The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I agree with you there! I still remember what it tastes like when I went to visit my Grandma! Have you tried a water filter? It may make it taste better. Let's be honest, it certainly can't taste any worse!

I got given a glass of water in the police station several years ago and genuinely thought they had a water cooler, and it turns out they'd got me water from the tap. And with none of that smell or aftertaste of our normal water, it was weird. I've tried filtering it before and I couldn't hack it, but I've noticed it doesn't have the same sort of smell here, so it can't hurt to try again. If it doesn't work out, the boys go back to getting sole use of the Brita jug, lol.

I miss orange squash, it's hard to find one that isn't "no added sugar" these days and to be deprived just because the tapwater's so awful feels incredibly unfair lol.
I gotta say, my pair of shrieking goblins are not making quitting easy right now :flag:carrying on from last weekend's shenanigans I was a half minute late with dinner (in my eyes, in theirs I was more like 12 hours late) because I was reporting an issue with the fridge freezer, and they both come begging to the bars at once so they both get a single piece of something while I (gently, in case of accidents) chuck the rest of their dinner in various parts of the cage.

Tonight, that was a bit of broccoli each.

Tonight, that nearly led to fisticuffs. It turns out that when two guinea pigs are hangry, and neither want their food stolen by the other, they will repeatedly beat each other with the broccoli in an attempt to turn around and run off. :mal: And then Camowen stole Bann's piece anyway.
Day 15!

Was trying to get the boys beds out to swap new ones in this evening. Bann left just fine. Camowen nearly had to be tipped out, he was not for moving at all. Like okay buddy, nobody likes getting out of bed, but it's this or I lift you out with cold hands and I know you're not gonna appreciate that. :)) still mildly craving that cigarette, and it's the cigarette I'm craving not the nicotine, but that'll get easier. I'm less jittery, too. No more checking on the boys every 30 seconds in case the room's magically at 17C or 24C again (it did hit 22C the other morning because I slept in and didn't get the heating off in time, bad Tony!).

My lungs hate stairs less, which means I hate stairs less. I'm convinced all this "more energy" stuff is lies though, lol, all I've wanted to do all week is nap.
I had a Tesco delivery (and bought too much to fit into the fridge, though I doubt the boys mind getting mini cucumbers as an afternoon snack for no reason) and as the driver and I chatted I asked him if he smoked. He did not. I asked him if he knew anyone who smoked rollies. He did. I asked if he wanted to take the filters and papers to this colleague of his. He agreed, first making very sure I wasn't going to be asking for them back in a bit. I gave him the bag. Turns out he thought I meant one or two booklets of papers and maybe a couple of packs of papers. I, ahem, had a wee bit more than that.

But it's done. No more papers and filters and someone's in for a bit of a surprise in a few :))
I had a Tesco delivery (and bought too much to fit into the fridge, though I doubt the boys mind getting mini cucumbers as an afternoon snack for no reason) and as the driver and I chatted I asked him if he smoked. He did not. I asked him if he knew anyone who smoked rollies. He did. I asked if he wanted to take the filters and papers to this colleague of his. He agreed, first making very sure I wasn't going to be asking for them back in a bit. I gave him the bag. Turns out he thought I meant one or two booklets of papers and maybe a couple of packs of papers. I, ahem, had a wee bit more than that.

But it's done. No more papers and filters and someone's in for a bit of a surprise in a few :))
Well done you! 👍
That’s brilliant you’ve given your tobacco away, you’ve no excuse now to roll up!

Actually technically I still have the tobacco :bal: however most people wouldn't touch the tobacco I smoked, and I figured the delivery guy wasn't 100% convinced I was genuine about the papers and filters, I didn't want to add to that by giving him several baggies of tobacco too, lol.
It's officially 16 days!

Also I really don't know why they sent the tobacco in baggies. They used to send it in pouches similar to the ones you'd buy in a store (they came from a tobacconist, tobacco gets bought in bulk then they weigh out 30g or 50g, and pack it themselves) but I can only assume they ran out. The baggies are still sealed but y'know, they look like baggies lol.
And 17!

My brain keeps going to reach for the tobacco when I've had something to eat. It's the only time I have to physically remind myself "no". It's irritating too, cravings are one thing but that's just unconscious/muscle memory. I think, if I make 28 days, I'm buying myself a cake to celebrate.
If you lived closer I'd make you one!

I'm no baker, I don't have the patience for it. But I do have a question that's not directly related to the cake - are bread knives suitable for cutting cakes with? Because I have a bread knife I've clearly pilfered from a previous address at some point, not that I know which one, and I don't eat bread. Is it worth keeping?

It's probably not very sharp, either. Can you sharpen a serrated knife even?
I'm almost tempted to chuck it tbh, I think it came not from my last address but the one before it. There were a few things in there, some glasses and cutlery mostly, that I took with me when I left because I couldn't remember if it was specifically mine or not. They weren't private rentals so I didn't walk off with a landlord's stuff, I swear.