The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


The goblins get baby peppers, because they get bored of pepper quickly. So I can lop the top off a baby one and give them that and it's a good size for them. Except I've just given them one each and Cam kept trying to pick his up, from the bottom end first. He couldn't get his teeth to grip it and thus chased his pepper around the cage before finally giving up and grabbing it from the appropriate end instead.

And I cackled the entire time. Sorry, Cam. Your Human's a jerk sometimes. :))
Well done on day 394 🎉
I can just imagine Cam chasing that pepper round his home - luckily Bann must have been eating his as he’d go after it I’m sure 🥰
I love the continuing adventures of Cam and Bann ❤️
Bann made the rather sensible decision to eat from the end that had been sliced instead, lol.

So, also yesterday, but Cam came to try and get food from me except he's a typical bloke, can't do two things at once, and whilst trying to get food from me and perch his front legs on the bendy logs to reach...was also trying to stretch and yawn. I felt bad, because he clearly was trying to work out what to do first, failing miserably, and figured "eh, I'll just do it all".

And I, again, cackled my head off.

He's also screamed himself hoarse because he screams at me when I leave my room, and then he sees me "leaving" (going downstairs) and screams harder because how dare I abandon him like that?! You'd think him being hoarse saves my ears for a bit, but Bann's taken over for the time being. Sigh.

Sigh. One of those days. It started with problems with the credit card (since resolved, although their automated system is absolutely rage inducing) and then continued with a text from TSB saying my card's been replaced and I can use the old one in person but not online.
Okay. But I can't use it in person and also, wtf.

Apparently they got notification from Visa it had been compromised, so they've sent out a new one, which is also why they've stopped me from using it online, at least if it's used in person it has to be me. But I've been sitting here trying to work out what specifically's caught this card, because if it was any of the places I usually use then it would've caught the other two Visa cards I have. Why just this one? I think it's been from London. Why it took this long to be noticed I don't know but nothing else makes sense. Unfortunately the other account is overdrawn so although I've moved the cash over there's no using it now either way. It's gonna be a long weekend.
Well done on another day 396🌟
Not easy when you have a day like you have !
Relax this evening 😂
The goblins will simply need to eke out their veg rations for several days, and they'll be fine with it. Not that I'm actually telling them, of course. Can't be having that.

As for my caffeine rations...well. Amazon better still be delivering for Saturday! And I better still have money in the account for it.

"Are...wait, why are you sharing a bed. Are you feeling okay? Is there something wrong? Why are you being nice to each other?!"

Ah, goblins. Money came through, thankfully. Paid off what needed. Bought Asda order and since Asda takes the money the day before, yay, money's already allocated for tomorrow. Then bought vape juice because I'm a sucker and had a (very small) money off coupon.

Also just inhaled (air), had a hiccup halfway through, and finished with a cough that was almost a boke. I know, lovely imagery. Thankfully I'm not in need of a carpet clean just yet.
This is exactly it. I've left the clock in the living room at an hour early. When the clock says 11am, that's when feeding time is. They just don't appreciate the routine change at all. Nor do I. There's only so many times "more hay" works, lol.
So, I know it's normally Cam's job to do daft stuff, but...

Left my room to check on the goblins and said, "oh, that's bright" out loud because it's much brighter in their room than mine, lol. Bann was in the middle of the cage and turned his head my direction when he heard me and I started laughing, because the eejit had some hay caught in the fur on his nose, which meant he was looking at me with a hay moustache.

Back to cackling in my room it is, lol.

I have put on weight I think. I don't own scales, but I'm pretty sure from how I look in the mirror. It's a bit of a bummer but then, I quit the appetite suppression drug (nicotine), so it's not surprising. In unrelated news the new cream for the chest seems to be making a difference already. It's an antifungal as well as a steroid which irks me somewhat, because I don't know how many times they need reminding a fungal infection would look much worse if it was left for the 5 years the psoriasis was, but whatever. Doctors are morons, if this works, well I don't need to go back any time soon.
So, I did it. I spent the time I did it getting yelled at by Cam, and then I went upstairs, realised a water bottle was empty, refilled it, then spent 10 minutes trying to work out why I couldn't get it to sit properly on the bars. But I did it.

And I apologise for the state of my corner-of-the-stairs. The link is not spider-safe.
I know! You can imagine my reaction to seeing them for the first time, lol. And then, of course, nearly treading on them when they decided to run across my floor.
I actually get to the mini-landing, switch the light on, and peer over the banister now just to make sure they're not in the middle of the floor before I step right down. They're also normally a bit deeper into that corner, apparently they were feeling brave this evening.
As if you haven’t enough to cope with …..those two rascals ….now on lookout for Ser spiders 😱
I totally wouldn't mind it going back to just being cellar spiders popping up around the house, lol, instead of Ser Spider and their daily Disappearing Acts.
You might when the new windows are fitted they’ll move out ! ( with all the noise and disruption ….here’s hoping 😂)
At least there's no aggression. I think that's when I'd have to apologise to the goblins but I'm never going downstairs again 😱 :))
Day #399 and I'm not quite sure I can top Ser Spider, if I'm honest. They're back in their usual place this evening. Amazon delivered my cans to god-knows-where, they took an image of a doorstep with the parcel, but the door isn't one I recognise. Not on this street, or the next street. Amazon let me go round in circles for a bit before letting me set up a chat, and the agent's like, "Have you asked any of your neighbours?" Because apparently my pointing out that door is not a door on the street doesn't mean it mightn't've magicked itself there. :roll:

Still, got my refund because they wanted me to wait til Tuesday to be sure. Nope, not having that. It's not here, it's not with my neighbours. Refund to the card it is, then. I wish I knew where that door was. The doorstep's the same as all the ones in the terrace are, but the door's kind of distinctive, but only one of the doors in the street is black and it's not the one from the photo, so.

The goblins just got some baby pepper. Cam's was a little longer than he'd've liked, he was having mild difficulties getting it from the top of the bars to the floor of the cage and keeping it in his teeth grip at the same time, lol. Sorry mate.
Day 399🌟wonderful
Gosh what a saga - it’s not your time with cans is it ?
Dear Cam I can I hang that scenario 🥰
I was going to rebuy, but then my options were to get it delivered tomorrow and I don't want it delivered tomorrow. Tomorrow is for feeding goblins and putting on headphones and playing Dragon Age in peace and quiet, not for waiting to see if someone's going to knock on the door or abandon a parcel the other side of Rochdale, lol.

And even if I order tomorrow for Monday or Tuesday, well. The parcel's probably going to end up the other side of Rochdale again. I might just stick with the bottles.
Tomorro sounds a great day ……feeding the rascals and Dragon Age and peace and quiet🥰
The Universe is saying ‘no’ to cans for you just now 😂
Have a lovely very day tomorrow
Btw predictive text and all that I meant to say ‘ I can imagine that scenario ‘ Cam and the pepper 🥰

Apparently I woke up too early, because Cam is basing "food time" on when they first got fed, which was 7am. It's going to be a long morning. Cam just made the Food summon noises, but when I went to ask what he thought he was playing at, he at least had the decency to look confused that his summons worked. 🤷‍♂️

@Roselina the pepper incident was funny to watch. He always manages to do something stupid with the baby peppers. There's none of the same issues with sliced bigger peppers, but they're wasted on those two. And Bann manages his peppers just fine.

As for Dragon Age, I've made it as far as Inquisition. Had to have a hunt around to find the working controller (or, more accurately, the controller that pairs with the working dongle. It's the dongles I always seem to break). So now I'm a miniscule little elf with a sword twice my size strapped to my back and yes, I did do that on purpose lol.
Amazing day 400 🥰
Sounds like a lovely day …..Dragon Age all day 🥰
I love how Cam is sooooo unpredictable 😂
He's yelling at me again, and I'm a wimp, I can't listen to it for another half hour lol. Plus I need a new can of Coke and those are downstairs. Sigh.
He's yelling at me again, and I'm a wimp, I can't listen to it for another half hour lol. Plus I need a new can of Coke and those are downstairs. Sigh.
I can’t pass mine without giving them a pea flake and a handful of fresh hay! They’re not as loud as your wingnuts tho. My girls go for the cute, understated, “Moy?! Moy moy?! approach. I’m a sucker 🙄