The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


So sometimes I wonder, am I doing the right thing. I don't handle the goblins much, I prefer not to. They still get handled don't get me wrong but 95% of the time, they're just running around the cage like something possessed. They have the space so I can get away with that, and they get fed properly, but otherwise I prefer a hands off approach. And I wonder yes, should I be doing something else. Because they don't like me touching them, no matter what. No gentle strokes for these two.

Then I get days like today, where I went in to give them a small handful of hay (more on that in a sec) and Cam was basically nose to nose with me over the bars. And I realise okay, they might not like me touching them, but they're not afraid of me. They'll get nose to nose (for food), because food is the best bribery option out there but they want me to give them food. They get confused if their first mouthful comes from the cage floor and not me, even when they do what Bann did last night and knock a load of kale out of the offered tub, right over his head.
And no, Cam didn't appreciate it raining vegetables then either 😂

As for the handfuls - they get the same amount of hay but they get much more excited by the smaller piles. I got screamed at the other day actually because I'd fed them and as soon as I hit the vape in my room, Cam got started again. I went back in, the veggies were still on the floor, and I couldn't work out what he was so upset I tried the hay. They didn't want veggies. They wanted the hay. I really wish we spoke the same language sometimes :))
they have you well trained is all I’ll say. You are interacting by hand feeding them veg and small piles of hay. And they may not like being touched but obviously appreciate that, and the nose to nose. You are doing the right thing because you are fulfilling all their demands needs 🙂

My Zac doesn’t like being touched at all so I don’t bother. I just pop in his food and only handle on a need to basis. He is happy because I see him munching on his veg and fresh grass when they get it. And he rumbles 🤣
I think (for them) common sense launches itself out the window where food's concerned. Big ape predators? Who cares, FOOD! At least I assume that's how it goes.

I do remember watching someone trying to give them a pellet each and they were having none of it. They kept coming over to me instead, which I found much more entertaining than the other Human did, lol.

And, despite the noise they make when it happens, there's little I love more than when I leave my room and one (or both) are in view of the door, turn their heads, and there's a brief pause before Cam starts shrieking his head off, even if he's not in view of me at the time.
We're a hands-off herd here, too - I don't think it does any harm. They get everything they need from each other, as long as they're clean and fed and watered. I can do weight checks and nails fine and that's all I need! Honestly I just don't need any other things on my pet to do list to feel guilty about if I can't always manage it, although cuddles always felt more for my human benefit than theirs. They're clearly happy, confident and not scared of us at all, so I think we're doing a good (enough) job.
Thanks everyone 😊 I know they're not afraid of me (they're also apparently no longer afraid of the fire alarm, lol, so maybe that's no real win), and if they're not afraid of me I must be doing something right.

Cam also screamed at me for 3 solid minutes last night because I had to take two to microwave a pasty. :flag:

Comet was a lovely laid back pig who was confident around people and liked to gnaw on letterboxes. Fair play, Comet, fair play. He was also, in the nicest way possible, not particularly bright. He went through weird food phases. Nothing ever wrong with his weight or his appetite but he needed food handed to him stalky bit first at one point because otherwise it was like his brain processed it as "notfood" and Blitzen ate it all instead.

And, also in the nicest way possible, Bann reminds me more of Comet every day. Like yesterday. He got handed a piece of broccoli floret first. He seemed confused. He sniffed it. He sniffed around it. He sniffed my hand. He sniffed around my hand.
Finally turned the broccoli over and offered it to him stalk first. Success!

Well, whatever. They're both cute. Quirks are quirks, right?
Day 409🌟
I think you have an infinity for quirky piggies or they’re certainly finding their way to you 🥰
I love that you have such an amazing relationship with your piggies - it really is lovely ❤️
Bann actually has a really fuzzy nose and I can't say it doesn't tickle the fingers, but in a good way, y'know? I swear he's growing more hair these days but that can't be right, but then I also could've sworn I saw a red spot on his ear earlier but I got a closer look and it was just the light apparently 🤷‍♂️

But they do love the crunchy bits. They'll eat the florets too don't get me wrong but crunchy bits first, crunchy bits best, lol.

"Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce] "Food?" [bounce]

I suppose I should be grateful they're not bar biters too. The bouncing is hilarious though.
Heh heh heh…. Wee naked bouncing piggies! 🤣🤣😳

95 days to go until I hit my target count of #505. Just letting you all know, lol.

Meanwhile, money came in this morning and disappeared almost as quickly for bills. I bought a single 2kg of Pillow Wad timothy, just to tide over til I can get a bigger order tomorrow. I'm almost at the end of their current box of the Excel and I didn't want to risk it. The Pillow Wad gets here tomorrow too, so yay for plans.

Also. Kind of hungry. But all I want are ready salted crisps and I've been sitting here for several hours now thinking about a) walking up the road and buying a bag or b) getting money out and going to Tesco or Asda or Aldi or Lidl or c) getting a small takeaway or d) doing precisely sod all and craving ready salted crisps.

I'll let you all guess which option's winning :))
I compromised and had a donner kebab flavoured Pot Noodle which was surprisingly tasty. I think I got sent one once when whatever Pot Noodle I'd ordered was unavailable and sort of...stared at it in the back of a cupboard for a while. Suspiciously.

I did at least add a bag of ready salted to tomorrow's Tesco order.
I've left it a bit late for both crisps and takeaway, lol, but that's my own fault.

Tesco: "We've substituted some items. Feel free to return any that don't suit."
They've substituted saucisson sec for salami for me, and celery for much more expensive organic celery for the goblins. I wonder if they'll even notice the difference, lol. Bit of a pain on the saucisson sec front, but salami's not so terrible. DHL gets here with the hay between 1pm and 2pm, and Tesco gets here between 4pm and 5pm.

Meanwhile I overslept and didn't wake up til 10am, right after the heating switched itself off after being on for 3 hours. And I had my window closed overnight because there was a chill to the air when I went to bed. Grumble. It's far too warm.

Also, I was gonna share this yesterday and forgot, but I found this looking for a different video and their enthusiasm and energy is infectious:

Finally, the reason I overslept was that I didn't get to sleep til after 3am, because I forgot to take my meds on time. I forgot, because I got caught up doing something else. I was originally going to go through the vapes I didn't like so much and use them (and only them) til I ran out of spare coils for them so I could shrink the amount of devices I use regularly down.
Then I took the head staggers and said no. Took the ones I was going to use up first anyway and just...drained their tanks and pods, put the spare coils in a bag out of the way, and then pack them into their boxes. And should I ever need an emergency fill for whatever reason they're there ready to still be used.
THEN I took all my other devices and started vaping their tanks empty so I could disassemble and clean everything and take all the batteries out to charge those so they're all full (and it turns out, I've a lot of batteries) so I could also shuffle what tanks are sitting on what mods because...I dunno. This is the one part I have no reason for. 🤷‍♂️
Day 411 🤗
I’ve never heard of saucisson sec but I googled it - seems a good sub !
Wow you were busy - you must feel p,easy you’ve sorted it all 😂
Busy day at Lorcan’s house 🏡
I'm still sorting through half of it 😱 I mean, slightly further ahead than I was at 2am, but not anywhere near finished yet lol. And yeah, saucisson sec is nice. Whatever herbs get used, the slices have this weird aftertaste that I love for some reason. Salami's good, but missing those delicious herbs. It'll still get eaten though, I'm not that fussy.

Still, I'm looking forward to my desk being slightly less full of wet wipes, kitchen roll and disassembled tanks.
Edit: oh, and cotton buds.
Edit 2: oh, and batteries.

Finally got the desk (and the desk drawers) sorted last night. Several devices back in boxes, their coils packed away neatly*. Down to 20 devices, from 26. I know, I know. I have a problem. Do I care? Hmm.

Had an early night last night. Woke up this morning confused about a) where I was b) what I was doing and c) what time it even was. Got an itchy nose that blowing doesn't fix (I think hayfever, I left my bedroom window wide open last night). The bank sent me a text to say "hey you're in your arranged overdraft and we're gonna charge you for that" which is great, except I'm not actually in my arranged overdraft yet. Wee bit early on that one, Bank. It is definitely the bank and not scammers, I should point out but my plan is to do what I normally do when it tells me this stuff, ignore it and move on.

Also just had Bann sniffing around my hand and Cam sniffing around my elbow for Food. I'd tried offering Bann a seed head but he was having none of it, so instead I just stood there expecting either one of them to chomp on me. Bann finally took the seed head and dropped it in a couple of mouthfuls. I offered one to Cam saying I don't know why he bothers, he never wants it anyway...and then he ate it. All of it. He didn't even do what Bann did and drop it.
Still, gotta look for the positives - no pig tried eating my fingers, hand, arm or elbow. Win/win, right?

(*if by neatly, we mean chucked in a plastic bag and abandoned on the floor, anyway)
Ah bless him

Well done on day 412 🌟
It was obviously an excited start to the day in Cam and Bann’s house 😂

Since I'm not feeling the best, today's a bagged lettuce salad type of day. Not that the goblins mind, because lettuce. I did just manage to ping Bann on the head with lettuce again and he gave me a real " you have to?" kind of look. Sorry, Bann.