The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

On #386:

1. I made sure to feed the Goblins at noon instead of 11am, what with the clock change. The Goblins are not impressed.
2. I was late putting washing in because I forgot. No time change, I just forgot.
3. Cam spent Food Time try to stand on Bann to get food. Bann took his leaf and shifted each time. Cam tried again. Bann shifted again. I had to actually hand Cam a piece because he wasn't getting the idea. You go round Bann for food, you don't go through Bann for food. He's bigger than you, little man.
4. Put washing in machine. Added detergent to cup. Put softener and cleanser in softener drawer. Put them back in the cupboard and knocked over the detergent cup. 😱 Detergent all over the floor, a gross slippery detergent cup needs refilled, and I need a drink. Finally get the machine on.
5. Probably overfilled it. 8 days worth of t-shirts and underwear plus one hoodie plus one pair of jeans. Sorry, washing machine.
6. Paper towels all over the kitchen floor because of the detergent spill but I've done quite enough housework for now tyvm.
7. While the machine's on, look at the worktop. Apparently I haven't taken the can recycling out for a bit and I should probably do that because the shaking from the washing machine is going to toss them all over the floor otherwise.
8. While I do that, my neighbour calls me over to say she has a couple of jigsaws and do I want any? Yes, yes I do.
9. Apparently I also got detergent over my jeans when I knocked the cup over.
10. Get back upstairs to find the goblins basically dancing over each other and body checking each other out of the way because I went downstairs and would come back with food! I was down there a while. How long d'you reckon they were at it?
11. The downstairs is going to smell of laundry detergent all day, as will my room when I get it on the airer, lol.
Day 386 fabulous !
After that you must feel worn out ! With a lovely scent in your house 😂
My piggies didn’t get the time change either 🥰

I napped again this afternoon. About an hour ago I had screaming from the other room. Cam doesn't normally scream when I'm watching tv. I went in and they were both begging (although at different grids) and Bann took a seed head from me. Cam doesn't appreciate seed heads being hand fed. Bann will eat them thought because he's such a sweetheart. Cam did appreciate the hay pile though so I guess there's that.

Also, my Dad sent me a message on WhatsApp. We had a quick chat, it was nice.
Another day 387 🌟
You can’t beat an afternoon nap if you can
I think the GPU advice is happening with Cam screaming ….🥰
Good that you had a nice chat with your Dad
Always looking very to hear what the rascals are up to 😂
Cutting those threads longer because I wanted to give myself room to add a fishtail braid either side of the kumihimo braid. You can't really tie the kumihimo easily, but you can tie a fishtail braid. I can do the finer threads in a different braid that can be tied, but not the thicker threads like those.

However, those overhand knots should not have been impossible to tie. But they were.
I like to precut my threads, it means I don't have to sit down and cut before every braid which would genuinely take forever. And I bulk buy the thread, sometimes I've just gotta work with the top of the pile lol. Funnily enough I thought that was the last of my chunky thread so I went back to the skinny threads, then discovered another bag of chunky thread. There's a warning in there, somewhere, lol.
Thankfully it's an unopened bag, so it's easier to just...shove to the bottom of the pile. And I've cut quite enough thread for the day, time to braid a bit instead.
It's one of those things that looks more complicated than it is - most of it is remembering which thread moves next and where to. After a while it's habit, because whatever braid you're doing, you repeat the same movements every time. It's always fun when I switch to a different braid and my brain is on autopilot and doing the wrong movements lol.
Thinner thread means the whole thing takes longer and this braid in particular takes longer as well, but you can't do it with chunky thread. It won't sit right. This specific thread is 1mm. I use 1.5mm or 2mm thread in the chunkier ones.
Well done day 389 🌟
That’s fab news bet you’re excited ….. just need a new boiler ……. just saying 🥰
I know right? I got the message from the HA saying they'd need access when it happened and said a bunch of words something like "**** yes ****ing brilliant thank **** for that" lol. But I'll take new windows and a new door before a new boiler tbh. The current boiler works, and replacing the windows will got a long way towards dropping the draughts.
It really will ! All the water that leaked in will be gone too !
That’s really good news 🥰
Fun part's going to be what to do with the goblins when it happens.