The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


The goblins don't hate each other. Oh they'll squabble with and scream at each other up over food, sleeping arrangements, whatever. But they do get along. But they're more like annoying roommates, rather than family, if you get me.

Which is why it's always a wee bit disconcerting when I walk out of my room and they're literally sharing their food, right next to each otther....getting along. GETTING ALONG. Whoever heard the like? I don't get it. Maybe I don't want to get it, lol.

Meh. Grump.

I have no human food in the house, but plenty of Goblin food in the fridge so I don't to do a full shopping order. Except Tesco cancelled my Whoosh order half an hour after making it and I am cranky. I don't know why they've cancelled it and there's no point ringing up to find out because I'm hangry and I know it. Now. The problem was likely on Tesco's end and not Uber's but do I really want to risk trying to get a delivery from Uber Eats or Asda or Just Eat, on the chance that it wasn't Tesco's fault.

So instead I bought a Dominos and I'm sitting here silently seething. It needs to turn up, lol.
Day 436 🌟
Oh no awful ! Especially when you’re expecting it !
Enjoy your domino’s
It wasn't the worst pizza I've ever had, at least, not by a long shot. I'm waiting on a parcel this morning and then I'm thinking I might just have a "lie down and watch TV" day all afternoon, in between the "WE'RE BEING STARVED OVER HERE" yells anyway :))
Also, in other Day #437 news:

I have at least one Ser Spider living in the bedroom. There were two, both hanging around in the same place but also both trying to ignore each other. Now I haven't seen the other one since yesterday. Probably eaten by the surviving one 🤷‍♂️

Bann is incredibly cute and he knows it, just like he knows that running towards me and perching his front legs on something (like a bendy log bridge/tunnel, or a seagrass tunnel) and then stretching and craning his head in my direction, he knows that will produce food. :own: And unlike Cam, he doesn't have to scream the house down for it to work.
Well done on day 437 🎉
Hopefully one of the Ser spiders has moved out !
Lovely Bann and Cam 🥰

I woke up this morning in dire need of the loo, dire enough that I didn't grab my phone to check the time first (no clocks upstairs). And on my way in I opened the door for the goblin room and tossed them in a handful of hay thinking they'd get cranky if I got out of bed and didn't feed them something, y'know? And it was daylight, they only keep quiet after dark lol. I remember the look on Cam's face was one of, "...that's weird, but I won't argue."

Went to the toilet, thought about getting a can, figured I was still a bit sleepy and maybe I should get another half hour or something. Finally got back to bed and looked at my phone - it was 5:30am.

Oops. No wonder Cam was confused. :))
Well he can hope all he wants, I'm not drinking extra Coke tonight "just in case" lol. He seemed so genuinely bewildered about what was going on but also, food, which is the most important part of a goblin's life.

Strange, but food.

Made more sense as to why Bann wasn't getting out of bed, though.

Forgot about yesterday. Oops.

Meanwhile, is it a thing with private hospitals where they expect you to be able to turn up at a moments notice? Because I'd've liked slightly more warning to go to a preop on Thursday morning at 10:30am, than telling me this on Friday afternoon. Sheesh.
Great for day 440 🎉
Oh no that’s awful !
You’d think they’d get that right !
I’m sure it will do and you’ve done it before so you can do it again 😂
Groan, lol. You know if I'd realised that's what they were thinking of when they emailed me about something else this morning I'd've put off the reply til the weekend. More fool me, haha,

I wish Cam would stop sleeping in the middle of the cage. That thousand yard stare with little-to-no reaction from him is just a bit worrying, y'know?

Also I'm hungry. I should've ordered takeaway. Bit late now I suppose, sigh.

I feel flustered and I'm not even doing anything. The washing machine's on and when it's finished I'll be adding a second load, it's all goblin stuff I've been too lazy to do at the time and now it's piled up. And I need to do it because I'm out from Wednesday evening and it needs done, right? But then I'm not doing anything else because I'm waiting on the machine. Instead I'm just chainvaping and winding myself up by not doing anything.

Geez, anxiety, really?

Unrelated but watching the goblins with their hay is adorable. They love the current box of timothy, the individual strands are really long and it has massive seed heads all through it, and watching them stick their heads right into the pile to get the good stuff is something they don't do a lot of. They don't normally get the opportunity, this hay just lends itself to it well. Slight paranoia over haypokes, of course. 🫥 But it's good for them, and I'll take that, y'know?

So much to do, so little time to procrastinate.

I feel like I'm losing it just ever so slightly, and probably over Thursday. Is it weird that I can't be 100% sure? The anxiety is refusing to focus on anything specific so of course that's setting off every alarm bell my brain possesses. I've kept dropping things. I keep dropping things. I'm doing the exact same stuff as last time so I just need to use the exact same stuff as last time. Google Wallet's connected to the bank card so that's not an issue.

The goblins know something's up. Bann's been in bed all day which isn't really unusual (annoying, but that's Bann) but Cam's been weird all day. Not bad weird. Weird weird.

Don't tell me I can do this, I know I can. Anxiety just doesn't care. Argh.

I'm going to go and get a drink, some cucumber for the goblins because it's warm and water, and then stick my headphones in and try to find a vape juice to take with me. Nice and calming right? Right!

I feel like I'm losing it just ever so slightly, and probably over Thursday. Is it weird that I can't be 100% sure? The anxiety is refusing to focus on anything specific so of course that's setting off every alarm bell my brain possesses. I've kept dropping things. I keep dropping things. I'm doing the exact same stuff as last time so I just need to use the exact same stuff as last time. Google Wallet's connected to the bank card so that's not an issue.

The goblins know something's up. Bann's been in bed all day which isn't really unusual (annoying, but that's Bann) but Cam's been weird all day. Not bad weird. Weird weird.

Don't tell me I can do this, I know I can. Anxiety just doesn't care. Argh.

I'm going to go and get a drink, some cucumber for the goblins because it's warm and water, and then stick my headphones in and try to find a vape juice to take with me. Nice and calming right? Right!
Sorry anxiety has taken a hold.I know the feeling.
Sorry anxiety has taken a hold.I know the feeling.

I know it's just anxiety, I do kind of wish it'd sod off til tomorrow at least.

Bann started shrieking at me earlier. Cam apparently felt left out and joined in. Business back to its usual, then, lol.
I know it's just anxiety, I do kind of wish it'd sod off til tomorrow at least.

Bann started shrieking at me earlier. Cam apparently felt left out and joined in. Business back to its usual, then, lol.
Yeah unfortunately anxiety strikes just out of the blue sometimes.Ha ha,I do love hearing about their antics.
I do too - the continuing adventures of Cam and Bann and their slave Lorcan 🥰
So, I skipped Day 445 because, well. I was busy and otherwise distracted. So today, on #446 -

I was on the phone with my dad yesterday asking about their dog - she's ill, and possibly not got much longer to go, but she's still very happy in herself so they're not thinking euthanasia just yet. Close, but not yet. She's in renal failure but also has pancreatitis, and can't have the renal diet because of the pancreatitis so she has to take whatever it is orally instead, but she thinks they're treats? So they have no problem getting her to take them because she's loving all the extra goodies, lol. Ah Belle. It's a spaniel's life.

But I'm standing in the doorway of the goblin room while I'm talking and according to the goblins, I exist only to produce food. I wasn't producing food while I was on the phone. Neither of them were particularly happy at this. Bann actually was verbally griping at me too, lol. Told off by the quiet one. Then my Dad who does tech support stuff for a few people had installed windows for someone, and they'd given him the account stuff he needed to get it done. He said he needed to go and I'm like cool, go sort it, and he's He's started doing small models again (wargaming stuff) and his paints are everywhere in the study, his models are everywhere in the study, and the paper's everywhere in the study, including the piece of paper this info is on.
He just couldn't work out which piece of paper. My kind of filing system!

I have bought pyjamas off Amazon because I don't have any and they'll want me wearing pyjamas ion the hospital right? But I had to hunt a bit because I needed button up shirt type ones because of chest drains and the like but also I needed ones with shorts, because my legs are short. Too short for trouser bottoms. Finally found a pair though, so fingers crossed it works out.

Then I bought another hoodie. I know, know, but it's a zip one and I actually only own one other zip one and I want to be using zip ones after surgery for, well, obvious reasons. Pulling on sweater type ones isn't going to end well for me. Same for taking them off again. So I wanted a spare zip one. Father Ted themed this time.

Then put two towels, a noodle mat, and several tea towels into the washing machine. I'm wondering if it's safe to go back downstairs yet, lol.
Day 445/446 🎉
It’s been a bit of whirlwind for you so I’m not surprised you missed yesterday !
You’ve got everything …..apart from Cam and Bann …. under control 😂
You’ve got great people around you to help out , the op etc so lots to look forward to 🥰