The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I took a nap earlier. Not a long one, just a nap. Woke up, went downstairs...the cacophony of noise coming their room was honestly impressive.
I recon they just like the sound of their own voices! Wee rascals! 🤣🤣
Bann doesn't normally join in, even if I'm late with food, so I don't know what had him going today lol. He's actually the louder/shriller/angrier/more urgent one...he just prefers to let Cam do the work. Thankfully.
Bann doesn't normally join in, even if I'm late with food, so I don't know what had him going today lol. He's actually the louder/shriller/angrier/more urgent one...he just prefers to let Cam do the work. Thankfully.

Clever Bann. Why wheek when you have a piggy friend to do it for you.
On Day #401, I have nothing witty or funny to share. So instead, today's a music day:

(mild apologies if it gets stuck in your head, it has a habit of doing that)
I say I say I say… what’s the difference between a duck?
Amazing day 402 🌟
Look how well you’ve done Lorcan
Hopefully it’ll help

So yesterday I had a meeting at the house, the sort of meeting nobody mentions to me til a couple of hours beforehand and I guarantee it's because they thought I'd try to find a way out of it. Missed out on naptime. I was not impressed.
And as it turns out, neither was Cam.

So I'm sitting at the bottom of the stairs and he's decided he's not having this today. He can hear me. He can hear People. He knows People can hear him. And after 10 minutes of this, I sigh, get the last hay cube, and take it upstairs asking him if he can pack it in for 5 minutes because there's Visitors. Whoop, hay cube, no more screaming! And I get downstairs.
And then I realise I've miscalculated. We all know how noisy it is chomping on hay cubs and carrot cottages, right? Well this dolt left the door open. 😱 Sure, we've got no more screams, but somehow the chomping is even louder. I dunno how Cam does it, I really don't.

Then this morning he's been screeching a lot. I just walked out to ask him what gives and he stared at me, confused, like he had no idea what I was talking about. Then dipped his eat more hay. No noise. No nothing. I go back to my room, close the door, sit at the desk...and he starts again. :flag:
Doesn't he just, lol. The social worker asked if she could meet them and I said yes, although the cage needs a cleanout but I'm waiting on someone finally turning up with woodshavings (which have been ordered, they're just taking a while to get here) so I can do a full clean. Not ideal, but you work with what you've got.

She did find them adorable though. Even Bann came out to say hello. Possibly because I had treats. Actually...definitely because I had treats.
Today is Error Not Found day, lol. #404.

I'm uhming and ahhing about ringing up my parents and scrounging a parcel of sorts from them. I could do with being able to strap my wrist, but I can't really do it without the adhesive bandages, not well anyway. But I don't have adhesive bandages. Like I'd just ring, send over the link, they can get it sent to my address and that's fine but I don't really want to talk to anyone lol. No reason, I'm just enjoying not having to speak. And I'm not convinced a sprained wrist is enough to make me change my mind on that. Oh, to be a teenager again and not have to worry about aches and pains so much. :))
Day 404 🌟
Difficult for you Lorcan - can you rest your wrist more ?
Maybe waking up tomorro ( after sleeping on this decision) might make up your mind !
Take care 🥰

Thanks @Roselina, it's better this morning. It's been iffy for a couple of weeks on and off (the cyst's back, I'm guessing that's the culprit), but yesterday I had my hand in a fist on my bed as I was reaching over to get something on the far side and it gave underneath me. Lots of unrepeatable words said, lol. It's not my dominant hand/wrist so it's not urgent in getting sorted, those self-adhesive bandages are just really useful.

Meanwhile, Pepsi have apparently changed their recipe to mimic the French (or possibly Europe-wide, I dunno) recipe and I don't have anything against artificial sweeteners health wise, but I don't like the taste. Not helped by Tesco swapping it without mentioning it's a different recipe AND putting the price up to boot. Thanks, Tesco.

There's also been no sign of Ser Spider for a couple of days now. Part of me hopes they're okay. Part of me's ever so slightly nervous about where they've gone 😱 (also sorry but I love that emoji, any excuse to use it lol)
Here’s some pictures of Lucy this morning at a place called Fodder ( just outside Downpatrick). A little blind dog in a pram, looking for a sausage!


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We do have some weird place names, don't we?

(also, you did give her sausage, right? Because she's gorgeous :wub:)
We do have some weird place names, don't we?

(also, you did give her sausage, right? Because she's gorgeous :wub:)
Oh yes! After I got a photo I was pleased with 🤣. She had a right wee picnic to herself in her buggy - sausage, dried kibble, the last of my whipped cream and the froth of my cappuccino! Also many many cuddles for being a little fluffy blind poofle in a pram!