The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I got lucky, I was one-finger typing when I was about 11 and my Dad saw me and asked me why I wasn't typing properly. I had no idea what he was on about. "You know, typing properly!" Nope Dad, still no idea.

The following day there's somehow a Mavis Beacon "Teach Typing" program on the PC and I can't leave til I know what I'm doing. Fun afternoon, though. And I don't actually type the way it taught me to either, I sort of...shifted things a little bit, lol. Can still type with a decent speed though so I see no reason to fix what ain't broke.
It’s a skill definitely ! I do ‘ one digit ‘ typing 😂
Well done on day 372 btw
When I broke my finger it was like trying to learn to type again, lol. Slightly less awkward than trying to learn to walk again after breaking a foot bone and learning you've walked "wrong" your entire life (yeah, that happened), sure, but still awkward.

Also, @Roselina still playing Origins, and I just had to deal with the Broodmother. And for anyone else who doesn't know what that is...don't look it up. it's not pretty.

Shred 2 little gem leaves.
Take shredded lettuce upstairs.
Cam comes to say hello and perches on the bendy log tunnel.
Gently scatter shredded lettuce into cage.
Cam comes running specifically to me.
Roll eyes, grab a piece from the cage.
Cam realises lettuce is in the cage.
Cam ignores me and my offered lettuce.

🤷‍♂️Running a bit short on lettuce before tomorrow, too. Asda delivery in the evening, but there's only the little gem and some stringless beans left in the fridge after I accidentally dropped other food on the floor yesterday. Sigh. Still, they'll eat it.
When I broke my finger it was like trying to learn to type again, lol. Slightly less awkward than trying to learn to walk again after breaking a foot bone and learning you've walked "wrong" your entire life (yeah, that happened), sure, but still awkward.

Also, @Roselina still playing Origins, and I just had to deal with the Broodmother. And for anyone else who doesn't know what that is...don't look it up. it's not pretty.
It’s all consuming ….😂
Well done for day 373 🌟
Do you think those two are fooled with the shredded lettuce ?
You’ll need to make up for that I’m sure 🥰
I'll finish this character run and then go back and do another. I could narrate the game off the top of my head and I'll still keep doing it, lol. I dunno why, it's not like I need the saves to import to Inquisition, but there's something about Origins. It's a beautiful game. It's also cranky about the mods and keeps crashing, particularly in Denerim. My last save was in Denerim. This could be a problem lol.

As for lettuce, it's not like giving them the full leaf is any better. Then their noses apparently switch off and stop working and they can't find them. Ever. I don't get it, lol.

I gave the Goblins a hay cube. I mean there's spiders in the living room so I can't risk leaving it there. Unwrapped it, had a Cam poking his head out of the bed like "whatwhat'sthatwhat". Put it down in the middle of the cage (where neither were, although Bann was hiding again so I didn't know that) and...Cam stares at me. I tell him "go on". Cam starts to beg at the bars. :doh:
This. This is what I live with on a daily basis. I sort of...pointed in the direction of the hay cube and said "No, it's there" and is it worrying that he appeared to understand? Because the next thing he did was follow my directions and chomp on a hay cube. It might also have been because Bann came out of hiding and was at the hay cube too but...

Also I was right. Finished the Origins playthrough. Then spent half an hour doing nothing just to get myself another character done for a different playthrough. Sigh. Hurry up Asda so I can go back to playing games, lol.
He has his moments. He also has his moments the other way round. Swings and roundabouts and all that.
Go downstairs, with Bann giving me dirty looks for "disturbing him" while he ate his hay. Go back upstairs, Bann's missing but Cam's out! I had a sugarsnap for them each (can't come back upstairs minus food. ohhhhh nonononono). Cam got his. I ask him, "Where's Bann?" And right on cue, a chocolate face appears. I go to give him his bean. I have it so his mouth's on the bean. And...he sniffs along my finger instead. Because why wouldn't my finger be more tasty than the delicious pea he's blatantly ignoring?

I swear both of them have a broken sense of smell because nothing else makes sense. #375, lol.
Also, because I don't know where else to put it. Looks like I'll be cutting my hair this week. Yes, myself. No, I can't do it evenly even on someone else's head nevermind mine but good grief does it need doing.
There's actually a barbers just across the road :bal: but actually it's just my scalp I have a problem with, not a barber. The scalp's also a great scapegoat for it not being even, lol. I've done it before, and it was patchy I hadn't missed anything, some parts just couldn't be cut as close as others.
Well done on day 375 🌟
I’m sure you can do it Lorcan …. it’ll save you money
I often cut my fringe as I get fed up with it very easily 😂
Hah the weirdest bit, right, is that even though I haven't had it cut in nearly 2 years, the last time it was cut it was an all-over #...2, I think. I said to use a bare blade but "oh no that'll hurt you" like **** it will, but I wasn't the one holding the clippers. But I grew out a fringe. Like how does that even work?! But it's a fringe all right.
So yesterday was #376, which makes today #377. Why didn't I post yesterday? Because the last thing I remember is it being about half 3 in the afternoon. And then it's 7am this morning. I clearly needed the sleep, but the Goblins aren't impressed (and I don't blame them) and my back is unimpressed and I woke up to an email from the London clinic asking me where we're at, steps wise. Did they get a particularly formal email reply? No, but it's coherent, and that's what matters.

Ugh. Just under 16 hours of sleep. It's nowhere near as fun as it sounds.
Congrats on days 376 & 377 🌟
You must have needed that sleep
Cam and Bann can survive anything … might need to make it up to them today tho 😂
Dear Cam and Bann

I hear that you were not fed last night - that is just outrageous! For you to not be cared for properly by your Slave is a grave dereliction of duty.

This is such a serious offence that I called an Emergency Meeting and all the Committee Members attended (very unusual - normally one or two don't attend as they have important things to do). Every member was completely appalled by the behaviour of your Slave. We looked at the booklet called "What to do when you are not fed by your Slave and how to make sure it doesn't happen again" and have decided that Page 14, Section 6, Subsection 5a is applicable in this case.

It states that "Should you, under any circumstances, fail to be given your breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper or any other snack that you are/aren't expecting you need to make your Slave understand that this is totally unacceptable"

There followed a long discussion on what the best course of action should be. There is no information in the booklet as all Slaves are different and Slaves react differently to different stimuli by their piggies.

You know your Slave best so you can either wheek really loudly (we know you are very good at this) at every single opportunity or stay really, really quiet so your Slave is worried about you. Slaves like you bar biting (but not so hard you break your teeth) as they find the noise it makes strangely comforting to them. Get under your Slaves feet more often than you do already but ensure you make a dash for it so that he doesn't actually tread on you.

Yours hoping that you are always fed on time every time

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
To add to this, there's a monthly fire & home check (check batteries on the fire and carbon monoxide alarms, check the fridge is doing its job properly, that kind of thing) and today was that day.

So the goblins have been relatively quiet when people have been over recently. Today? Cam was screaming before I'd had a chance to sit down (lol) and then when he went upstairs to check the alarms he was like "One of them was begging at the bars." He didn't have to tell me it was "a multicoloured one" for me to know exactly who that was.

So the thermometer in the Goblin Room tells me it's 17.7° in there and normally that's around my cutoff for switching the heating back on for a bit. But...they really don't seem to mind? They've been out and about in the cage all day, Bann's sitting in the middle of it stuffing his face with hay as I type. I think I'm going to leave it.
I've stopped the Snugglesafes at night for a bit too, to see how that goes, just have the heating coming on overnight for a few hours instead. I need to sleep with my window open at the moment so if there's no heating I'm freezing to death come morning, and so far it's working out.

And I need the window open because next door is having work done on the roof and because of where the scaffolding has to go, it's right near my bedroom window. It's not a complaint, it's not like it's malicious, but I'd prefer advance warning if I've slept in lol.
Amazing day 378 🌟
I love your different wake up alarms
I think it is getting better temperature wise so worth trying different routines
See I'm horrendous at waking up to an actual alarm. Even when the dodgy fire alarm went off at stupid o'clock, I still took some time to register "Oh, alarm" "Oh wait, alarm" "...oh wait ALARM". My phone alarm won't wake me up. So I've gotta work with what I've got, and the window being open works. Especially when it's crows and magpies arguing in the trees again :))

it's just a pity the goblins don't quite understand that I'd hear them if they yelled. They don't yell until they've heard me wake up. Really unhelpful, lads, lol.
Once it gets dark they think it's bedtime. Even if it's dark at 4.30pm and I fell asleep for a couple of hours at 3pm. It's why they made no noise at all Wednesday into Thursday...because it was dark. I did not teach them this, at least not deliberately, so I don't quite know how it happened and it's kind of hilarious that that's what they've decided the routine is.
They’ve been unconsciously trained 😂
You just need to do that with the smoke alarms 😂