The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Getting there. Still a tad quick to cough and it still sounds a bit wheezy, but I've been using the Sudafed nasal spray and I can actually breathe through my nose when I'm trying to sleep which makes a massive difference. The antibiotics are draining me, though. I'll be glad when they're finished.

One of my blinds just moved, like it would if something ran past it or through it. You know what I mean? But it's a blind. Did a moth do it? Did a mouse somehow do it? Do I need to have the panic attack I'm about to have because there's a thing on the windowsill?
No. It was the wind. I dunno how it affected just that one blind but, wind, because then I realised I could hear rain. Grotty grotty day. So I'm sitting here eating Wotsits by the handful instead because nobody's going out in that willingly.

I did also have a moment of watching the goblins and trying to work out if they were being that quiet or if I needed to pop my ears lol. :))

oops, skipped yesterday. Didn't smoke though, lol. The goblins had some soft poops yesterday but I'm deliberately not keeping them off fresh food because I'm 99% sure the issue is with a particular bag of lettuce. As in, it's the lettuce in the bag, not the specific bag I bought. And it's definitely not because Cam's spent the past 24 hours screaming at me non stop anyway, food or no food.

Also clarithromycin is much easier to swallow than penicillin. Tastes better, too.
It's this bag, but since it doesn't happen with every bag I'm assuming it's when he gets more of one of the specific leaves, because it's Cam that keeps doing it I think. Still not seen conclusive evidence, but the last pile of soft poop turned up underneath a cardboard tray, so that can't have been Bann's doing lol.

Also, forgot about a very specific side effect of clarithromycin...everything tastes slightly bitter on top of its normal flavour. It's not enough to make me go 🤮 but it's a rather weird taste to stick to absolutely everything.
That’s interesting I wonder which lettuce leaf it is
Lovely Cam
Mmm not nice that side effect of clarithromycin but good you can keep taking it !
Possibly whatever the "multileaf" is, but I don't know. It's not like they have issues with lettuce generally, I don't get why those bags would set them off.

(he says, as he realises he's 40 minutes late with breakfast. oops.)
And now that I've down and back up the stairs with the appropriate food offerings, here's a story from this morning for Day #423.

I threw in a handful of hay and Cam got it immediately. Bann, however, missed it. I don't think it even registered with him I'd put something in the cage because when I went to leave the room, he ran past Cam to get to a space closer to me to beg again. I'm standing there like "Bann it's there. Bann, the hay's in the cage. Bann, go eat the hay. Bann, look at Cam. Bann, go eat it. Bann!" I had to toss in another pile of hay, over his head so I knew he saw it, before he'd actually go and eat the flippin' hay. :flag:

Oh, Bann.
🌟great day 423
Late with breakfast …..that’ll be a compliant to TGPU

Funny…..dear Bann missing his hay ! I think he’s a smart cookie and already knows they’ll get 2 lots at once 🥰
Cam is no better. I'd not long fed them when I went to go to the toilet and Cam came angrily bouncing to the begging spot for food - except there, he discovered lettuce leaves he'd forgotten about and you can't yell at me with a mouthful. But as I leave the bathroom, he's back yelling at me and there's still two leaves under his back foot :doh:

On the positive side, to try and pick them up I had my hand over his back. I didn't think about it, but the fact he didn't freak out til I tried shifting his leg slightly is a massive thing because they both freak out so easily over OMG HUMAN HANDS RUN. He's still a derp, though.

Managed to take my night meds this morning, lol. It's been a bit of an "oooh spaced" day.

Meanwhile the clown that is Cam keeps managing to shoot out of bed and stand in that excited pose, which is his equivalent of a dog bow, but it's also slightly worrying about just how good his timing is as I'm stepping out my bedroom door. Walk through door, nada. Close door, OH HI HUMAN GIVE FOOD NOW.

I'm shattered and it's not even 10am. Is it bedtime yet?

I have someone coming later to pick up the bags from the cellar. Man with a van type. Apparently I'm not allowed to leave bags in the cellar because it's a fire risk, except it's dingy and damp and unpleasant down there and I'm in more danger of a gas explosion or something. Like the engineer took out my old gas meter and put in a new gas meter, and did so with electric buzzy things, RIGHT NEXT TO THE BAGS. They didn't go on fire because y'know, physics.
So, fine, whatever. Get the bags out. "How many bags do you have?" " 🤷‍♂️ "

So. Turns out it was 7. Since we thought it was more like 10 I've now added a few bags because I'm going to clean the goblins out later and the more space I have in the bin the better right? Okay. Now for the cellar.
I hate the cellar.
I got 5 of the bags out before I was running out of room on the kitchen floor next to the hatch. Got out. Used the leftover correx to sit the bags out in the living room, moved all 5 bags to the correx, and got the last two from the cellar. Same deal. Did I mention it was damp? My kitchen floor is gross. I can't mop it for the time being either because I've no kitchen sink. I realise I could get hot water by filling the kettle in the bathroom but my legs hurt and my hips hurt and you know what, the floor's not sticky, and it's now dried out. It can wait til I'm less sore.

Okay. Bags in living room. Double bag them so I can actually sit them on the living room floor and not the correx because the correx is slippery on laminate flooring and I'm sort of done with nearly falling over. 6 bags double just fine. The seventh decided to tear right as I was about to tie it closed. Said words. Triple bagged it.

Here's my problem. I have Tesco turning up between 12 and 1. I'm waiting on a parcel from Royal Mail. The guy is going to be here "this afternoon" but there's a few hours in the afternoon, right?
I have no cash. I have like, £1. What I do have is money. Just not cash. I also don't know wtf my PIN is because I haven't needed it since January and I forgot. I don't know if the PIN on the TSB card changed after they sent me a new one because the only one was barred from online usage so I'd assume the PIN didn't change if they were saying I could use it in person? But even if I knew the TSB PIN I a) would need to transfer the money over and b) I don't know when this guy is turning up so I don't know when I've got the opportunity for an ATM run. So I'm kind of hoping he'll accept a bank transfer or Paypal or something, otherwise well, I've got no cash.

Great day 425 🌟
Omg what a start to your day and with feeling so tired ! Well done tho getting all that stuff out.
You will feel so pleased when it’s gone !
I’m sure it’ll work out just fine 🥰
It’d be lovely to see Cam in that dog bow pose ! But as we all know they never do those quirky things when we have a camera to hand 😂
I wouldn't be fast enough - by the time I've managed to react he's moved to trying to leap over the bars, lol. He doesn't bow, as such, it's more the posture, like the pause before the OH HI HUMAN stuff starts. Bann looks at him like he's some kind of eejit every time he does it.

As for the bags, my jeans are gross too, but I can't fit another pair of jeans (already one in there) in the washing pile. The washing pile I can't do until Tesco turns up because I do not want to be trying to fit stuff in the fridge while the possessed washing machine is in spin beside me. But even if I did put both pairs of jeans in I don't have enough door space to hang them both over.

So instead I'm sitting here, vaping, occasionally popping my ears, and wondering how to get Cam to sit still for long enough to get a photo of his nose, because he's got a stripy nose and we've a club for that.
And Cam lost his celery ……😂
Did your day workout ok ….bags gone, delivery etc 🥰
Oh man. It turns out I didn't do an order for delivery, I did it for Click and Collect. I don't drive. Why would I do click and collect?! So, Plan B. Cancel that one, get refund, order again (for delivery this time, lol) for tomorrow because the account's not going to be empty because of my own daftness lol, and then did a Whoosh order so I could at least get them something. My fridge was otherwise empty, perish the thought.

However, for Whoosh orders, you're limited in what you can order. So part of the order was celery sticks. Bann went back again to try and eat the next one I gave Cam, except this time they got into a tug of war with it that Cam won.
Bann has identical celery sticks. In fact, Bann gets offered the bigger one. He only wants the one Cam's already eating :))

Edit: and I'm still waiting on Royal Mail too, lol.
I had a meeting with adult care and the housing association today. Cam was Cam for the entire hour.

Also I heard back from London. Apparently if I can keep my skin looking as it is til the end of May, they're happy to schedule my surgery.

And I can't even drink in celebration because the Tesco order's due between 22:00 and 23:00 and I need to be able to use the stairs, lol.

That’s great news !
Cam just shows you he cares 😂
Well done on day 426🌟
Cam's a bloody nuisance and he loves it 😂 I'd be worried if he was behaving himself. When they turned up I was like, yeah, I'm on the doorstep, because the minute I set foot through the door he'll start and if I can give him food straight away, he might actually keep quiet for an hour.

Spoiler alert - lolno. what was I even thinking.

So. :))
We all know what natural gas smells like, right? Because they add stuff to natural gas to make it stink so people like me are less likely to blow up the house. Right?
So I'm sitting here and vaping and I keep getting a whiff of what smells like natural gas. Which would be interesting because I'm in my bedroom, not a gas appliance to be seen. But the window's open, is it outside? No. Turns out the lychee in my vape juice can smell a little bit like a gas leak if I'm not paying enough attention.

Also, went to go to the toilet earlier, glanced to my right, and...I can hear Cam. I just can't see Cam. I also can't see movement that might be Cam. Then I tilt my head to the left slightly. So I have a thing of wood shavings sitting in the cage and apparently Cam figured I could see through solid objects as he stood staring at me from his unintentional hiding place. And then seemed extremely confused as to what was going on around him. Just that occasional confused "huh" soft wheek that little goblins have. :wub:
Another day 427 🌟
Wow I’m glad you found out what the gas smell was 😂
Dear Cam I love how unpredictable he is !
Never a dull moment in your house 😂🥰
It took a while to work it out too because I kept standing up to find the source, and of course wasn't vaping at the same time, so I'd figure I imagined it and went back to vaping. And then the gas smell was back. :))

I've had a migraine. Could I sleep it off? No, Cam's a jerk lol. Painkillers have finally worked though. Cam, meanwhile, is very put out that his screaming isn't getting him the fresh food I think he's looking for. I control the food supply, little guy, and I know Bann's happy with the hay, so you'll need to be putting up with that.

Meanwhile last dose of antibiotics tonight, thankfully. The bitter taste sort of needs to go away now.

Still. There's a bottle of Pulpt Flare in the fridge, Cam's quiet again for at least another 10 minutes, and the head's cleared. What more could I want? Aside from the heat to sod off. That'd be cool. I have to have the window open and it's killing me, lol.
Day 428 amazing 🌟
Sounds like another exciting day in Cam and Bann’s house 😂❤️
I've managed to stab my thumb with a screwdriver (don't ask, lol) and yelled at the smoke alarm for going off again. Thankfully the goblins have put themselves to bed about 20 minutes ago! They do put themselves to bed too, it's cute as hell.