The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

As an aside, do you know what I love? Trying to work out which one of 8 possible hiding places Cam might be in before stepping into the cage, while Bann's busy mourning the loss of his cold, kidnapped Snugglesafe bed by sleeping in the vacated space it once in.
Woohoo! Congratulations on a year smoke free. What an amazing achievement. :clap::clap::clap:
I want to pretend it took me so long to post today because I lost my speech and was trying to find it. But, instead I'll admit that I meant to do it and didn't. Story of my life right there. It's why it's a miracle I managed to start vaping and quit smoking, I get distracted so easily lol.

Anyway. 365 days in. I have no idea if I've saved money or not. I probably haven't. But I have saved my health, even if it's been very little, and that's what I care about. Money was never the issue, I had my weekly tobacco and papers and tips spend baked into any budget I had, along with my caffeine budget (which still exists).
I can't even pretend it's about vape juice tasting better. I mean, it does, but I was also flavouring my tobacco before I smoked it. Again, it's not so much of a shift. The government might try telling you the only reason fruit/dessert etc vape juice exists is to entice children in and I'm sitting here vaping a cola flavour juice, because I like it. And all the other fruit, drink and dessert based flavours I've got. The market for vape juice in the UK is saturated, people don't just settle for a juice that's "meh" because they don't have to. It's adults buying that juice and I'll defend my right to do so as long as I possibly can.

Because without it I'd still be smoking. I'd be screwed on the surgery front. I'd be screwed on the quitting front. Meanwhile worst I've got to do right now is deal with the hangry moments because nicotine suppresses your appetite and I don't get nicotine any more. 😬 I thought I'd be smoking til I died. Literally. I've tried quitting before with patches, gum, nicorette inhaler, lozenges, even vaping before. For various reasons nothing worked. I'd get people saying "well, have you tried this? It worked for X!" or "maybe give it a bit longer and you'll get there!" and so many other sentences thatthey probably meant well, but it was a slap in the face every time because I couldn't get it to work, and every well-meaning sentence came across as "you need to try harder".
You can't force someone to quit, but you also can't fix an addiction without the correct support and/or substitutes. So I stopped trying, because it felt like I was failing because I wasn't trying properly. Nobody's gonna keep trying like that.

I still don't know why I looked up vape juice when I did last year. I didn't even have a reason, really, I was just buying my tobacco and they had a vape juice section that I didn't buy anything from. I bought my smokes and then went back to a different online shop a while later, an online vape shop, I am. Somehow. Sometimes my best decisions are the ones I don't let myself walk away from. Or think too much about. Make decision, deal with fallout, but own that decision. I'll keep counting the days til 505, because that was the promise I made elsewhere and again, I'll stick to that as long as nobody minds. or, well. Unless the thread gets closed, lol. It's only another 140 days.

Only. Flippin heck.

I don't have cake. I might order myself a takeaway instead though. It's a plan, right?
I want to pretend it took me so long to post today because I lost my speech and was trying to find it. But, instead I'll admit that I meant to do it and didn't. Story of my life right there. It's why it's a miracle I managed to start vaping and quit smoking, I get distracted so easily lol.

Anyway. 365 days in. I have no idea if I've saved money or not. I probably haven't. But I have saved my health, even if it's been very little, and that's what I care about. Money was never the issue, I had my weekly tobacco and papers and tips spend baked into any budget I had, along with my caffeine budget (which still exists).
I can't even pretend it's about vape juice tasting better. I mean, it does, but I was also flavouring my tobacco before I smoked it. Again, it's not so much of a shift. The government might try telling you the only reason fruit/dessert etc vape juice exists is to entice children in and I'm sitting here vaping a cola flavour juice, because I like it. And all the other fruit, drink and dessert based flavours I've got. The market for vape juice in the UK is saturated, people don't just settle for a juice that's "meh" because they don't have to. It's adults buying that juice and I'll defend my right to do so as long as I possibly can.

Because without it I'd still be smoking. I'd be screwed on the surgery front. I'd be screwed on the quitting front. Meanwhile worst I've got to do right now is deal with the hangry moments because nicotine suppresses your appetite and I don't get nicotine any more. 😬 I thought I'd be smoking til I died. Literally. I've tried quitting before with patches, gum, nicorette inhaler, lozenges, even vaping before. For various reasons nothing worked. I'd get people saying "well, have you tried this? It worked for X!" or "maybe give it a bit longer and you'll get there!" and so many other sentences thatthey probably meant well, but it was a slap in the face every time because I couldn't get it to work, and every well-meaning sentence came across as "you need to try harder".
You can't force someone to quit, but you also can't fix an addiction without the correct support and/or substitutes. So I stopped trying, because it felt like I was failing because I wasn't trying properly. Nobody's gonna keep trying like that.

I still don't know why I looked up vape juice when I did last year. I didn't even have a reason, really, I was just buying my tobacco and they had a vape juice section that I didn't buy anything from. I bought my smokes and then went back to a different online shop a while later, an online vape shop, I am. Somehow. Sometimes my best decisions are the ones I don't let myself walk away from. Or think too much about. Make decision, deal with fallout, but own that decision. I'll keep counting the days til 505, because that was the promise I made elsewhere and again, I'll stick to that as long as nobody minds. or, well. Unless the thread gets closed, lol. It's only another 140 days.

Only. Flippin heck.

I don't have cake. I might order myself a takeaway instead though. It's a plan, right?
I'll bring cake but it will be next Friday. 🎂 Sorry I was working yesterday.🙁

You have done fabulously well and it will be so worth it when you get your surgery. xx
Don't apologise! I just hadn't quite realised how bad the munchies were gonna get, lol. Turns out being addicted to something that doubles as an appetite suppressant for 22 years makes a difference (who knew?). I changed my mind, though, and bought a box worth of salt and pepper Popchips instead. They'll be gone in 2 days, but they taste great so... 🤷‍♂️
It took me a few failed attempts too before I quit for good. I think when I did it was because I actually wanted to, as opposed to thinking I wanted to or thinking I should, it was like something shifted inside by brain. Nicotine is soo addictive, plus all the associations, it weaves its way into your life and identity. I once new someone who had quit for nine years, then had one at a party and the next morning went out and bought a pack and was straight back on them. I think it is like being an alcoholic, so really I guess I am not so much an ex-smoker but more a smoker who hasn't had a cigarette for 21 years? You are doing so well Lorcan.
I once knew someone who had quit for nine years, then had one at a party and the next morning went out and bought a pack and was straight back on them

I think this is part of why I'm so anti-quitting vaping too. Quitting the chemical addiction is one thing, but quitting that psychological/hand-to-mouth bit (oooh look at me using fancy words and stuff) is something else entirely and I'm not remotely comfortable trying that right now. And that might never change. Heck even now there's still that trace of agitation hanging on...which is normal, but I'm not sure what I would do if I couldn't be inhaling on something in my hands right now. Possibly trying to murder someone. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.
365 days WOW 🌟🎉🧁
Your post was lovely - inspirational Lorcan 🥰
You are right in everything you said
Everyone here shares in your achievement and we are all so proud of you
So popchips or cake … deserve it !
Btw I ate some cake 😂
I think this is part of why I'm so anti-quitting vaping too. Quitting the chemical addiction is one thing, but quitting that psychological/hand-to-mouth bit (oooh look at me using fancy words and stuff) is something else entirely and I'm not remotely comfortable trying that right now. And that might never change. Heck even now there's still that trace of agitation hanging on...which is normal, but I'm not sure what I would do if I couldn't be inhaling on something in my hands right now. Possibly trying to murder someone. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.
I think if vaping had been around back in the day, that is the route I would have gone down. I agree, its not something you need to be thinking about stopping any time soon, if ever. Quitting the chemical addiction and stopping inhaling tar is what is important and what you are achieving so well.
Day 166! ⭐

I'm still not actually certain it's been a year. I know the numbers say it has but I swear it feels like it's been a fortnight, max. And maybe that's just the lack of actual nicotine talking but I dunno. That can't be entirely it?

I'm also alternating between a custard doughnut juice and a lemon soda juice. Because, hungry! Except I'm not, lol. Roll on tomorrow and Popchips!

No tar, no carbon monoxide, no nicotine. 🙃

Bann has the hiccups again. Would it really be so hard to chew your food instead of inhaling it so you don't make tortured squealing noises when you hiccup? Took four attempts to find out who was doing it. I kept hearing it, going in, silence, leaving and sitting down at the computer, rinse and repeat. Then he got mad at me because I turfed him out of bed at one point so I could actually check his eyes, because they're back on the ultra stalky Pillow Wad and I've already caught Cam making a bowl shaped indent in the centre of the pile to sleep/eat in. His eyes are fine. Just the hiccups then.

Surveyor coming tomorrow morning. I should be cleaning out the house. I've told myself this since I woke up. I've got as far as getting a hay delivery from DHL. Yup. :td:

Plus somepig has softer poops again. No more veggies. Again. :flag:

It's too warm to do anything. At this rate I'll clean out the goblins, hide the junk around my room, and call it a job well done. 🤷‍♂️

I wish I could convey the amount of pain I'm in...or that I could explain why cleaning out the cage has caused so much pain. I'm unfit, but I didn't realise I was that unfit. My shoulders and elbows keep making the best popping noises, though. It'd probably weird anyone else out but man does it feel satisfyingly good.

I could probably do with a nap, but when I tried a bit ago there was someone went down the road and honked their horn and it was the weirdest horn sound, and then I felt my fingers on my neck just as I was drifting off and my fingers were cold and I panicked, lol. So I'm holding off on the nap.
"Cam, stop it."
"Cam, stop moving."
"Cam, stop moving where I'm about to put my leg."
"Cam, you can't have your pellets til I've put the beds down."
"Cam, why do we do this every night?"
"Cam, stop it, you're getting Bann involved now."
"Cam, move."
"Cam, shift it."
"Cam, I need to get back out."
"Cam, for the love of."
"Cam, let me out of the cage."
"Cam, my hands are empty. Let me out of the cage."

It was a long 5 minutes. I even gave them a hay cookie. They couldn't care less about the hay cookie. They wanted pellets. Nothing else would appease them. Just pellets and winding me up, lol.

"Cam, stop it."
"Cam, stop moving."
"Cam, stop moving where I'm about to put my leg."
"Cam, you can't have your pellets til I've put the beds down."
"Cam, why do we do this every night?"
"Cam, stop it, you're getting Bann involved now."
"Cam, move."
"Cam, shift it."
"Cam, I need to get back out."
"Cam, for the love of."
"Cam, let me out of the cage."
"Cam, my hands are empty. Let me out of the cage."

It was a long 5 minutes. I even gave them a hay cookie. They couldn't care less about the hay cookie. They wanted pellets. Nothing else would appease them. Just pellets and winding me up, lol.

"Dad look at me"
"Dad look at me over here"
"Dad watch where you're putting your feet"
"Dad pellets first. Beds later"
"Dad i love our routine❤"
"Dad look, Bann loves it too❤❤"
"OK dad I stay still now"
"Dad I stay still"
"You not putting beds down?"
"Dad you staying?"
"Love you too dad"
"Dad you want to leave?"
"Show me hands first"
"Dad look at me"
"Dad look at me over here"
"Dad watch where you're putting your feet"
"Dad pellets first. Beds later"
"Dad i love our routine❤"
"Dad look, Bann loves it too❤❤"
"OK dad I stay still now"
"Dad I stay still"
"You not putting beds down?"
"Dad you staying?"
"Love you too dad"
"Dad you want to leave?"
"Show me hands first"

:)) I wish I could convey just how accurate that is, lol. He kept running all around my feet til I went to put the beds down, and then he plonked himself down into the space for the beds instead. No, Cam, that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

This vape juice is weird and it has an aftertaste I both love, and absolutely hate. Good job there, tastebuds and brain. Still vaping it though so, y'know. The washing machine has finished without exploding, which is a good start because it wasn't making its usual noises when I started the load this morning. It always runs the drain pump before starting the wash, don't ask me why because I don't know, but that pump sounded odd. Still, clothes got washed, what more matters?

Also I never thought I'd say this but could the sun just...go away? It's too warm. I don't want sunlight. Sunlight means I have to start wearing glasses. I don't want to start wearing glasses.

Also I found an absolute unit of a spider the other night. I remember looking where it was and thinking "hmm, those look like spider legs". I was right. Shone a torch at it a few times, no reaction, so I went to put something in the recycling. Came back inside, no more Spider. I swear they leg it the minute they think you're not watching and it's safe to run.

Not going to lie, that was my first thought too because it's a spider, it was in a corner, I should not have been able to make out spider legs. I could and I did. However, since it seemed happy to stay where it was and not charge at my feet like it could've done (yay steel toe boots) I can't fault it for disappearing again. Might be a while before that corner gets swept though.
I would like you all to know that Bann is annoyed at me.

I went downstairs to switch the heating off, came back upstairs and dumped the last of the hay in the box into the cage. Cam jumps on it immediately because SEED HEADS, Cam WANTS ALL THE SEED HEADS. Emphasis his.
I call Bann's name. Several times. Check all the local beds. Nope, no sign. Nothing twitching. He'll be under the fleecy forest. Again. But he's not answering to any call. Still no twitching.

Went into the bathroom to check on a cyst coming up on my temple. Nothing doing. Cool. Walk back out.

Cam's eaten all the seed heads, and there's finally twitching from the fleecy forest. He's alive! And...wants the seed heads. Apparently it's my fault for letting Cam eat them all.
Royal Mail's app told me I had a parcel due for delivery on Monday morning. Great, because then I've an excuse for not going to an appointment on Monday morning!

It turned up this morning :td:

So now I need to find another excuse. Hopefully it snows again. I can't believe I just typed that out.

Speaking of typing, completely off the wall here, but I touch type on a keyboard. Make a mistake? Yeah I can hit backspace and redo that, nae bother. I don't know why it's been a thing for me recently but I've started realising how odd it much look to anyone who could see it (which they can't, but you get the idea) of just...a keyboard being typed on without the typist actually looking at it. Ever. Kinda...yeah, I dunno. I should have better party tricks, lol.

I don't know why it's been a thing for me recently but I've started realising how odd it much look to anyone who could see it (which they can't, but you get the idea) of just...a keyboard being typed on without the typist actually looking at it. Ever. Kinda...yeah, I dunno. I should have better party tricks, lol.
I can touch type too Lorcan I learnt 40 years ago - on a manual typewriter. All the letters, numbers and symbols were covered over with stickers so we couldn't cheat! In those days if you made a mistake, you had to get out the typewriter rubber which was in a pencil and rub the letter out. You soon learnt not to make mistakes!
I can touch type too Lorcan I learnt 40 years ago - on a manual typewriter. All the letters, numbers and symbols were covered over with stickers so we couldn't cheat! In those days if you made a mistake, you had to get out the typewriter rubber which was in a pencil and rub the letter out. You soon learnt not to make mistakes!
If we got caught looking at the keys our typewriters were covered in bright pink felt we had to put our hands under. Everyone walking past the classroom could see this felt and would point and laugh. So embarrassing, no one wanted to get caught looking at the keys!