf unit I broke my fingertip putting together last year 🤣 I'll cannibalise it when the floor's cleared and the tarp's arrived and then put it back together with the other grids in the goblin room lol.
You’ll be busy over the next week but you’ll be pleased with how it turns out 🥰
I'll have furniture in the bathroom at some stage, lol. If I get my act together (and the tarp turns up early enough) I can have those two moved by tomorrow. Then cleaning out their current cage can be Monday's job 😂
lol I'm sitting here thinking I should go to bed and then I remember it's covered in Stuff. Well, Stuff can decorate the carpet for the night. Cam's in a weird mood, I think he's realised something's up and isn't quite sure he likes the idea of something being Up, but he'll love it when it's done.
He really will
Yes bedtime …..then you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to get going 😂

I have done very little today because when I started, well, I have high ceilings and cobwebs needed hoovering up, right? But I'm short, so I had the hoover in one hand because it's only wee, and I was kneeling on the chair...and my jeans fell down 😱 . In climbing off to put the hoover and tube back down and pull the jeans up again and the tube knocked over half of my desk including the vapes.

Only me, lol. :)) So I took a few hours off. The joys of working for myself, I can get away with this. When I say this on the 20th of June, remind me I'm being a numpty lol.
Day 449 🎉
Ah that happens to us all
I though you were writing that you fell off the chair 😱
So anything else can be sorted 😂

Update as of...well, whenever. My bed:


This is the corner the goblins are going in, when it looks slightly less like a tornado hit it:

Update on wtf is wrong with me, Day #3 (and no smoking Day #450)
I'm sitting in my desk. Not at, on.

The view into the room:

The hallway (and the bathroom):

Got my computer on the mini landing you can't see, to the left of the chair. It was gross. Wet and sticky gross, specifically around one fan. That's part vaping but also part something else because it was too...poopy for just vapour. The tower's been on carpet and I think a poop or two either rolled under or was caught under. Gross with a G.
The pigs are currently in the room to the right of the computer chair. And I really don't want to get off the desk lol. It's quite comfy up here.