The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Minor puncture wound, cleaned it up now lol.

And they really do. They'll both come right to the bars for their pellets and they take one by hand each before Bann runs off to find the ones I toss into the cage. Cam frequently stays to make sure he gets another one or two by hand.

I've just witnessed a tug of war at the dinner table again, this time over a lettuce leaf (and not even the rib) that Bann managed to win hold of. And while he stole it from Camowen...Cam nicked it first. Fair's fair, Cam.

Meanwhile I'm living the high life, vaping and drinking Coke, sitting on my bed, watching TV (Homes Under the Hammer and no, I don't know why either) and cutting threads for the smaller kumihimo. I'd be having a drink but I've accidentally stabbed myself enough for one day, lol.
I wasn't sure where else to put this so here goes:

I was supposed to be doing something useful. Like that's how I started. And instead I'm dancing to Scissor Sisters in my bedroom because the goblins were giving me dirty looks when I did it in the hall :))
Great for day 429 🌟
Can’t beat a bit of dancing to the scissor sisters
Those two ….after that tug of war 😂
I think I was about 18 when they released Ta Dah and I'd forgotten just how much fun that album was, lol. Their debut had some fun tunes on it, too. Although now I'm weirding myself out because it's just occurred to me that's half a lifetime ago 😱

Hey, for all their squabbles I found them sharing a bed this morning. I think it got colder overnight than I'd anticipated, but they were both asleep in that bed, so it can't have been all bad. And the heating will be on for an hour or so at about 3am. I'll not make them have to do it again tonight :))
I wasn't sure where else to put this so here goes:

I was supposed to be doing something useful. Like that's how I started. And instead I'm dancing to Scissor Sisters in my bedroom because the goblins were giving me dirty looks when I did it in the hall :))
Was the song 'i don't feel like dancing' ? 😂
Ahem. I have an Announcement.

On this, Day #430, I cancelled an in-person appointment tomorrow and had it shifted to a home visit instead (I was planning on just cancelling, to be fair), because I have ordered some hay and was expecting it to be with the courier for delivery tomorrow.

It's still showing as Processing. It won't be here tomorrow. Halp. Do you think I could just use the empty Excel box and pretend it's a new one?
It's good to know, because that's exactly what I was thinking! It's my own fault, I should've allowed for yesterday. They've still got some hay though and I can't see the new lot turning up after Friday.
I should be good, there's (eyeballed it, not actually measured lol) a couple of kilos left. They don't eat the vast majority of what they get anyway, but I toss some in any time Camowen starts screaming because he can't scream very well with food in his gob. He can, however, scream with food in his gob, which was most disconcerting to learn.

Alright, it's with Parcelforce. I know no more than that, there's been no confirmation email for it but it's there under the account orders page.

In other news, in today's comedy of errors, that home visit because of the box that was then not going to turn up anyway, got swapped to a phonecall because of a crisis in another appointment anyway lol. My poor caseworker, you could hear the frazzle down the phone.

I also discovered I didn't have nearly as much coriander as I thought I did and the Powers That Wheek are not impressed by the drop in fresh food rations. I need to try giving them some of the Versele pellets soon too, since I can't get hold of another bag of the Cunipic and if they're going to outright ignore another pellet I should know before it's too late.
Oh dear! Life just gets so complicated sometimes and most of the complications in this house are caused by or because of guinea pigs. You gotta love them though. :))
Bann's actually getting in on the outrage too which is hilarious after his refusal to move more than his head out of bed all day yesterday. Then I turfed him out of his bed at pellet time because I wanted to make sure he wasn't trying to hide an injury and he wasn't impressed til he realised there were pellets on the go, lol.
Well done day 431 🎉
I love hearing about those two …..never a dull moment in your house Lorcan ….you are an example of a true hooman slave 😂
Bann is apparently over his "I don't want to leave my bed" phase, probably because I cut down on the veg rations again before the Tesco delivery today. And then maybe the hay rations too til Parcelforce turned up today. Now, were they starved? They were starved like any forum piggy is - in their heads only, lol. Tesco also turned up before 4pm (4-5pm slot) and my receipt says they didn't have one of the salad bags I ordered so they replaced it with an identical salad bag. Same brand, name, weight, but Tesco are very sorry, it's something else entirely. Sigh.

Also I gave the goblins a hay-and-play cube earlier and realised they were being suspiciously quiet. Went into discover it had been moved from one end of the cage to the other because apparently even though the radiators aren't warm, food should be eaten next to the radiators. I've just had a prawn cocktail and I'm thinking of going back downstairs for marmite cheddar. Or Babybel. Or both. Or gummy bears. Or Haribo. I'm not even hungry, lol.

Well done day 432 🌟
Mmm starved indeed - funny how it’s all piggies that are starved….or would have their hoomans think so !
Sounds like the cupboards/ fridge are full at Cam and Bann’s house 🏡😂
I'm in real trouble lol, Bann actually started with the wheek outrage when I went for another drink. Bann, who never makes a noise at all except to grumble at being out of bed was apparently turfed out of said bed so Cam could sleep in it instead. 🤷‍♂️

And someone has to make the noise, right?
@Betsy please let Thea know I don't involve myself in the goblin disputes, I believe those are better left to them to sort out between themselves, but that I took a nap and woke up to find Bann had indeed stolen his own bed back.

So I slept for about 13 hours overnight, all told. Bit weird, but apparently I needed it.

Went in this morning, fed the goblins, did my usual stuff, eventually got dressed, realised I could move the excess rubbish bags in my room into the bin because it got emptied yesterday. Cool. Did that. Squeezed some extra paper recycling in too but that bins kinda full. That's a problem with more boxes to go into it, but whatever.
Got back upstairs and Cam bolts out of bed to greet me except after about three steps he realised he had to stop, stretch out all four legs, yawn widely...and then continue running towards me for food. He's so dang cute :wub:
Another good day 433
Wow you did need that sleep 🥰
That’s why we love piggies …. It’s cuteness overload 🥰
Another good day 433
Wow you did need that sleep 🥰
That’s why we love piggies …. It’s cuteness overload 🥰

Left a lithium battery in the charger overnight too, woke up to find it still in there this morning 😱 and I'm thankful my chargers have overcharge protection going on. Lithium batteries are temperamental.

Just bumped into my neighbour going out to put some recycling in the bin, asked if she'd have any use for the Pepsi I don't like, and ended up having a 20 minute chat on my landlord, the previous tenant in my house, poppies, and the police. :)) It was nice. And she still insists neither of them can hear the goblin screams, lol.
I hadn't got speaking to any of them for ages, just happened to catch her while she was already outside lol. They both keep insisting they can't hear them and I don't believe it one bit. Even if their upstairs has a different layout to mine (and it does, I'm in a 2 bed but hers is a one bed) there's no way I can hear them though the walls and they can't, lol.

That said, the goblins do tend to keep quiet if the door's closed and the lights off, so that might be why I'm getting away with it. They're not Comet and Blitzen with the 3am riot parties 😱