The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I had a plan. Set up the computer so I could play games from the bed (yay for wireless controllers) and use a stool as a makeshift mousemat and vape holder. Means moving the pillows to the "wrong" end of the bed but it turns out, with my lightweght quilt over my legs, it's doable. A little difficult to be certain I'm typing the words correctly (lol) but it is totally doable.

Too doable. I need to go downstairs for another drink. I'm quite comfortable right here. I do not want to move, lol.
@piggieminder I think I got the same email - if they'll do their usual boxes via Evri it might be worth trying, although knowing my luck I'd end up with a different driver because it's bigger boxes and oops, there goes my hay again.

They love the Excel timothy, but it'll be nice for me and them to have something else as well incase it's out of stock. Plus the Excel's kind of expensive.
Amazing day 413 🌟
I hope you’re feeling a bit better
Today is a ‘take care of Lorcan’ day 🥰
The rascals are always spoilt in your house 😂
And woe betide me if I'm late with breakfast, lol. I have to expect an Amazon delivery tomorrow and I'm really hoping it comes to the right address, I do not want to be walking around to go pick it up. Okay no I don't have to expect it tomorrow, but I'm going to have to order it at some point anyway, the wireless controller I currently have is misbehaving (it's several years old tbf) and wired ones cause...havoc. "Oops we can't wake the computer up you'll need to switch off and on again because even the hard restart button doesn't work". And I have another one that works fine! I just can't find the dongle for it, lol.

Still, of all the times the buttons decide to go soft, did it have to be now?! But that's tomorrow's problem. Today, self care and videogames.
And woe betide me if I'm late with breakfast, lol. I have to expect an Amazon delivery tomorrow and I'm really hoping it comes to the right address, I do not want to be walking around to go pick it up. Okay no I don't have to expect it tomorrow, but I'm going to have to order it at some point anyway, the wireless controller I currently have is misbehaving (it's several years old tbf) and wired ones cause...havoc. "Oops we can't wake the computer up you'll need to switch off and on again because even the hard restart button doesn't work". And I have another one that works fine! I just can't find the dongle for it, lol.

Still, of all the times the buttons decide to go soft, did it have to be now?! But that's tomorrow's problem. Today, self care and videogames.
When you say video games,do you play on the pc? Just wondered whether you'd ever played amnesia the dark descent?
When you say video games,do you play on the pc? Just wondered whether you'd ever played amnesia the dark descent?

I have...tried. It's one of those games I'm not sure I can finish, heh. You probably know what I mean. Mostly at the moment it's just action RPGs, or action games in general - Dragon Age, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077. The Din's Quest and Din's Legacy are good for when I don't want to do much at all, there's Civ for when I feel like turning myself into a malevolent dictator and screaming "I TOLD YOU TO STAY OFF MY ISLAND" and...other unrepeatable things.
Then there's Dex, which is an indie cyberpunk-type platformer which is nice.

My Steam/EA/Good old Games collection has had a few years to grow. They're a bit of an unwieldy mess at this point.
I have...tried. It's one of those games I'm not sure I can finish, heh. You probably know what I mean. Mostly at the moment it's just action RPGs, or action games in general - Dragon Age, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077. The Din's Quest and Din's Legacy are good for when I don't want to do much at all, there's Civ for when I feel like turning myself into a malevolent dictator and screaming "I TOLD YOU TO STAY OFF MY ISLAND" and...other unrepeatable things.
Then there's Dex, which is an indie cyberpunk-type platformer which is nice.

My Steam/EA/Good old Games collection has had a few years to grow. They're a bit of an unwieldy mess at this point.
I understand,I played it and found it very difficult plus terrifying lol.Ive only heard of mass effect from the titles you listed.Shame my laptop went kaput a while ago ha ha.
So, now that this morning's out of the way...guess what I got to do today? When going through the assessment with the doctor, "Are you a smoker?" And I get to say "nope, I quit last year."

It's the weirdest sort of celebration, but it's there! #414
I had a plan. Set up the computer so I could play games from the bed (yay for wireless controllers) and use a stool as a makeshift mousemat and vape holder. Means moving the pillows to the "wrong" end of the bed but it turns out, with my lightweght quilt over my legs, it's doable. A little difficult to be certain I'm typing the words correctly (lol) but it is totally doable.

Too doable. I need to go downstairs for another drink. I'm quite comfortable right here. I do not want to move, lol.
This made me laugh, sounds like all you needed was a mini fridge next to the bed....and maybe a kettle and a hosepipe from the kitchen tap.... and a supply of pot noodles.
This made me laugh, sounds like all you needed was a mini fridge next to the bed....and maybe a kettle and a hosepipe from the kitchen tap.... and a supply of pot noodles.

Don't think I haven't done similar before! Living in a studio flat and with broken ribs, you learn some interesting ways of doing things without making any real effort lol.
Don't think I haven't done similar before! Living in a studio flat and with broken ribs, you learn some interesting ways of doing things without making any real effort lol.
Have you read Douglas Adams? For some reason you reminded me of a scene in one of his books, I forget which, not the hitch hikers guide series.
Have you read Douglas Adams? For some reason you reminded me of a scene in one of his books, I forget which, not the hitch hikers guide series.

I've read The Hitchhikers Guide, but that's it.

To sort of give you an idea, the bed area in those studios was barely big enough for a small double bed, and you weren't getting anything else in there with it. I managed to manoeuvre it so I had my bed (a single), a chest of drawers, and my desk in it. The desk was a tight fit but that was okay because the TV would fit on top of the chest of drawers, so the TV became my main monitor. Videogames, iPlayer, Netflix, whatever? All from the comfort of my very own bed.
I've read The Hitchhikers Guide, but that's it.

To sort of give you an idea, the bed area in those studios was barely big enough for a small double bed, and you weren't getting anything else in there with it. I managed to manoeuvre it so I had my bed (a single), a chest of drawers, and my desk in it. The desk was a tight fit but that was okay because the TV would fit on top of the chest of drawers, so the TV became my main monitor. Videogames, iPlayer, Netflix, whatever? All from the comfort of my very own bed.
I recommend reading "Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency" and "the long dark teatime of the soul". Infact as I've been reminded of them i think I will read them again too!

I really wish Cam would stop wearing cardboard drinks trays as hats because it cracks me up every time I see this upside down tray "walking by itself", and laughing hurts right now :)) What is it about him and those trays?!

Meanwhile, the tablets taste disgusting (of course), and I'm not really particularly hungry, and even when I do eat, I can't eat an hour after taking them, or two hours before. Or maybe an hour before or two after, it's confusing. But no matter because my appetite's gone on holiday anyway. Cola is my saving grace right now. Children's antibiotics are banana flavoured, why can't us adults have decent tasting meds too?!
Great day 415 🎉
I’m laughing imagining Cam with his ‘hat’ on 😂
I’d love fruit tasting pills 😂

I am horrific at being sick. All day long it's been coughing and sneezing - sneezed brown phlegm this morning, but the roof of my mouth looks like it's not necessarily that I'm coughing/sneezing blood, my throat, mouth and nose are just that badly irritated. It's not fresh blood, anyway. My nose is as dry as it gets, my throat not much better despite constant fluid intake, and my ears are being affected now too. I can't get my right one to pop at all, the left one barely does, so I can't hear properly either.

Grumble. My throat is itching, internally so it can't be scratched, my ear canals are itching. Assuming my memory's correct and the tonsillitis diagnosis is the correct one I've had this a few weeks before anything got bad enough to check, and this is just my reaping the rewards of missing it for so long.

So tempted to just get a squidgy vial of saline from downstairs and squirt it up my nose.

Edit: Thought about it, did exactly that. Now all I can taste in my mouth is saline and my ear still won't pop but that's the best my nose has felt for days lol.
Well done on day 416
I’m sorry you’re coping with those symptoms 😢
A steam inhalation session might help too
Hopefully you’ll find the symptoms better tomorro
I doesn’t spose Cam and Bann are behaving themselves 🥰
I don't really have anything to do the steam inhalation with unfortunately. Saline squirts up the nose are probably as good as I'll get for a while.

And no, Cam's been his usual, delightful, screaming self most of the day :)) like he'd ever be any other way lol. He's great and I love him. :wub:

About to go and put the hot water on for a bath. No point trying to have a shower when there's no grip for the feet in the tub and I keep randomly coughing out of nowhere, lol. And I feel with it enough for a bath for the first time in a I've an Asda delivery due tomorrow and I look like something the cat dragged in, so needs must.

On day 5 of whatever this is, I've either got a cold on top of the tonsillitis, or I've got a sinus infection starting on top of the tonsillitis, OR it's hit my sinuses. It doesn't feel like a cold. I've got a blocked nose but there's nothing to blow. Throat's still much to dry for that to be a cold too. On the bright side my throat itches less, which is great. Trying to scratch something internally is the least fun part of an itchy throat lol.

Cam would like you all to know he's doing a very good job of being a Royal Pain in the Bum. A very good job. :))
Day 417 👍
Gosh I’d hoped you’d be feeling better by now
I really hope you get better soon 🥰
Gosh I’d hoped you’d be feeling better by now

You and me both! The antibiotics have done a job, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's "just" tonsillitis. I just don't know what the something else is.

My garden backs on to other gardens in houses that are...I think it's a cul-de-sac. Might be a through road. I've never actually gone through to check. But whatever, they're working in a car in a driveway over there and it's noisy. Engine issues. I don't blame them for the noise, but still, it's noisy lol.

In goblin news I keep making a mistake. I keep leaving my room and deliberately stopping to say hi. Bann is fine with this. Bann is not my problem. It's when Camowen realises I've paused and...oops. Goodbye peace and tranquillity lol. I still do it. It's nice to see him get so excited. Not so nice to hear it...but I'm still half deaf, so. :))

So Amazon delivered to the wrong address. Again. And after a few back and forths and going through 3 different customer service reps (lol) it turns out the reason the deliveries are going to the wrong address is because they left some eejit in charge of the map pins. We have now corrected this so it's got the right map pins, so no excuses for next time.

plus £20 voucher because I was cranky about it. Now to not immediately spend the voucher, lol. fingers crossed for next time!

Also Cam was screeching at me when I was flattening down cardboard boxes downstairs. Got back upstairs with some food and he's begging at the bars, but also eating a rather large seed head at the same time so for once he couldn't shriek at the same time. Yay, my ears! :))