The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

24 days and I really want that cigarette. Not only have I eaten too much (hello incoming food coma) and I always want a smoke after I eat but I broke a nail. Spectacularly, I should add. Bent backwards, torn off at the same time, blood everywhere. I was genuinely only putting something in my pocket, lol.
Ouch! That looks so sore :(

It's in a stupid place for a dressing too, I was meant to clean out the pigs tonight but I don't know if it's a wise idea unless I can get it properly covered and any plaster/dressing to stay put. It'll take forever to heal properly for the same reason, why couldn't it have been my other thumb lol.
yeah, I definitely don't recommend it, lol. I'll give it another hour or two, baby wipes to ease the blood off (washing my hands would dry them out too much) and doublebase to stop it drying out more. Seriously, of all the stupid things to happen haha.
I swear it looks worse now than it did, I tore a good chunk of the nail bed which is what's causing me grief.
You have to be the most accident prone person I have ever come across!, but you wouldn’t be you without the curse of the klutz. I just wish it didn’t involve you feeling pain.
You have to be the most accident prone person I have ever come across!, but you wouldn’t be you without the curse of the klutz. I just wish it didn’t involve you feeling pain.

I remember when I broke my phone case (accidentally) and went to hand it in because sharp plastic and the nurse auxiliary was like "I'd ask you how that happened, but knowing you it probably wouldn't make sense anyway." :whistle: :))
25 days!

Meanwhile there's been no sign of the housing association lot, can't ring them because I haven't actually paid the phone bill (it'll be paid tomorrow), and while there's nothing very wrong, the council has sent me a council tax bill that makes zero sense (I owe them £x, but actually I should pay £y, but apparently with council tax relief I should be paying nothing, but actually they've pulled another number out of nowhere so I actually owe them £z. Well done, Rochdale council) and my toilet's being iffy. again.

Ah well.
26 days. Still got the vertigo, but we're getting there. Had to buy some peppers today to bulk out the veg til the Tesco delivery tomorrow. Only needed peppers. Peppers cost less than the delivery did. It's a bum job but I had to buy extra snacks, can't have the boys without their pepper can we? :))
Just catching up. Seriously well done @Lorcan

This is the first time (like in general, not since I started vaping) where I've thought that maybe I never need to use an ashtray again. I'll keep a couple because they're useful to have if friends/family are over, but I haven't looked for them (or the tobacco) since I started this. Finding a routine with using two e-cigs, what liquid I put in each one, when I use one over the other, it's made a hell of a difference. I like the routine, or setting the routine anyway.

I'd recommend them to someone trying to quit, 100%. I wouldn't recommend ripping a nail off though. :td:
Well done,!, we,re all rooting for you ! just keep telling yourself, you will not pay the government another penny,

Turns out I'd been spending over £25 a week just on tobacco. Slightly horrifying, thinking about it now.
That's a lot of money! It translates out to about $33 here. I use to spend that much when I filled up the tank of my little car.

And that wasn't even cigarettes. Rolling tobacco is cheaper, cigarettes only come in packs of 20 and are at least £12-£14 a time.
27 days :cool: I'm scatterbrained as heck, it's occurred to me I've forgotten to put the liners in the wash for tomorrow, so I'm hoping the weather holds tomorrow. Then I can dry them on the line for tomorrow evening. The pigs won't mind. They're more upset with me because the windows are open and noises.
I quit by weaning down on them myself. 1-2 packs per day now I’ve not had one in shoot 12 years? You’re coming up on a full month you’re doing good! Can make it tobacco free!

that's my plan, even if I keep the vaping up, there's tobacco free liquids. It's what I'm aiming for.