The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

That's lovely of you Yvonne. Will you make it yourself? In the shape of a fag perhaps so that @Lorcan can cut it in half to show that he has given up smoking? A symbolic gesture?

Sadly it won't be home made, I just won't have the time on a week day. 🙁
How about a swiss roll coated with icing sugar for two thirds and the other third with cocoa powder :coat:
You can make a Swiss roll in about 20 mins from start to finish.

I could probably eat a Swiss roll from start to finish in 20 minutes... does that count? 🤣

In all seriousness, if you did fancy challenging yourself to make a cake I have a recipe I've been using since I was three and, while I don't want to call it foolproof, it's really hard not to get something tasty and cakey at the end of it 👍Let me know if it's of interest 😊
I could probably eat a Swiss roll from start to finish in 20 minutes... does that count? 🤣

In all seriousness, if you did fancy challenging yourself to make a cake I have a recipe I've been using since I was three and, while I don't want to call it foolproof, it's really hard not to get something tasty and cakey at the end of it 👍Let me know if it's of interest 😊

Honestly, whilst I have many skills, anything to do with the kitchen isn't one of them. But thank you for the offer :)