The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

It was lovely to see you and the boys. You have done so well not smoking for a month. I'll have to think of something for when you get to 3 months. 😃

That was so kind of you to make a cake. ❤️
I've reached a rhythm with the vaping. Out and about I use the small vape with the high strength nicotine liquids, because of anxiety issues. Quicker, faster hit that way. But at home, I'm using very low strength liquids because I'm using it more often (as in I'd be using it more often anyway, not because it's not as strong a liquid). It works for me, and it means I don't have dead battery issues.
Which is useful when the guinea pigs don't understand that they got fed early because I wasn't feeling physically great and better they get their food early than not at all. BST doesn't help lol. Bann also just tried eating my hand instead of the pea flake in it. :doh: