The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)



Got a letter this morning from the GP asking me to make an appointment to discuss a recent letter from psychiatry outpatients. This would work if there was supposed to be a letter from psychiatry outpatients...but all it would say (should it exist) was that I forgot to turn up again. My fault entirely, but not really worth making a GP appointment to talk about you'd think.

There was no letter, there was an email from somewhere else from mid-October that had been lost in paperwork somewhere and then found, and the date not realised. Aye, we all had a good laugh at that one.

But! I also managed to get an appointment for a dermatology referral, which is what I'd thought this whole thing was about in the first place. Which would have been a different set of "wires crossed paperwork" but a win's a win. End of March here we go!

And I'm about to strap my foot. Still can't believe I a) fell and b) that it's my foot and not my ankle. Like, how.
Well done day 361🌟
Sorry to hear about your foot - hopefully after resting it ….it’ll be ok !
Glad the GP misunderstanding got sorted and to your advantage 😂
And Bann's stopped his death-scream hiccups, lol. Even better was watching him full-body hiccup while still trying to shovel as much hay into his mouth as possible. Self preservation clearly isn't his strong suit 🤷‍♂️
Well done on day 361!
This maybe a stupid question as I don't know much about vaping but can you get nicotine free juice or does it all contain nicotine?
Well done on day 361!
This maybe a stupid question as I don't know much about vaping but can you get nicotine free juice or does it all contain nicotine?

You can buy it nicotine free. Sometimes you'll find smaller 10ml bottles for sale without nic but those are rare, and more likely to be samples. You can buy something called a shortfill, which is exactly what it sounds like, a short-filled bottle. Say it's a 50ml, but it'll turn up in a 60ml bottle, and you add 10ml of nicotine to make a 60ml bottle of 3mg juice.
Or you can do what I've done, and skip adding the nicotine shot. 50ml of nicotine free juice, either way. I could go and buy some VG or VG/PG base and add it, and if I was using bigger bottles I probably would because they're designed for that sort of dilution, but not for the 50ml bottles. I just don't see the need.

I also know a custom mix site that will sell a full 60ml bottle, without nicotine, of juice for £10. If I bought it with nicotine, they'd send a 50ml bottle and the 10ml of nicotine, so I'm not losing out either way. And they sell it in thinner consistencies too, same idea and prices, but for smaller/less powerful devices. Win-win all round really.
Thank you, there is so much to vaping I never realised! Carrying on vaping without the nicotine sounds like a great way to go, kinda like when I quit smoking I would inhale thin air through straws as a way of tricking my brain lol.
It's still not 100% risk free, the only thing that would be is to inhale air and nothing else, but it's a massive step and I'm still not sure I'm going to finish out the week in one piece, lol.
It’s tons better than smoking Lorcan ….the nicotine and all the tar and chemicals in cigarettes is so toxic.
Well done you 🥰
Half my problem is I managed to turn it into a hobby - entirely unplanned, and definitely not the way I thought I'd go, but for once it meant my brain's ability to remember things got put to good use, lol.

In unrelated news it just took 10 minutes to get the perforations on a blister strip to separate properly. Stupid things, lol.
Oh, Bann.

So their room got a bit cold (17.1°, which might not sound too bad is) and I went and switched the heating on. Said hello, no sign of movement, 🤷‍♂️ and went to the toilet. Finished on the toilet. Went to say hello again. I can see Camowen's nose, but there's no sign of Bann anywhere.
"Bann? Bann? Bann? Bann? Bann? Bann?"
It's extremely hard to convey the same word in different tones of voice via a screen, so you'll have to take my word for it that I said it repeatedly for some time, and differently each time I said it, but I can't find him. He's not going to be in the same tunnel as Cam, but he's also not in any other tunnel or bed. At all.

Wondering if he's buried himself in the hay, (which would be weird because that's not his thing but whatever, right, he's missing) I picked up a piece of packing paper and...he's under the paper. But he didn't bolt. He didn't even jump. He just kind of stared at me like, "....but I was so well hidden, how did you find me?!" :doh:

Meanwhile, in using up what juice was already in my "normal", non-rebuildable tanks, I'm almost there with them all being nic free. I don't have to vape what's already in there but it seemed pointless not to, so I've just been refilling them with nic-free stuff instead. But my rebuildable tank has had no nicotine in it since the weekend and it's just occurred to me that's probably why I've gone through so many tanks of juice on it (halfway through the fifth) since Sunday. I mean I knew it would happen, but it's still a lot lol.

Woohoo Day 362 🌟
Omg you must have felt awful when you couldn’t find Bann - you knew he could be anywhere else but …..
Little rascal 😬
Hope the rest of your day is calm 😂
Cam does this all the time, he's the reason I check where they both are before walking through the cage lol. Bann's not known for doing it, lol, probably why he was so confused about it.

I've got them taking their first bit of food at mealtimes from the tray. Might seem to some like a step backwards from handfeeding, but they'll still come to me for it if I don't bring the tray. The tray's also bigger (and therefore, scarier) than my hand, so it's nice to see them happy to do it, and happy to stand on the tray so they can stick their noses right into the middle of it to find their favourite bit :))

I don't know which of them started it, but I started using the tray because recently I've gone to give both of them a piece of something by hand, they've sniffed at it, then sniffed along my finger, and guess where they tried to bite? I mean I know they can't always see what's right in front of their noses but they sniff at the food first, THEN try to eat me. :td:
My fellow members of TGPF, on Day #363 of being tobacco free, I would like to bid you all farewell. Not only have I needed to remove the beds from the Goblin cage, but one of them has slightly mis-formed poops and I must stop the fresh food for a couple of days.

It's been nice knowing you all :flag:
My fellow members of TGPF, on Day #363 of being tobacco free, I would like to bid you all farewell. Not only have I needed to remove the beds from the Goblin cage, but one of them has slightly mis-formed poops and I must stop the fresh food for a couple of days.

It's been nice knowing you all :flag:
Oh no, you will be reported to the Guinea Pig Union and then there will be a a strike for better pay (veggies) and conditions and a picket line in the piggy room. It's a downward spiral. 😂
Dear Cam and Bann

I hear you are to be on a no Veg diet for a couple of days. This is a travesty! This just will not do! What on earth is your Slave thinking of? Does he not realise that a Veggie Din Dins is what makes our life worth living? To make him realise this wheak as loud as you possibly can as often as you possibly can to make his life Hell! So what if your poops are funny looking that has nothing to do with it. Let him know that its Veg you need and that trying to placate you with hay isn't happening.

Yours hoping that your Veggie Din Dins will be reinstated immediately

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
Cam is highly unimpressed with the day so far. Bann's alternated between sleeping in the hay next to the cage wall that happens to be closest to the radiator (which is still a kind of protest, because that's where the Snugglesafes normally are) and sitting in a pile of hay quietly eating.

Cam's been shrieking his head off, banging things around the cage in protest, shrieking more, tearing random things to shreds, and basically doing everything you'd expect an angry toddler to do. I'd close the door to their room, it wouldn't shut him up entirely but it would quieten him down, dunno why but it does, but if I close their door I risk the wrath of the fire alarm.

I love that little delinquent, I really do :wub: (but it'd be nice if he'd pack it in)

I'm twitchy. Well, agitated. I know it's the lack of nicotine, I know it'll pass but it's not fun. I caved and gave the goblins some lettuce earlier. All poops I could find in the beds this morning looked normal and Cam refuses to pipe it down. You should've heard him last night actually, you know when you keep screaming and it keeps getting louder til eventually your voice just cuts out because you're hoarse?

Yeah, guess what Cam did last night, lol. Absolute dolt.
Dear Cam and Bann

You are to be congratulated! All that screaming and making your Slave's life Hell has clearly paid off and he gave in and gave you some Veggie DinDins.

GPU, Cam and Bann 1 Slave 0

Well done and keep up the good work!

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
Day 364 well done you 🌟
He’s a charmer and knows how to get his own way !
I love that GPU Cam & Bann 1 Slave 0 😂
I sense trouble ahead 🤭
Day 364 well done you 🌟
He’s a charmer and knows how to get his own way !
I love that GPU Cam & Bann 1 Slave 0 😂
I sense trouble ahead 🤭

you should've seen them earlier. Gave them some pepper each, Bann had his left in front of the hidey and got it with ease. Cam, on the other hand, imagine two tunnels end to end. Cam's in the one closest to me and facing in the wrong direction and I can't reach the far end of the other one. So basically I'm trying to give his pepper to his bum and he's not twigging this at all. I said last night he has his moments...but that definitely wasn't one of them :))

Trouble? What trouble?

Please. I'm always in trouble.
I ate all of, well, everything. I should probably do a grocery order, lol, but I want to wait til the fridge is cleared a bit first. Much more fun to rewrap batteries and then curse the battery gods when one needs doing three times, anyway. I probably shouldn't have done it at half 10 at night :))